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挑战#17:跟巨大公鸡打架 (7句话)



blogentry-38695-0-56722800-1315948788.jpg Peter Vs The Giant Chicken

This is another 7句话 word puzzle.


These hints are taken from things that happened in the video.

公鸡从****货运卡车上 (4 characters)

彼得用***不停地砸公鸡的脑袋 (3 characters)

卡车掉到**上,立刻爆炸了 (2 characters)

这场暴行都是为了一张过期的*** (3 characters)

看样子公鸡死了,可他突然****,竟然还活着 (4 characters)

***正好飞过来,就被公鸡抓住了 (3 characters)

公鸡不光会脚踢和拳打,他还会用自己的***对手的头 (3 characters)

Pool of Characters

There are some extra characters in this pool.

桥 复 上 眼 摔 脚 睁

夫 券 物 功 三 猫 机

戳 升 直 拖 机 船 购

到 睛 喙 鸟 开 印

Source: Family Guy


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Here's what I got. I had to use a dictionary and Google.

Edit: I changed the answer for #2

1. 桥上摔到

2. 复印机

3. 拖船

4. 购物券

5. 睁开眼睛

6. 直升机

7. 鸟喙戳

My original answer for #2 was "三脚猫" which is wrong.

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@feihong: Alright, you stumped me on this one. Can't figure it out:

I had put in 三脚猫 because there was a term "三脚猫功夫" which I interpreted incorrectly to mean some type of Kung Fu or something. Then I thought it was 复功夫 but that doesn't work with "用". I tried searching for boxing, punching, fist, etc. with no success.

Want to give me a hint?

Edit: Right after I wrote this, the light bulb lit up for me. I updated my original post with the correct answer. From my spoiler tag, you can see where I was misled.

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"You've reached this page because we are currently not allowed to share our videos across United States boarders. It sucks. We know."

I guess this message isn't really going to help forum users from other countries figure out the answers. :)

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三脚猫功夫. Good word. 三脚猫 is jack of all trades, so it refers to someone's gongfu that might have a wide range, but is not advanced in any particular area. This is used to describe 郭靖 in 射雕, if I am remembering correctly。 I also saw it somewhere else recently, but cannot think of where.

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Some more thoughts about the bonus and #2:

I did some searches for "三脚猫功夫" and got two types of results:

1. One refers to some one's Kung Fu (功夫) that's done in a 三脚猫 sort of way.



2. Another is used to describe a haphazard / unskillful effort (功夫) such as this link about using 外地人 to fix clogged toilets.


I guess both of these are correct?

Getting back to why I got stuck on #2 for so long. I saw 彼得 constantly punch 公鸡 with not much success. Therefore, I thought he was using some sort of 三脚猫功夫 (in this case haphazard / unskillful Kung Fu). I kept wondering why only 3 characters for the answer and not 5 (of course I totally forgot about the copy machine in the later part of the video). I guess was a new word for me and when I checked the dictionary, I though of "smash" as he was smashing (punching) the chicken's head with his fists and just assumed you were talking about that part. Now that I am thinking about it, would #2 work with 三脚猫功夫? Assuming of course that there was no 3 character limit?

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