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Hello guys,

I'm a first year's university student with exams comming up

And the following sentence I have some difficulties with :


This was an example our prof gave to illustrate the complement of degree.

The original sentence was (roughly translated from dutch) :

I don't like being transported by him.

I don't get why 没 is between kai and che and not afterwards, nor why mei is used and not le, hope to get a good explenation on why the kai's are doubled (tho I +- understand, I don't know how to explain it on an oral exam ^^) and why to use zou in the end.

Hope you guys can help me out here ^^



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Are you sure the third character is 没? I'm guessing that maybe it should be 汽 instead. Then you would have 他开汽车开得 blah blah blah, which would make more sense. If this were the case, I would translate the whole sentence literally as "he drives (a car) in such a way that I don't like going with him". Note that the last character is qù, not zǒu. 跟他去 means "to go with him".

As for the repetition of kāi, this is common with certain complements, like those of degree, when the verb has a direct object. Basically, the direct object of the verb and the complement of degree cannot share a verb, so two verbal sentences need to be chained together. To give you an example, a verb like shuo ("speak") can be followed by a direct object:

他说汉语。 = He speaks Chinese.

or by a complement of degree:

他说得很好。 = he speaks well.

But if you want to say "he speaks Chinese well", there is a difficulty because Chinese, unlike English, does not allow both a direct object and a complement of degree one after the other following one verb. In order to have a grammatical sentence, you need to repeat the verb saying something like "He speaks Chinese, speaks well":


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There are two meanings inside this sentence, even this sentence has grammar mistakes. ^^


1, He doesn't have car to drive, so that I don't like to follow him. 》》他没得车开的,我不喜欢跟他去。

2, He does not drive car (maybe he got but he did not drive), I don't want to follow him. 》》他没有开车,我不喜欢跟他去。

The person mixed up two sentence together, so there will confuse readers.:mrgreen:

I hope it is clear enough for you to understand....

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