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Wrestling a bandit


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I'm still translating a novel, Chinese to Dutch, and there's a sentence I don't quite understand.


Context: Two men are fighting with two bandits. We mainly follow one of the good guys, the young man 陈耀武. I'll just paste in most of the fight here:



My question: what is happening where it says 这时陈耀武扭住土匪一个翻身,让土匪压到自己身上?


My current reading: Chen Yaowu is holding the bandit down, even when the bandit breaks his finger; then in one throw, he turns them both around so the bandit is on top. (Making the bandit a better target for his brother with the brick.) Is that correct?

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扭:揪住(grapple with)。大众见他二人扭在一起。——《官场现形记》


So the sentence '这时陈耀武扭住土匪一个翻身,让土匪压到自己身上。' can be translated as 'Then Chen Yaowu grappled the bandit and turned them both around so the bandit was on top.'



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For translation I'd say "have the bandit's arm/head/whatever body parts locked" may be more acceptable. Since 陈耀武 must somehow have the bandit's body controlled, so that he could turn them both around and make the bandit come to the top (stably), and then could 陈耀文 hit exactly the bandit's head, not his brother's. "lock the bandit's arm/head/whatever body parts" could express the sense of "controlling" more clearly I think.

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Thanks everyone! An arm/headlock situation makes sense, and fortunately for me I can use the word 'houdgreep', which doesn't require me to specify which body part is being held in lock.

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