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In the book I'm currently translating, the father of the main character, a city man, marries her mother, a village woman. Then, 一个星期以后,我外婆和舅舅拎着两只活鸡和一袋年糕面坐长途来到济南,想去拜访一下亲家,结果被我爸爸拦下了。

ETA: this happens in 1978-1980 or so. The wife's parents (我's grandparents) are from a very small village.


My question: what can 年糕面 be here? My trusted Chinese food translation source (tokowijzer.nl, it's the best website for all Dutch-language Chinese food information) doesn't know it. The only results I find online are about noodles with 年糕, but that wouldn't be something you take a bag full of on a long-distance bus ride, so it must be something else. Does anyone know? @abcdefg perhaps?

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4 minutes ago, 889 said:

Try adding 韩国 in front of your search for 年糕面.

That still doesn't look like something a village woman would take on a long-distance bus ride to give as a present to her daughter's new in-laws. I should have mentioned all this takes place in 1978-1980 or so.

It looks really tasty though, the 韩国年糕面!

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