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First time business trip to China: what are best customs + practices, what to expect, etc?

Ruben von Zwack

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Thank you everyone!


My colleague had a a few exhausting but interesting and overall good days in Shanghai. She said she would definitely go again.

Interestingly, she was taken for dinner just once, before work - on the first day, a Chinese colleague picked her up from the hotel, and walked her to the nearby office, and they had lunch on the way. Other than that, she was pretty much left to her own.


Maybe I am over interpreting, but I wonder if this might indicate that Chinese business practices are changing, as in that it is no big deal anymore when someone from abroad comes over.


When she had trouble checking in her flight back (and neither the Air China help line nor Lufthansa were able to help, and told her to check in at the airport right before the flight), the people at her Hotel reception were extremely helpful and got her checked in, using soneone's personal mobile phone.

Which is cool, because I had assured her that she wouldn't have to worry about getting lost, and that Chinese are very helpful towards foreigners.


Oh and another thing that was cool: we got her business Visa without any problems at all within 3 business days from the Chinese Visa Center. They even helped her fill out and finish the application.


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Glad it worked out well. Thanks for returning to let us know. 


On 1/12/2024 at 8:38 AM, Ruben von Zwack said:

Maybe I am over interpreting, but I wonder if this might indicate that Chinese business practices are changing, as in that it is no big deal anymore when someone from abroad comes over.

It also could mean they just didn't like her. 

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Oh dear, I hadn't thought of that possibility. But then, I cant imagine anyone not liking her, she is young (to me - 30), uncomplicated, and super friendly. I don't mean younger people are more likeable, but I often find younger colleagues very adaptable, while older ones (like me) aren't afraid to be more confrontative or "difficult".

Another possibility, it might have been too exhausting. The Project went on until late in the evenings each day, so they had take

away food delivered into the office. 

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On 1/12/2024 at 6:53 PM, Ruben von Zwack said:

Another possibility, it might have been too exhausting. The Project went on until late in the evenings each day, so they had take away food delivered into the office. 

That sounds like a very probable reason. Did they have food delivered for her as well?

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Yes, that sounds likely. Considerate of them to do that! 


I once had to eat three suppers in one day when traveling in southern Yunnan with some Chinese friends. We attended a wedding banquet and I ate my fill of the delicious food, not realizing that we would be attending a private function afterwards for just a few guests and family members. More food, lots of local specialties, lots of obligatory toasts with premium baijiu. After that, I thought we were heading back to the hotel, but instead we went to have 烧烤 with some other friends of my host, way after midnight. It was too much of a good thing.  

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On 1/14/2024 at 9:15 AM, abcdefg said:

Yes, that sounds likely. Considerate of them to do that! 

But could you imagine if they all ordered a bunch of food and just let the laowai sit there starving;)! Then we’d really know they just didn’t like her! Even then ,I really could not see this happening in China.

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