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Mandarin speaking ability


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I need some advice on improving my Mandarin speaking and listening skills. But before I ask the questions, here is a little info about me. My first language is Cantonese. I can write and read Chinese characters fairly well. I am also familiar with pinyin and bopomofo. So I can speak some simple Mandarin though with a heavy Cantonese accent. But my goal is to be at least semi-fluent in Mandarin before the end of this year. My questions are as follows:

1) Short of getting a Mandarin-speaking girlfriend, what is the best way to improve my speaking and listening skills (watching news/movies and listening to Mandarin songs have not been helpful)?

2) Is there a systematic way to distinguish a 1st-tone word from a 4th-tone word? I always get these two tones mixed up.

These are the questions I can think of right now. Thank you for your time.

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Oh I've heard that Cantonese accent is cute.

Oh yes definitely.

Is there a systematic way to distinguish a 1st-tone word from a 4th-tone word? I always get these two tones mixed up.

I have the same problem. I suggest you watch more CCTV drama (not just any mandarin production). Actually distinguishing them and pronuncing them correctly are not that difficult. I find it most difficult to remember which words should be 1st and which ones should be 4th.

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I suggest you watch more CCTV drama (not just any mandarin production). Actually distinguishing them and pronuncing them correctly are not that difficult. I find it most difficult to remember which words should be 1st and which ones should be 4th.

may help if the region you are living in coudn't accept the program


you can click CCTV-新闻 or CCTV-4 to accept its mandarin program

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I have the same problem. I suggest you watch more CCTV drama (not just any mandarin production). Actually distinguishing them and pronuncing them correctly are not that difficult. I find it most difficult to remember which words should be 1st and which ones should be 4th.

Yeah, I guess I'll just have to memorize which words should be 1st and which ones should be 4th. As for CCTV drama, unfortunately this is not an option for me. Although my permanent home is in Los Angeles, my profession requires me to travel a lot. For example, I am currently in Alabama. So having access to Madarin-speaking sources, especially human-to-human, is not easy.


Thanks for the link. But CCTV news is a bit too "advanced" for me at this point as I have difficulty understanding the contents. I've also tried the Chinese program run by VOA (Voice of America). They are very similar in that they pretty much report news and not much else. I guess the most effective way to improve my listening and speaking skills is none other than finding a Mandarin-speaking person who is willing to converse with me in Mandarin.

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1) Short of getting a Mandarin-speaking girlfriend' date=' what is the best way to improve my speaking and listening skills (watching news/movies and listening to Mandarin songs have not been helpful)?

2) Is there a systematic way to distinguish a 1st-tone word from a 4th-tone word? I always get these two tones mixed up.[/quote']

1) You can try and find some Mandarin-speaking friends, they don't have to be girls. Or live in a Mandarin-speaking environment for a while, if possible.

2) I'm afraid I can't help you on this one.

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  • 3 weeks later...


We are in similar predicaments when it comes to improving listening and speaking. My circumstances don't really permit me to go find Mandarin speaking friends and hang out with them either. And to tell you the truth, even when I was able to do so, all attempts ended with my Chinese friends speaking English to me and Mandarin to each other. As you are most likely of Chinese ethnicity, that may not be as much of a problem. Still, there are other ways to improve listening and speaking.

Since you can already read Chinese characters and pinyin, I recommend John Defrancis' Beginning Chinese Reader, because the vocab lists contain Chinese characters (traditional), pinyin, and English. Each chapter contains illustrative sentences, dialogues, and short paragraphs/narratives (several pages worth). Grammar is not explained, but that won't be a problem since you can already read Chinese, and I have previously studied it. Order the 17 cassette tapes from Yale that accompany the books (two volumes), and listen as you go. I read both volumes, and have been listening to the tapes steadily for a month now (currently on tape 11). The set has been of tremendous help to me.

Here's a little trick to improve speaking if you chose to use the set (or whatever resources you use): Very clearly pronounce all of the sentences, dialogues, and narratives until you feel comfortable saying everything. By the end of the chapter you will know how to say and understand all of the vocab, guaranteed. I can tell you that spending my free time for the past eight months pronouncing out loud (or just under my breath) two volumes of Chinese readers has improved my speaking, despite the fact I rarely speak with others.

Oh, and about the fourth and first tones. If you are speaking very very slowly, then all tones should be exaggerated, and that is the best way to learn (for me). First tones should sound like you are singing: very high and even. Fourth tones (again, in slow "motion) should sound exactly the same for the first 2/3, and then sharply get lower. I would time myself saying each tone for three seconds. First tones do not change. I would hold a high singing tone for three seconds. With fourth tones, I held the exact same tone for precisely two seconds, and then dropped my tone from high to mid-low (in the same breath).

I hope that helps.


Bo Han

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Smith, I think it is because Cantonese tones don't drop that way.

