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Yinyang Lane by Lin, Qingxuan 阴阳巷 (林清玄)


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(Some words before you read: Yin and Yang mean dark side and bright side in Chinese. In traditional Taoism, Yin and Yang represent the basic two elements in universe, so Yinyang sometimes can be taken as the symbol of universe or the world….)

阴阳巷 (林清玄)

Yinyang Lane by Lin, Qingxuan

Translated by studentyoung

1. 有一天我到巷口倒垃圾的时候,看到我的房东正在垃圾堆里找东西,我以为他有什么贵重的物品遗失,后来才知道他是翻寻一些旧报纸、硬纸板、酒瓶、宝特瓶,要卖给收破烂的人,他微笑着告诉我:“一天可以捡到三十几元呢!”

One day, when I dumped rubbishes at the lane passage, I saw my landlord was looking for something in a rubbish heap. I thought that he might have lost something valuable, but I finally realized that he was looking for some out-date newspaper, paperboard, wine bottles and plastic bottles to sell to those rag-pickers. He said with a smile, “I can ‘pick’ about 30 Yuan a day.”

2. 那是我刚刚租了新居不久,后来我常和房东聊天,才慢慢了解了这位看起来十分贫穷,实际是非常富有的都市乡下人, 房东原来在安和路有一块不小的地,他从小就在那里辛勤的种稻,抚育着几个子女成长,子女长大以后纷纷出国了,只留下这个孤独的老人。都市的脚步有点像汽车疾驶,一路从忠孝东路、仁爱路、信义路、新生南路、复兴南路、敦化南路开过来了,在房地产最旺之时,连安和路的稻田都一日数涨,涨到房东都瞠目结舌的天文数字。时常有土地掮客跑来打他的主意,劝他把土地卖了,可以好好安享晚年。

I just rented a new apartment in those days, and later on I often chat with my landlord. Gradually, I come to realize that this penniless-looking man is a very rich urban countryman. He once had had a not-so-small piece of land, where he had been industriously planting paddy from his childhood, and had raised all his children till they had been adults and gone abroad, leaving this lonely old man alone. The pace of the city is a bit like a fast running car, running all the way from East Zhongxiao Road to Renai Road, Xinyi Road, South Xinsheng Road, South Fuxing Road, South Dunhua Road. At the most prosperous time for the local real estate, even the paddy field by Anhe Road went up in price a few times a day, up to a astronomical figure, which shocked my landlord slack-jawed. Some land brokers were even attracted by his land and tried to persuade him to sell the land for a better-off old age.

3. 房东原来还坚持着耕种土地,理由很简单:“卖了地要做什么工作呢?”但是由不得他,他的土地四周,一栋栋高楼霸气地围绕起来,到最后,他站在地里几乎已经见不到外界的阳光了,加上稻作一年的辛苦耕耘也快不能维持生计了。

At first, my landlord still had insisted to keep his land for farming. The reason was quite plain, “Sell the land? What else I can do without the land to farm? ” However, it was something beyond his will. Buildings overbearingly surrounded by his land one by one, and he could hardly see any sunlight while standing on his land. Additionally, even working so hard for a year to plant paddle barely made a living.

4. 他对我说:“我的土地还是不卖,给建筑公司盖分。”根据估计,房东的土地可以盖两栋七层的大楼,每层四间,共二十八户,他独独分到一栋楼的三层,总共六户。这些楼房目前的售价,一户是三百万左右,也就是说,他的不动产将近二千万元。

He told me, “My land hasn’t been sold, but given building companies to build houses. ” According to estimate, my landlord’s land was enough to build two seven-floor buildings, 4 rooms per floor (2 room in an apartment), total 28 apartments. He gets three floors, total 6 apartments. According to the current price, one apartment is about 3 million Yuan, and that is to say he owns the immovable propose about 20 million Yuan.

5. 我去租房子的时候,很不能相信眼前这位穿旧衣、趿拖鞋的老头儿是这大楼一半的主人,他把房子全租给别人,每户一万五左右,每个月的收入近十万元。

When I first went to rent an appartment, I just couldn’t believe this old man in rags and wearing a pair of slippers was one of the building’s owners. He rents all his apartments to others, about 15,000 Yuan one apartment per month, and almost total 100,000Yuan per month.

