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How do you say "misspelled word" in chinese?


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Usually, we call a misspelling word as 错别字. However, since I cannt read Russian, I am quite confused about 

30 minutes ago, LiSiCen said:

a barbaric deformation, distortion, misrepresentation of the word.


Could you explain it with an English example? 

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I got it. Your example shows a pair of homophones, which are called as 同音异义词 in formal Chinese. Some of examples from neologisms may help you understand: 


1. 智障 VS. 制杖 They have the same pronunciation of zhi4zhang4. The former one refers to an idiot while the latter one literally means making a staff. Although the latter one may not be compatible with the context, in online communication it is used within the sentence "你制杖吗?", representing the speaker's questioning on the listener's IQ. 


2. 悲剧 VS. 杯具 They have the same pronunciation of bei1ju4. The former one refers to a tragedy while the latter one refers to a cup. Since they are homophones, the referential meaning of the former is often given to the latter, so the latter has a bad symbolic meaning. Then, it becomes the reason why two parties in love will not send coffee cups to the other half. 


The above twos are heteromorphic homophones. There are also homomorphic homophones, such as 杜鹃 du4juan1 (azalea or cuckoo) and 白话 bai2hua4 (unfounded words or written modern Chinese). 

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