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Here we have both sides of the tabletop menu from popular (with me, at least) local eatery 零点. You've got a selection of cold dishes on one side, and on the other various noodle and 抄手 options - which as far as I can see are 馄饨 by another name.

I'm generously providing you with a 15Y lunch budget - what are you having?


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Is 零点 a sichuan restaurant? It has so many "四川" dishes, and we do call 馄饨 as 抄手 here.

I would go for 香辣牛肉抄手 with 拍黄瓜 as the side dish.

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Basically that's the entire menu, so you are as qualified to decide what kind of place it is as I am. It's very small, only about eight tables and that's after the recent expansion. I usually go for the 清汤牛肉抄手 or the 干扭杂酱面 (is 干扭 Sichuanspeak for 干拌, by the way, never seen it used elsewhere), although I've been a bit disappointed by that lately. And a side order of 苦瓜.

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Looked that up a while ago - it's 伤心 as it's so spicy you cry, and it's 凉粉 because . . . well, you can probably guess that bit. Never actually had it.

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Hmmm, just noticed they do a 干扭抄手 - will be trying that I think, as I stopped having the 抄手 in summer as the soup gets me all sweaty. But that's 香辣, so I'll have a cooling 拍黄瓜 for palate-cleansing purposes. That comes in under budget I think, and maybe even enough left over for a drink.

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