6. 我们的房东并不住在自己的新房子里,而是每月花二千元在大楼对面租了一间低矮的平房,内部黝黝暗暗,大约只有五坪大。我原先以为他不习惯住大厦,后来才知道是为了省钱,他说:“我只有一个人,住这样的房子尽够了。”

My landlord doesn’t live in his new buildings, and instead, he rents a small dark room about 5 ping (1 ping = 3.30378 square meter) in the bungalow, where is opposite to his buildings and costs him 2,000 Yuan per month. I once guessed that he could not get used to live in buildings, but then have known that he wants to save money. He said, “I am just alone, and it is well enough for me to live in such a room.”

7. 更妙的是,我们几家住户为了安全起见,想要请一个大楼管理员,这事被房东知道了,他不允,原因到后来我们才知道,是他自己想当管理员。“这楼有一半是我的,当然由我自己当管理员。”于是,这位“当然管理员”自订管理费,举凡大楼的清洁、公共电费、更换抽水马达,全是他一手包办,从不经过住户同意,先执行以后再来收费,住户虽有怨言也懒得与他争辩,因为他最后总是说;“这大楼有一半是我的。”

It was funnier that his tenants wanted to employ a building keeper for the sake of their safe, which was known by my landlord who said no to it. Afterward, we knew that he wanted to be the keeper himself. “I own almost half of this building, so I am reasonable enough to be the building’s keeper.” From then on, this “reasonable-enough” keeper made all the manage fees. Things like cleaning the building, collecting the public electricity fee or even to changing the motor in the water pump all are done by him. Without asking his tenants’ will at first, he always practices, and then charges. Though the tenants have some complains, they just don’t bother to argue with him, for he always says, “I own half of this building.” at the end.

8. 房东先生的日据时代没有机会受教育,除了算钱方面非常清楚,其他大字一个不识。有一天他来我家敲门,说要请我帮忙,支支吾吾半天才搞清楚,他要请我帮他写一级贫民的申请书,他不知从哪里听说没有职业的人,可以申请市政府的社会补助。我听了不免大笑,对他说:“如果你也算是一级贫民,那我们都要到街上去当乞丐了。”他才打消了做一级贫民的念头。

My landlord had no chance to receive any education during Taiwan was occupied by Japan. Expect for counting money, he can’t even recognize a character. One day he knotted my door and asked for help. With his faltering for a long time, I finally had an idea that he wanted me to an application for being a penniless. He knows from somewhere that those without a job can apply for municipal governmental social allowance. I just couldn’t help laughing, and said, “If you were a penniless, we were all beggars on the street.” So, he gave up his idea to be a “penniless”.

9. 说起来,我们的房东并没有错,而是我们的社会突然之间转变得快速,令他无以适应,由于五六十年俭省的生活,要说他舍不得花钱也不尽然,有时是无从用起。他失去了土地,每天仿若游魂一样在垃圾堆里捡拾可出售的字纸,到了夜里,则自己搬一张椅子坐在幽黝的马路旁边挥着纸扇,尤其是夏天,他时常呆坐一夜。有时我夜里回家,看到角落里又瘦又长的一具黑影,竟如同翻开一张上一个时代的老相簿,看到一个时代的流光余影。

In truth, my landlord has nothing wrong. It is our society that changes so fast that he can’t adjust himself in it. He has got used to those days in 1950s and 1960s, when everything was just so deficient, it is unfair to say he is a penny pincher. Maybe, sometimes he just has no idea where to spend his money. He lost his land for cultivation, and has to collect some paperboard to sell, haunting all day long on rubbish heaps like a ghost. At night, he usually puts a stool, sitting by a gloomy road and waving his paper fan, especially in summer. Sometimes, he can just be sitting blankly for all night long. Sometimes when I come back at night, I glimpse a slim and long shadow, just like opening a page in an old photo album where is full of the marks of the flying times and the remaining images left behind.

10. 房东的房东,则是比房东贫穷的一家,才从乡下搬迁来都市不久的农人。他们花月租五千元租到一个平房,大约有三十坪大小,本来一家祖孙三代人口住起来已经勉强,为了俭省,硬是划出五坪来租给我的房东。

My landlord’s landlord is from a much poorer family whose members has moved to this city recently. They spend 5,000 Yuan per month for the bungalow about 30 ping. This is barely enough for this family with three generations (from grandparents to grandchildren) packed together, while they still have to squeeze about 5 ping to rent to my landlord, in order to save some money.

