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I just tried https://www.hsklevel.com/ (no affiliation with LTL) and have to say I found it great and very useful. Its 60 questions, takes about 10 minutes to fill out and the analytics at the end are very interesting.

The question difficulty is dynamic, so if you know a lot of words it keeps getting harder and harder until you cant do it anymore and then goes down.

Its free, they want your email though - so far they didnt send me anything on there yet. 

It shows results both in the old and new HSK, as well as how many words and how many characters you know.

Simple to do and very informative. I wont share my results, but lets just say it is time for me to go back to China....



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  • HSK 2.0: HSK 6
  • HSK 3.0: HSK 7-9
  • TOCFL: TOCFL Band C.1


Interesting, since I've never done any test and probably never will. I think the numbers get skewed quite a lot since my reading is miles ahead of my listening. And I've barely formulated a Chinese sentence, ever. In other words, I would most likely score horribly bad on a real test. It tells me I know 3260 characters, whereas it's probably closer to 4000. Perhaps screwing up 煲 was a deciding factor.

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Seeing my literacy level quantified in some way (though crudely) was a nice motivator to try and study more. For the first time in over 2 months I really felt the urge to improve. 


Unfortunately, I just don't have time for it, at all ?

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On 4/12/2022 at 2:58 AM, suMMit said:

Just out of curiosity, why not?


There seems to still be some debate on whether or not practicing speaking matters for improving language acquisition. Since I'm only going to speak it a few times per year it has not been a priority for me. I'm not going to practice speaking until my reading and listening ability are at a very advanced level. I have, however, practiced listening much less than I would have liked. Nowadays Japanese is my prioritised language of study, and I will try to listen more and not make the same mistake again. Especially since I plan on moving there in the future.

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  • 1 month later...

I just noticed this webpage has had a few updates.  First, there's now an option to continue the test to get more accurate results.




This suits me, since I'd prefer more precise results.  Next, if you enter your email address and take the test multiple times, you can get a plot which compares your results over time.  I don't think the x-axis is linear with time, but linear with nr. tests taken.




And, perhaps most importantly (for me at least), it now covers non-HSK vocabulary.

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