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飞驰而过 (飛馳而過) fēichí ér guò - "To speed past"


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Can someone please explain the grammar and usage of the expression of the following, please?:

飞驰而过 (飛馳而過) fēichí ér guò - "To speed past"

Here's the context phrase in simplified and tradtional:



Not sure if the segmentation is correctfor pinyin:

...yí liàng qìchē zài wǒde shēnpáng fēichí ér guò...

How would you convert this to a more spoken Chinese, what's the usage of 而? Can you give more examples with translations, please?

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飞驰而过 (飛馳而過) fēichí ér guò - "To speed past"

飞 means to fly

驰 (of cars, horses, etc...) to move/run really fast

hence 飞驰 means to "zoom", to "move/run really fast"

过 means past

而 has many meaning, some of which have no counterparts in English

而 here according to my dictionary mean “把壮语连接到动词上” roughly means to connect the state of action to the verb.

Here's the context phrase in simplified and tradtional:



A car zoomed past me.

How would you convert this to a more spoken Chinese,

For me, I'll say "哇,那辆车从我身边这样冲过去。"

(Haha, but tell you the truth since Singaporeans speak Singlish, normally we'll say "哇,那辆车跟我这样zoom past.:mrgreen: ")

what's the usage of 而?

Well as mentioned 而 has many meanings, and many are completely different, normally 而 appears in spoken Mandarin as 而且, roughly means "moreover", "somemore"

Can you give more examples with translations, please?

Sure :mrgreen:

擦肩而过 ca1 jian1 er2 guo4 Lit:rub shoulders and past "to walk past someone" (the "rub shoulders" here is figurative)


That day we walked past each other on the streets.

....Hmmm I stop here 1st, will continue with it when I return, I going out now :mrgreen: sorry =p

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Interesting that this came up. I have puzzling over this sentence for a while "仿佛是车轮滚滚而过时的情景". Given how you explained 而 above I suppose then that this could be (freely) translated as "It looked like car wheels had rolled by".

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LOL.... i like the way amego explains zooming past =)

i'm coming back Singapore soon! woohoo more singlish!

Anyway, sorry if i got off topic but this topic reminds me of a translation class i crashed at a friend's lecture in Singapore's NTU (national technology university), the lecturer was saying translation is a skill and requires practice, he gave us a couple examples of bad translations

歌声鸟鸟 - Song Sound Bird Bird

浑水摸鱼 - Muddy Water Touch Fish

I can only remember two... but it was an interesting class... i didn't sleep! :D

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....Hmmm I stop here 1st, will continue with it when I return, I going out now sorry =p

Well dudes, sorry for the delay, I'll add somemore meanings and examples :mrgreen:

而 can also mean "and yet", "but"

不翼而飞 bu2 yi4 er2 fei1 Lit: no wings and yet fly away "to vanish without a trace"

翼 means "wing(s)"

*不 here means "no", not "not"


The $10 that I put on my table vanished without a trace.

肥而不腻 fei2 er2 bu2 ni4

hmmm, I wonder what's the English equivalent of 腻, I think its greasy...腻 means that something is too oily that you're sick of it.

so it means "fat but not greasy"

这里的猪脚肥而不腻, 让人吃了赞不绝口!

The pig's trotters here are fat but not greasy, simply yummy! :mrgreen:

Interesting that this came up. I have puzzling over this sentence for a while "仿佛是车轮滚滚而过时的情景". Given how you explained 而 above I suppose then that this could be (freely) translated as "It looked like car wheels had rolled by".

Hmmm this is an interesting sentence (weird in fact :mrgreen: ) can you please tell me the context? Thanx. Anyway I have this crazy imagination of someone seeing giant doughnuts rolling down the road for someone to say "仿佛是车轮滚滚而过时的情景".:mrgreen:

Thanks, Amego. It makes more sense to me now.

No problem =)

LOL.... i like the way amego explains zooming past =)

i'm coming back Singapore soon! woohoo more singlish!

Woo I will de, haha anyway u muz faster come back leh, haha Spore misses u! Sydney song bo? Shiok rite, haha

Anyway, sorry if i got off topic but this topic reminds me of a translation class i crashed at a friend's lecture in Singapore's NTU (national technology university), the lecturer was saying translation is a skill and requires practice, he gave us a couple examples of bad translations

歌声鸟鸟 - Song Sound Bird Bird

浑水摸鱼 - Muddy Water Touch Fish

I can only remember two... but it was an interesting class... i didn't sleep!

Muhahaha, got lotsa such things, esp for 成语

七早八早(don't know whether this is chengyu not, because it sounds like Hokkien) - Seven early eight early

人山人海- People mountain people sea

虎视眈眈- Tiger see see

and more :mrgreen: and yes, they're used in Singlish

P.S. Aiyo, its NTU(Nanyang Technological University), not NTU (national technology university) lah! Muhahah u realli long time neber come back liao...Anyway NUS is National University of Singapore :mrgreen:

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Oh sorry sister amego! :mrgreen:

I didn't know what made me say national technology university (sh)

but yeah...can't wait to be home....my spoken mandarin is declining..... :|

oh don't forget

一五一十 - one five one ten

I really feel lucky to be able to learn Chinese from young.... you know that the youngsters in Singapore are rejecting Chinese? They don't like it! 生在福中不知福!

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Hmmm this is an interesting sentence (weird in fact ) can you please tell me the context? Thanx. Anyway I have this crazy imagination of someone seeing giant doughnuts rolling down the road for someone to say "仿佛是车轮滚滚而过时的情景".

This is the context: 我的拖鞋吧哒吧哒,把那些小道弄得尘土飞扬,仿佛是车轮滚滚而过时的情景。 From the novel "To Live" by the way.

I guess the meaning is that his slippers are making the dust fly just like car wheels rolling by.

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Oh sorry sister amego!

:evil: 我是男的啦!!! Muhahah :mrgreen: LOL I think I needa hint my gender in my sig...as what I did as a member in a learn Japanese forum (thejapanesepage).

I really feel lucky to be able to learn Chinese from young.... you know that the youngsters in Singapore are rejecting Chinese? They don't like it! 生在福中不知福!

Yalor, they're really funny, muhahah, but they have to ultimately when China comes up :mrgreen: 到时候才来学,未免太迟了吧...

Hey anyway tell you something funny, when I was replying in the previous post, this one:

P.S. Aiyo, its NTU(Nanyang Technological University), not NTU (national technology university) lah! Muhahah u realli long time neber come back liao...Anyway NUS is National University of Singapore

I originally wrote "P.S. Hey bro, its NTU....", because when I first saw your name, I thought you are a guy, muhaahahah, as zhenhui occurred to me as 振辉 or something like this, but I got this feeling that its otherwise, haha, so I decided to view your profile and bull's eye! (and I'm cock-eyed too, I didn't notice that your name is written in your sig :mrgreen:) I was absolutely right, so I changed...

Never would I thought that I'm a "girl" that thought that a girl was a guy. LOL


Thanx chenpv for pointing it out :mrgreen:

This is the context: 我的拖鞋吧哒吧哒,把那些小道弄得尘土飞扬,仿佛是车轮滚滚而过时的情景。 From the novel "To Live" by the way.

I guess the meaning is that his slippers are making the dust fly just like car wheels rolling by.

I see :mrgreen: Anyway your translation is totally correct.


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