11. 这家人原在嘉义务农,因农村生活不易,才来都市谋生,他们姓简,简单的简。简老先生仗着自己和儿子在农田锻炼的强健体魄,到都市新建大楼的工地游牧似的打着零工,生活对他们仍是艰困的,因此不得不教老伴和媳妇夜里到通化街上卖沙茶牛肉,白日里,那勤勉的媳妇则为人洗涤衣裳,我们附近的大楼,所有家庭的衣服全由他的媳妇收洗。

The family once farmed in Jiayi County. Because it is really not so easy to make a living in countryside, they have to move to city. Their family name is Jian, Jian for “Jiandan (simple)”. Old Jian take advantage of both his and his son’s strong bodies trained in farmland to do some odd jobs in city’s construction sites, like nomads. However, their life hasn’t been out of the wood. Therefore, he has to let his wife and his daughter-in-law to sell beef cooked with barbeque sauce in Tonghua Street at night. In daytime, his hard working daughter-in-law does laundry for others. All clothes of the families in near by buildings are collected and washed by her.

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12. 每天早晨,简老先生和儿子出门上工地,简老太太开始把砧板、椅子搬到门口的马路边,将一大块一大块的牛肉切成细片,并且熟练地切着成捆成捆的菠菜,以及剁碎辣椒、葱蒜等等。她的媳妇则就着水龙头洗着堆积如山的衣服,四个儿女则在附近的停车场玩耍。是一幅都市角落里真实生活的图绘。

In the morning, when old Jian and his son go to construction sites, Old Jian’s wife starts to put the chopping block and chairs to the roadside near by their doorway. She cuts big pieces beef into slides, chops bundles of spinach skillfully, and minces hot chillies, green onions and garlic etc. Her daughter-in-law washes the clothes pile up like a hill beside a tap, while all her 4 children are playing with each other in a park lot near by. What a wonderful live version Yamato-e ,“A Corner In the City”!

13. 夜间,简老先生和儿子下工回来,一家人推着摊车到通化街去,要忙到深宵才回来。他们在那样坚强沉默的生活着,常常几天里听不见一家人就一句话,尤其是那个年轻的媳妇令我印象最深刻。她早上洗衣,下午帮婆婆准备牛肉摊子的事,晚上则在摊边掌厨;她只有一只眼睛,皮肤红里泛黑,是典型的农村壮妇。每次看到她的辛劳,我总感觉到自己的卑微,深知许多小人物的伟大是不用一言就散发出来的。

At night, when old Jian and his son come back, they will push their pushcart to Tonghua Street and keep busy till midnight. They live so firmly and silently that you usually can’t hear them chat even a word, especially the young daughter-in-law who impressed me most. She washes clothes in daytime, helps her mother-in-law to prepare for their beef booth in the afternoon, and cooks for the booth at night. She has only one eye with her ruddy-tinted light brown complexion, and she is a typical strong countrywoman as well. Whenever I see her working so hard, I feel I am so humble, for I know it very well that the greatness in nobodies is releasing in speechlessness.

14. 有时候,媳妇把衣服送来我家,随便坐坐,也会逗我们的孩子玩耍,她会在无意间谈起他们的乡间生活,一家人贫穷而安详的过去。有一回谈着谈着竟落了泪,不是因为不能适应都市,而是说到:“我们一家人在乡下,因为耕田的缘故,根本是不吃牛肉的,没想到来了台北,却靠卖牛肉为生,我担家(公公)常为这事而痛心。”忍不住泪就糊了眼睛。

Sometimes the young woman returns my clothes to my apartment, and sits for a while to plays with my child. At that time, she may casually chat about their live in countryside and those poor but peaceful good old days. One time, while she was chatting, her tears shed. She said that it was not because they could not get used to the life her, but, “…When we were in countryside, we didn’t eat any beef at all, for the sake of farming. It is so unexpected that we have had to sell beef to make a living since we came to Taibei. My father-in-law often feels brokenhearted at the thought of it….” She just couldn’t bear it any more and tears blurred the eye.

15. 那时从一个媳妇的口中,我真体会到曾在乡下疼惜过耕牛的老人,如今却卖起牛肉的心情。

At that time, from a countrywoman’s word, I deeply felt how depressing it might be for those who once so treasured their farm cattle in countryside to farm their land, but have to sell beef nowadays in city.

