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Paper Republic's Sunday Sentence


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I did the last translation challenge and Jack was one of the ones on the zoom call to discuss everyone's translations. seemed like a nice guy with good experience in translation, I had a lot of fun on the call listening to and talking through everyone's different translations, highly recommended to anyone just getting into translation!

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Today's sentence has been published! From here.





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About 40 translations into English now, and all different. Fascinating to see the process of translation and the different results, makes me see clearly how crude and unsatisfying translation is in subtitling compared to literary translation. 

I couldn't wait and had a look at Anna Holmwood's translation in A Hero Born, she definitely takes the palm!  


@Geiko did you try translating this into Spanish.?



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@Luxi, to tell you the truth, I'm a bit intimidated by Jin Yong, I didn't even try it, but on the other hand I'm super excited with this week's choice. Yan Ge will be the author chosen for July's book of the month, so this sentence, although from a different novel, will be a great opportunity to have a first contact with her writing. Here's the sentence!:





More info here.

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@Geiko This week doesn´t seem as challenging as Jin Yong, but it´ll be interesting to see how people deal with it.

I read the book in translation, the original I had as text was too difficult, too much 方言, and all the profanities had been wiped out in the text, which made the book rather dull. The translation was very good but I didn´t like the novel though it had some very funny passages.  I thought 'Dad'  was a rather unpleasant character. 



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4 hours ago, Luxi said:

This week doesn´t seem as challenging as Jin Yong


Absolutely, Jin Yong is still too hard for me, I prefer something easier to begin with, and maybe at the end of the 一周一句 I can give it a second chance.


Talking about 颜歌, today I received my order of 异兽志,it will probably be July's book of the month here in the forums. I don't know how it compares to 我们家 both in terms of difficulty and interest, but maybe you'd like to join us?

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1 hour ago, Geiko said:

maybe at the end of the 一周一句 I can give it a second chance.


My thoughts exactly.


1 hour ago, Geiko said:

maybe you'd like to join us?


Sounds like an interesting book, I'll look into it, but first I have to finish the novel I've been reading for the last 2 months - it wasn't as easy to read as I thought after reading page 1. 

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