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New here, Made up a Chinese name!


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I'm new here and I have a question about my name. My real name is Roy Voncken, I translated it to 王火星 Wang2 Huo3xing1. How did I came up with that?

Well Roy descends from Roi, which is French for King. Thus 王.

Voncken is basicly old Dutch for voncken, which means sparkles. So I tought of 火星 (little fire stars). Does this make any sense? Any other recommendations?


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火星 means Mars (the planet), rather than "sparkles".

火星人 means "Martian", so maybe this name could have some undesirable connotations, in case you feel alien enough as it is...?! You should wait for someone Chinese to express their professional opinions though, rather than listening to another 老外 :roll:

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I think it is not bad.

While 火星 generally does mean Mars, 火星/星火 also mean sparkles (take a look at this and this). We have this saying 星星之火可以燎原, which means small sparkles could become a huge fire, meaning small things can have big effect.

But then people might call you martian as yonglin said.

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Maybe your Chinese friends will get some laughs from your name, because 火星 is a very very popular web idiom in nearly all of the Chinese forums, which just means some guy who has very poor general knowledge. So 火星人 means the alien who knows nothing about the Earth.:mrgreen:

for example:



In my opinion, the third character can be 熠 yi4 or 煜 yu4, which just means sparkle.However, they were used so seldom that even some Chinese couldn't pronunciate them right.


The second character may be

云yun2 = cloud

文wen2 = literature or civilization

丰feng2 = abundant or rich

洪hong2, 鸿hong2 = great

如yu2 = seem like, 如熠 or 如煜 means "seems like the sparkles", which were often used by ancient Chinese in their names.

王如熠 or 王如煜 is ok, but some foreign friends may meet some trouble pronouncing it.

The names below may be better:




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火星 means Mars (the planet)' date=' rather than "sparkles".

火星人 means "Martian", so maybe this name could have some undesirable connotations, in case you feel alien enough as it is...?! You should wait for someone Chinese to express their professional opinions though, rather than listening to another 老外[/quote']

I know it also means Mars, but my Chinese teacher told me it would also mean "Small amount of fïre" ..thus sparkles.

Maybe your Chinese friends will get some laughs from your name, because 火星 is a very very popular web idiom in nearly all of the Chinese forums, which just means some guy who has very poor general knowledge. So 火星人 means the alien who knows nothing about the Earth

Really? haha well I don't want that! :lol: Although my Chinese knowledge is very little so far.

In my opinion, the third character can be 熠 yi4 or 煜 yu4, which just means sparkle.However, they were used so seldom that even some Chinese couldn't pronunciate them right.


The second character may be

云yun2 = cloud

文wen2 = literature or civilization

丰feng2 = abundant or rich

洪hong2, 鸿hong2 = great

如yu2 = seem like, 如熠 or 如煜 means "seems like the sparkles", which were often used by ancient Chinese in their names.

王如熠 or 王如煜 is ok, but some foreign friends may meet some trouble pronunciating it.

The names below may be better:




Some interesting thoughts there, "Hong2yi4" sounds a little weird to me though. As well as Yu2yi4.

I like Feng2yi4 a lot more, it means great flash/sparkle right?

I could ask my teacher how he thinks about that.

Any other suggestions?

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丰feng2 = abundant or rich

should be feng1

Think feng1yi4 sounds much more Chinese than huo3xing1.

Which name to take really depends on yourself. People will definitely remember you for huo3xing1 as a name. But feng1yi1is a name that even a native Chinese could consider...

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Thanks Karen. Feng2 should indeed be Feng1, but does this really mean sparkle?

I must say that I'd rather pick up the name 王丰熠 than 王火星, since the latter also means martian. Especially on Chinese forums this might cause some weird situations I guess. I like the name 丰熠 as well, although 火星 sounds great too.

Guess I will have to PM the admin for a username alteration :lol:

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I thought 星火 means sparkle, not 火星. How about 王星火? It's not as nice a name as the others, but it's simple and straight forward.

Well, Ok, I guess 火星 could also mean sparkle, but it's just too weird for a name.

I personally like 王星火.

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王星火 could be a possible too? This way is still means Spark/Sparkle and not Mars?

Then it's either gonna be:

王星火 Wáng Xīnghuǒ

王丰熠 Wáng Fēngyì

What sounds best to you guys, especially wanna hear a native's opinion :D

Thanks for your help!

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Though Huo3Xing1 can means sparkle too, I think the first thing that comes to the mind of a chinese is Mars when they hear it. When I saw the first post, the first thing I thought of is Mars or Martian and I thought it's quite funny *sorry!*

However, you can create a deep first impression to people by using this name and they will probably remember your name the next time they see you.

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suggestions from a native:

firstly , the surname wang2(王)is widely used in china all along , out of question is ok!

if so, secondly, considering your description, in the case of you insist keeping the meanings of your chinese name in accordance with your english, i think the yi4(熠)is preferred.

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I think you should use the name 王红星。

Why, well here are the reasons

1) Some Chinese people already are using (and here hehe)it so it must not be thaaaat bad. Plus if some other chinese person recognizes this name as such and such a famous person having it, you can use it as a conversation starter.

2) it has the character for red in it. This sounds super chinese. On paper people will think you are a middle aged chinese person, not a foreigner.

3) It still has 星 in it.

4) I am not a native speaker so you can totally ignore this name to, but it seems easy to remember, write, and say.

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Come on , guys, I'm a Chinese, May i give out my words?

Ya, The family name Wang is so hot or widely used in China.

And because you are not a real Chinese, too Chinese name is not fit for you.

Sparkle also means make sth shine,ya,sunshine, how about 王耀,though not so perfect and ideal, but it's easy for you , 耀 also could mean that you are so sunshine, shining to yourself, your friends, and everyone around you!!:D

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