16. 她的先生是几年来仿佛没有开过口的,中年有力气的身躯,放工的时候则蹲在门口一口一口地吞吐着香烟,他蹲踞的姿势还是非常乡间的,就像围在庙口蹲在地上和人下象棋的样子,只是眼前没有象棋,而村人与庙则在他的烟里,升进屋顶的一角。偶尔打起自己的孩子像泄气,一个巴掌五条红印,我在都市就没有见人那样的打过孩子,他是那种爱着孩子也不能表达的人。有一次看他打得孩子嚎啕,自己就在墙角揉着眼睛,原因后来他的太太才告诉我:“他是气孩子,不像在乡下那样单纯了。”

Her husband seems to never utter a word in all these years. The sturdy middle-age body squats at doorway when is off duty, puffing the smoke breath by breath. His squatting way is a very typical countryside one, just as if he was squatting in front of a temple’s door and playing Chinese chest with others. But the fact is no Chinese chest in front of him at the moment, and all the countrymen and the temple have changed into the smoke, flying up to the roof bit by bit. Sometimes he beats his children as some outlet for his anger. One slap is enough to create a clear swollen palm mark. I have never seen others in city beat their children like that. He is the man who loves his children without knowing a proper way to express. One time he beat his child till he wailed out loudly, and he himself wiped his tears at a corner silently. His wife then told me later, “He got so angry to the child, who is not so pure as he used to be in countryside.”

17. 我想,他如果用乡下的标准来看这个变动的城市,来衡量自己的孩子,他恐怕永远要蹲在门口沉默地抽烟了。

I think if he still tries to use the logics in countryside to handle things in this city full of ups and downs and to judge his children, he might have to squat at doorway forever, puffing his smoke silently.

18. 在我们的巷口另有一间小屋,由于它的土地太小又呈不规则的三角形,所以不 能像一般的土地盖起大楼。屋中住了一家四口,以洗车为业,家长是退伍军人。显然与妻子的年龄相差不少,一对儿女各在国中国小就读,他们每天天不亮时就沿着整条街洗过来,儿女一起帮忙,一直工作到天亮,小孩子去上学,父母则继续在小屋门口洗那些零星的车,直到天黑才收起水桶回家。不要小看这洗车的行业,有一次家长告诉我,他们辛苦工作,一家人合起来也有五万元收入,远远超过一般的职员,他感叹地说:“有车子的人自己都是不洗车的。”过了几年,他们搬迁新家,就住在街对角的大楼里,全是洗车钱买下来的,那里的地价一坪接近九万,可是他们每天来是出来洗车,工作是那样辛劳,但想起他们得到的回报,使我觉得在这寂寞都市中,还有很多充满热力工作着的人。

There was another little cabin at the exit of the lane. For it was so small and in a irregular triangle shape, it couldn't be used to construct buildings. There were four in it. They made a living by washing cars. The father was a veteran who looked apparently older than his wife, with a daughter and a son in middle school and in primary school respectively. They waked up before dawn and washed cars along the street. Their children came and help them. They worked till the day had dawned, and went to school, leaving their parents to continue to wash the cars near their door. The couple worked till it is dark. Just don’t look down up on washing cars. Once up on a time, the parent told me that they worked so hard and they earned 50,000Yuan per month, much more than a common office clerk. However, he also sighed, “Those who have cars will never need to wash their own cars! ” A few years later, they moved to their new apartment, where was in the building located opposite to the street. The price there was almost 90,000 Yuan per ping, and all the money came from washing cars. They still washes cars every day, and still work that hard. At the thought of their return, I feel that there are still a lot of energetic people working in this lonely city.

19. 对于住在我家附近,生活劳苦卑微的人,我有较多的了解,但与我住在同一大楼里的人家,我就所知很少了,住了四年多,我只认识了三户,原因很简单,因为大家每天都大门深锁,偶尔见面是招呼都不打的,反而不如住在平房的人那么亲切。

I know more on those who live around me in a humble life, while I know of very little on those live in the same building with me. Living here for more than 4 years, I just recognized 3 families of them. It is so reasonable, for everyone locks his door. And even an occasional chance for them to meet with, they don’t even say hello to each other, which feels they are not so close as those live in bungalow.

