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挑战#10:Useless Guy (7句话)



blogentry-38695-0-08683800-1315794687_thumb.jpg 无路用的人.mp3

Listen to the song from 0:18 to 1:55 and solve the following 7句话 word puzzle.


These hints are lines picked from the song's lyrics.

唉呀未接电话那么多,我想•••也非常多 (3 characters)

我真的好想她,但••已不再 (2 characters)

我很欠骂,我是傻瓜,我好辛苦•••• (4 characters)

••这两个字我常常骂别人,现在我只会骂我自己 (2 characters)

这几年用尽所有力气••••跟别人不一样 (4 characters)

我的脑袋跟•••一样空白 (3 characters)

我在干什么,我在怕什么,也许自由是我••••• (5 characters)

Pool of Characters

There are some extraneous characters in the pool; these extra characters are not used to solve the puzzle.

板 的 知 蛋 花 屁

把 狗 逃 识 试 事

师 借 去 笨 梦 证

方 给 向 口 天 失

明 图 避 老 还 美

Source: 无路用的人 by 张震岳


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This was a hard one. I had to listen to this thing way too many times. It's got a nice tune after the rap part though. Here's my attempt:

1 狗屁事

2 美梦

3 失去方向

4 笨蛋

5 试图证明

6 天花板

7 逃避的借口

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I put the characters together but had to google to find the answer (I believe). Here's my guess at the bonus question:


I believe this means something like not actually learning something? Here's a quote that I found from google search that I thought gave a good description of the meaning:



Also the "还" in the sentence is "huan2" as in "to return / to pay back"

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Wow. Certainly tougher than I was expecting. Good challenge. Parts of lines 3 and 5 tripped me up. Ran out of time at lunch to figure them out. I think I would have had to use a dictionary to nail them down.

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This one was really fun. I put it on my MP3 player and printed out the lyrics. I went back over the lyrics and then marked all the words that confused me. It came out to like about 25. Great exercise. :)

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