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Study holiday in 桂林, write up


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On 10/15/2023 at 3:02 PM, matteo said:

I was surprised to discover that 微信/支付宝 is not a thing in HK – most places wouldn’t take it


This is rather odd. I can use it quite frequently - there's a HK version of both apps which is the one on my phone as opposed to the mainland version.


Did you have any issues using the apps within China?


Did you use your overseas bank card with Alipay and weixin? If so, how was the process of linking it up?



Very nice write up indeed.

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On 10/15/2023 at 3:02 PM, matteo said:

the western vibes. The amount of 外国人, the way that people dress, talk and behave felt to me more similar to a western city than what I experienced in any Chinese city. During our stay (admittedly very short) we found that 普通话 is not as widespread there as we were expecting. People everywhere speak english, and out of the few who don’t, only some speak Mandarin.

I've been to hk a few times and this is exactly why it doesn't really appeal to me, my Foreigner friends never understand this.


Which level of Developing Chinese did you use and did you use all the books ie. 听力,阅读。。。? How did you like it? How much did you get though in that time period, and if you didn't finish it, are you going to continue it on your own?


I like 广西 a lot,did you have 螺蛳粉? Sounds like you had a great trip.

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That's a fairly comprehensive report matteo and much appreciated. To other readers, we've had private conversations before prior to matteo and his partner heading out as I'm planning to do similar next year and we both live in New Zealand. My initial intention was to head to Kunming but I can certainly be persuaded otherwise. If any others have experience of Guilin versus Kunming, I'd love to hear. The excessive noise would definitely be off putting for me but it sounds like you've had a great experience overall.


Would love to catch up, matteo, next time I'm up in Auckland.

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On 10/16/2023 at 3:36 AM, Flickserve said:


This is rather odd. I can use it quite frequently - there's a HK version of both apps which is the one on my phone as opposed to the mainland version.


Did you have any issues using the apps within China?


Did you use your overseas bank card with Alipay and weixin? If so, how was the process of linking it up?



Mm it could be that I have the "mainland" version? I tried only a couple of times in HK and it didn't work, but we really didn't spend that much time there so we might have just been unlucky! 

Both 微信 and 支付宝 worked reliably in mainland China. Yes I linked my overseas bank card (credit card and debit card, they both worked) and it was great. 

There is a 3% fees on payments over 200 yuan, so it's free for most day to day expenses.

The limitation is, you can't use the "balance" function, you can't transfer money to friends, send 红包 etc. 

The linking process is very straightforward, I can't remember right now whether they ask for a photo of your passport or similar to confirm ID. 


On 10/16/2023 at 4:39 AM, suMMit said:

Which level of Developing Chinese did you use and did you use all the books ie. 听力,阅读。。。? How did you like it? How much did you get though in that time period, and if you didn't finish it, are you going to continue it on your own?

I used the "Comprehensive", level Intermediate I. I was studying quite intensively and doing 1 to 2 hours of homework every day, and went through 5 units in 3 weeks. The book's structure is very typical, with the new words 生词, text 课文, grammar notes 注释 and exercises 练习。 

The text is maybe slightly less arid than the average, but what I think really sets it apart is the large amount of exercises. They are not too hard and usually don't require a class environment to complete, so I can do a ton of them and try to get the grammar point to stick.

That really suits me because I want to straighten up my terrible grammar when writing and speaking. 

I thought this approach worked very well when done with the help of a teacher; I'm trying now to continue and do the same thing at home and mix it with what I was doing before for variety. 

I tried the same level 听力 at the school but it was way too easy and found it boring. 

I did very little 听力 exercises at the school (besides talking with the teachers of course); at home I'm using New Concept Chinese 5, which I find more interesting and challenging, but in my opinion the most effective way to improve listening comprehension is spending as much time as possible listening to different podcasts. 


On 10/16/2023 at 4:39 AM, suMMit said:

I like 广西 a lot,did you have 螺蛳粉? Sounds like you had a great trip.

Yeah tried 螺蛳粉 at this place (was recommended by a teacher and it was great). I thought it was a very very nice rice noodle soup but otherwise didn't find it super "special"! Is it worth the hype in your opinion??




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On 10/16/2023 at 7:57 PM, Singe said:

That's a fairly comprehensive report matteo and much appreciated. To other readers, we've had private conversations before prior to matteo and his partner heading out as I'm planning to do similar next year and we both live in New Zealand. My initial intention was to head to Kunming but I can certainly be persuaded otherwise. If any others have experience of Guilin versus Kunming, I'd love to hear. The excessive noise would definitely be off putting for me but it sounds like you've had a great experience overall.


Would love to catch up, matteo, next time I'm up in Auckland.

I'm sure you'll have a great experience whatever place you choose! Let us know what you end up deciding on!

And yeah by all means give me a shout when you come round to the big city, it'll be great to catch up in person!:)



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Thanks for taking the trouble to write it up, @matteo. It makes me feel like I was there, doing the exercises, enjoying the classes, interacting with the teachers, discovering the city and its charms! Did you have a "package" that included room and board, or did you take meals on your own outside?  

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/19/2023 at 3:23 PM, matteo said:

Yeah tried 螺蛳粉 at this place (was recommended by a teacher and it was great). I thought it was a very very nice rice noodle soup but otherwise didn't find it super "special"! Is it worth the hype in your opinion??

Well, Im more a fan of 面条 as opposed to 米粉, so I haven't tried THAT many rice noodle soups. What has always struck me with 螺蛳粉 is the smell. The first time I was given it, I shirked away from the odor. My wife assured me that it was "bamboo" giving it the strong smell. I'm not sure that I believe that, but I have just decided not to investigate it, rather I just enjoy it when she waimais it every now and then. I guess I have taken a liking to it. I like the crunchy little rectangle things and the overall flavor, even the smell has grown on me.

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On 10/19/2023 at 3:23 PM, matteo said:

Mm it could be that I have the "mainland" version? I tried only a couple of times in HK and it didn't work,

Quite possible. The HK version of WeChat allows you to switch between PRC and HK but not the PRC version. 


On 10/19/2023 at 3:23 PM, matteo said:

The limitation is, you can't use the "balance" function, you can't transfer money to friends, send 红包 etc. 


I did get a mainland colleague in hk to transfer rmb to my wallet after my trip. I gave her hkd cash in exchange. However, she couldn’t do 1000rmb - we think it was because my prc WeChat was new. She had to give x5 紅包 of 200rmb each. Haven’t had a chance of testing it though. 

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