20. 我认识的第一个邻居,是住在我对门的夫妇,到现在我还不清楚他们的职业。只见邻人太太每天牵着北京狗在附近散步,不管什么时候她都是盛妆的,脸上整洁、衣着光鲜,仿佛随时准备赴宴,他们夫妻还算亲切,但是问起在何处工作则全是神秘地笑笑。

The first neighbor I recognized is the couple live in the opposite apartment, whose jobs I have had no idea so far. I only see that the wife walks her dog near by every day, who always wears gorgeous make-ups, looks neat, and dressed herself so well that as if she were preparing to attend a banquet at any time. The couple is kind, but when talking about their jobs, their answer is their mystical smiles.

21. 我想他们不论做何工作,麻将一定是他们的副业,一年三百六十五天,几乎有三百六十天隔壁会传来吵人的麻将声,夜里固然是打麻将的好时间,常常清晨或中午也是麻将声不断。他们的牌搭都是陌生的面孔,川流不息,一个家庭打麻将到这种地步,还是我所仅见。

I think whatever their jobs are, Mah-jong must be their sideline. In a year, 365 days, the annoying sound of Mah-jong comes from their door lasting almost 360 days. At night, it is the good time to play, yet the sound can be heard even in early morning or in the afternoon. Their Mah-jong partners are all strange faces, flowing in and out continuously. A family plays Mah-jong to this extent, is really the only one I have ever seen so far!

22. 深夜工作时,听到隔墙传来的麻将声,我总为这整个都市深深地悲哀。难道除了麻将,没有别的事可以做了吗?问题是,我从来不知道他们除了麻将还有什么别的事,也许,将来也不能知道。

Working in midnight, while hearing the sound of Mah-jong from their door, I always feel so sad for the city. Nothing else can be done now? The problem is I have never known what else they can do expect playing Majong, or maybe I won’t know even in the future.

23. 住在我楼上的一位歌星,是我住了两年才知道。我过去总为楼上的弦歌不断感到纳闷,以为住了一位热衷于歌唱的少女。夜里独坐阳台就如同在欣赏流行歌的表演,唯一不同的是,这表演一再重复,有时一首歌唱了百次。

There is a singer lives upstairs, whom I recognized after I lived here for 2 years. I once had been so confused for the continual music from upstairs, and had thought that there was girl who loved singing so much living there. While I am sitting in balcony at night, it seem as if I were enjoying a pop concert. The only difference is the show repeats again and again, and sometimes a song can be sung more than one hundred times.

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24. 有一回看完周末下午无聊的电视综艺节目,坐电梯时才赫然看见楼上的少女,她的脸孔是在刚刚的电视里看见的,这时才知道她是一位歌星,而且名气还不算小。

Once upon a time, after seeing the boring TV shows at weekend, I, in the lift, suddenly met with the girl living up stairs, whose face had been on TV just now, so I got the idea that she is a singer, with a pretty good popularity.

25. “刚刚在电视上看见你唱歌,你的歌唱得不错。”我说。

“I saw you on the TV show just now. Your performance was not bad.” I said.

26. 她嫣然地笑起来,颇以能被邻人认出而高兴的样子,我们就是这样认识的。

She smiled happily and seemed so happy to be recognized by her neighbors. That was how we made an acquaintance.

27. 和一般的歌星相同,她的脸时常都是五彩缤纷,像是刚从舞台归来,或正要上台的样子,身上的香水足以令意志薄弱的人窒息——我每次独坐电梯闻到浓浓的香水味,就知道我的歌星邻居刚刚出门了。

Like other common singers, her face often wears colorful make-ups, which seems she just comes back from a stage or she is hurry for another stage. The perfume on her body is strong enough to suffocate the weak-willed. Whenever I can smell the strong perfume in the lift alone, I see that my singer neighbor has just gone out.

28. 歌星开着一部深蓝色的BMW大轿车,她的作息时间不定,唯一知道的是她每天练歌不辍。听说她来自东部一个偏远的乡下(是在报纸上知道的),已经在这个复杂的圈子里唱了十几年了,报纸上还刊出她刚出道不久清纯的相片,那张相片与现在的样子简直无法联想了。

The singer has a deep blue BMW. Her work schedule is irregular, but she trains her voice and songs every day. It’s said that she came from a remote countryside in east Taiwan (according to the report on newspaper), and has been in this complicated show business for over ten years. Some newspaper even published the photo of her who in those days had been not so long after her first appearance on TV with her pure look. But it is too hard to associate the picture with her current look.

