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Cantonese poem 七言詩 - 打工生涯


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Got this from a friend. I think it is very funny. (Luckily the Hong Kong economy has recovered.)

This comment comes with the mail -> "各位打工仔細看啦。全詩一韻到底,富有地方色彩,秉承現實主義精神,笑中有淚,深刻反映香港社會實況.......” :mrgreen:

看更原來識雞腸 掃地都要寫文章

學士碩士唔馨香 因為博士都在場

人工一定唔理想 七千左右已中上

十二個月無雙糧 兩年合約要裝香

半年之內有工返 已經算係好收場

開工應該喜洋洋 點知世態更炎涼

管理之名樣樣理 萬人之下一人上

資源增值好榜樣 以為發揮你所長

光管燒咗等你換 影印食紙你當殃

電話唔通都關事 水廁唔通你清場

電腦壞咗要識整 發現病毒要早響

食飯最多半個鐘 大小二便難舒暢

中港兩地四圍走 遲早去阿塞拜疆

仲要出街收爛賬 朝早做到午夜場

公司人事要攪好 唔係就李代桃僵

對付下屬要讚賞 對住上司要讚揚

對待同事要禮讓 對住老闆扮羔羊

老細個仔問功課 資料搜集你擅長

芝麻小事難卸責 唔識都要頂硬上

上司老板夠無良 病都要做鬼體諒

同事犯錯有你份 仲要鬧你正粉腸

開會猶如打靶場 被人插到啪啪響

翻開肚皮睇全相 鬧完仲要拍手掌

工餘進修係妄想 回家食飯無商量

想話請假來休養 老細面似屎一樣

晚晚加班做七日 唔通個個嫌命長

日日返工似喪屍 十足幾年無沖涼

大假以為好安樂 手提電話日日響

運動要響公司做 逐箱"快勞"搬埋牆

老細生日當娛樂 週年聚餐齊歡唱

笑臉迎人裝模樣 當正自己做歡場

以上所講無誇張 全是打工眾生相

奉勸各位打工仔 積極求存為至上

年尾流流高危日 偷懶都係咪咁揚

香港打工係咁樣 大聲疾呼"吹Q漲"

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看更 = watchman; 雞腸 = English

馨香 = valuable

人工 = salary; 唔 = not

雙糧 = double pay; 裝香 = praise the lord / count your blessing

有工返 = finding a job; 係 = 是

點知 = who knows; 世態炎涼 = the way of the world is cruel

光管 = flourescent light; 燒咗 = burnt out; 食紙 = paper jam

關事 = ... is your business

仲 = on top of that; 爛賬 = bad debts; 午夜場 = midnight screening of films

唔係就 = otherwise

鬼體諒 = nobody (only the ghost) is going to care

粉腸 = hahaha don't know how to translate this

睇 = look; 全相 = naked; 鬧 = scold

唔通 = 難道;

返工 = go to work; 喪屍 = zombie; 沖涼 = shower/bath

響 = at a place; 快勞 = file

老細 = boss

咪 = don't be; 咁 = so/this way; 揚 = 囂張

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Similar songs have been sung by Sam Hui 20 years earlier. By that time the emphasis was on inflation -- the price of everything went up except salary.

Nowadays life as a salaryman in HK is really tough. I know many who are just supposedly to work 9~5 don't go home until 8 p.m. And after the number of university expanded from 2 in the early '90s to 8 nowadays, so many college graduates flood the job market. When there were only two universities, it used to be that every graduate, even he/she majored in Religion or Philosophy, was guaranteed a job. And if he/she could not get a job anywhere, he/she was guaranteed a teaching post which was quite well-paid.

But now even teachers have to face 資源增值 which leads to so many suicides among them.

And it used to be if you were not that ambitious, just go find a job in the China-related enterprises which were famous for "Low Pay, Good Welfare, Never get laid off"". But after these firms got all listed in the stock market, all redundant workers have to face the same plight as those guys working in those SOE in Mainland do.

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Similar songs have been sung by Sam Hui 20 years earlier. By that time the emphasis was on inflation -- the price of everything went up except salary

Are you referring to the song 打工仔? I think that song was more liket 30 years ago then 20.

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The song is called 半斤八兩 ->



























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