Quest, I have re-read your post and have checked my dictionary. The pattern seems to be like this -

Cantonese 1st tone (高平) -> Mandarin 1st tone (陰平)

Cantonese 4th tone (低平) -> Mandarin 2nd tone (陽平)

Cantonese 3rd tone (高去) & 6th tone (低去) -> Mandarin 4th tone (去聲)

The pattern seems to be quite regular. And it looks helpful.

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call me cynical, sherman, but I'd say that's a load of sinocentric unscientific gobbledygook. Not all westerners speak English for one thing, and it is not explained in what sense Chinese is monosyllabic. Were experiments done to measure speaking rate??

Where did you get it from?

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佚名 2004-3-8






  比如pork这个词,在英语中代表猪肉,它和猪pig、肉meat没有任何关系而仅仅代表它们的一个联合体而已,如果把猪肉pork、羊肉mutton、牛肉beef、猪油lard、羊油suet和牛油talon放在一起进行比较的话就发现,英语中所有的联体词都是一个与其中任何一个分解词毫无关联的新符号,而它们却构成了英语词汇的主体,英语中几百万的单词就是这样来的。它的根本原因是由于如果将pork改成pig和meat连在一起的形式,那么就要发音四次而pork仅仅发音两次;所以联体的词能够节省发音却要增加记忆,而分体的词,无需记忆可是却增加了发音次数。设想,一位屠夫,每天要用到‘猪肉’这个词上千次,使用两次发音的单词要比使用四次发音的词节省两千次发音,何乐不为?但是遇到不常用的词的时候,英语还是和汉语一样,使用分解的词,比如驴肉就用donkey meat来表达。因为不常用的词,即使设立了符号形式,别人也记不住。汉语能够将英语中联体词汇分解的功能,非常有用,它使所需要记忆的词汇大大地减少;不仅如此,它还能够将词汇在人们头脑中的位置整理得清清楚楚。达尔文主义的诞生就是建立在林奈的双名法的基础之上的,这种方法使得各种印象在脑子中由原来的平面,变成立体的。比如,在林奈以前,人们给所有的生物一个名字,结果,由于种类太多,同一种生物可能有两种名字,而另外的生物,可能没有名字。林奈则将所有的生物先分类,并且给出一个类名,然后在类名的下面放一个词,两者组成双名法的名字。这样不但清晰,而且大大的减少了需要记忆的符号;比如原来有一万个名字,现在分成一百个类,又在每类中分成一百种,我们所需要记忆的仅仅是一百个类名和一百个种名,共二百个,而不是原来的一万个。随着知识爆炸的问题逐渐恶化,人类就有必要将其他的术语也仿照这个方法改造,而目前唯一的办法就是按照汉语的结构进行改革。而原因还是在于发音种类的数量。


  最后,谈一下关于人的一生中到底能够记住多少单词或符号的问题。中国人所使用的汉字通常在三到四千,而莎士比亚时代的英语仅有三万个单词,他本人能够全部掌握。但是,到了丘吉尔时代,他的单词量依然是三万个,可是,那个时候的英语已经拥有近百万个单词了。所以,我认为,莎士比亚使用英语单词的熟练程度是后人根本无法达到的。我曾经在网上向很多英语中高等教育的语言机构请教,到底学习英语应该掌握多少单词才成,但是,他们的回答总是含糊不清,或者扯一些别的东西。后来,在一些无法避免这个问题的文章中我发现,语言学家们对于英语单词的要求是:一个受过教育的英语使用者应该掌握五到二十五万单词,不但差距范围很大,而且,用这个标准来衡量,莎士比亚和丘吉尔都应该是文盲,至少是没受过教育的人。我认为,这是任何推崇英语的人的软肋,只要他们能够躲过别人问这个问题,其他的方面 ......




  还有就是美国有一个‘只说英语运动’english only曾经向全世界争求意见。可想而知,我的意见是什么了。我告诉他们,你们一意推行英语实际上是将美国文化推向深渊,是在摧毁美国文化。拯救你们的方法只有重新选择一门带有‘声调’的语言。对于这些没学过汉语的人来说,他们一般不懂得什么是‘声调’,所以,只好用唱歌时候的音阶来向他们解释;任何一个英语‘音节’都可以跟随音阶变化出至少八种不同的声音,这和‘声调’的作用差不多。上述所说的实际上就是美国人的软肋,没有必要的话,我是不会乱碰的,影响团结。而且,随着中国国力的增加,我们可以说的也越来越少,因为说多了,就给人借口说中国威胁他们。

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> 英语有20个元音和20个辅音,所以英语的声音种类不会超过20×20=400个

If the word "string" is a 声音种类 then in theory it's 20^5 not 20*20. In fact there are about 10000 different syllables in English. And more like 40 phonemes -- where'd he get 20 from?

The whole essay (with its puerile analogies and fuzzy logic) is based on a single false premise.

> 这个问题,去年我在‘北大中文’论坛讨论了一个月才使大家弄清楚

:roll: ****************** :roll:

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