29. 看到歌星,我脑子里就浮起无以数计的乡下少女,她们做着明星的美梦,依据着电影来改变自己,脸上的化妆和电视上一样,身上的衣服依据电视剪裁,甚而一举手一投足全是模仿着电视,有一天,她终于上了电视,就和原来的自己远远不同了,我的邻居歌星算是幸运的,虽然没有机会出唱片,没有机会成为红的歌星,或没有自己的歌,但听说她也是秀约不断的能在灯红酒绿的舞台上演唱了。

When I am looking at her, there are numerous country girls’ faces come into my mind. They have a dream to be a star, so they paint their own faces as what they see on TV, dress themselves according to stars, and even train their own behaviors according to TV series. Till the day someone can be on TV, she becomes another one who is never the same as she used to be. My singer neighbor is lucky. Though there is no opportunity for her to have a CD of her own, no opportunity to be a popular pop star, or even have none of her own song, she still has a lot of shows contracts for her to attend all kinds of night clubs or places like that.

30. 第三户我认识的邻居最近搬走了。他原来是一个房地产公司的老板,每天西装革履,开着一部意大利的法拉利跑车,是白色的,车身上还喷了一只振翅的老鹰,和他的人一样的飞扬。前几年房地产好的时候,他拥有不少房子,也挣了很多钱,不知道为什么,短短一年不但钱赔光了,房子让给别人,连唯一的住家也廉价卖掉,不知搬往何方。

The third family I know has removed recently. He was once a boss of a real estate company, dressed himself in business suit every day, and had a white Italian Ferrari, with a flying pound eagle sprayed on it, as proud as its owner. A few years ago, when the real estate market was booming, he owned a lot of buildings and earned a lot. Somehow, he lost all his money and had to sell out all his property, included the one used to be his own house. I haven’t known where he has moved to so far.

31. 我大楼的邻人们是目前典型的台北人,他们打一圈麻将,踩一下油门,唱一首歌,可能是住在对门矮房子的邻居苦苦工作一个月的代价。那些矮屋中的人是“都市的乡下人”,他们住在都市,心情还是乡间的,甚至生活方式也简单一如乡下。大家住在同一个巷子里,生活却天差地别,我有时很能体会对面坐在阴暗角落的邻人,他们生活的实质,有时又仿佛知道住在大楼中的人生活的无奈。

Currently, my neighbors in the same building with me are typical Taibei people. The money for them to play a round of Mah-jong, or to drive their car at a time, or sing a song, might be equal to a month’s hard work for those living in bungalow. For those urban countrymen living in bungalow, they are living in city with their countryside mood, so they are still in a simple life style as they used to be. We all live in this lane, but our living styles are vastly different as heaven and earth. Sometimes I quite understand those neighbors live in gloomy corners and the nature of their life. Sometimes I also seem to be aware of the “no alternative” condition among those living in the building.

32. 如果我们愿意留心,在这个都会中,到处都是“阴阳巷”,都是与生活挣扎搏斗的痕迹。走在都市里其实像走在一本书架上的相簿,有时是黑白的,翻了几页突然看到一页彩色,黑白自有其美,彩色也有虚妄的一面。

If we are willing to pay attention to surroundings, there are Yinyang Lanes everywhere in this city, leaving the marks of struggling with life. Walking in the city is like walking in a photo album on bookshelf, where sometime you can see some black and white photos, or a page of colored ones while a few pages have been turned. Black and white photos have their own charm and colored ones have the nature of illusion.

33. 问题是,黑白页里的人往往向往着彩色,而有了彩色的人又都忘记了他们黑白照片中的一段日子。

However, the problem is those figures in black and white photos usually admire those in colored ones, and those in colored ones all have forgotten their days in black and white.

34. 这是台北,而且是一九八四年的台北。

Here is Taibei, and Taibei in 1984.

35. 欧威尔正躲在一个黑暗的地方,冷冷的微笑。

George Orwell is hiding from a dark corner, smiling coldly.

36. 1984年4月20日

Today is April, 20, 1984.

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