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Internet slang


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All the following Chinese words are used only in internet.

1、楼主:The person who posts the new message in a forum or so. can be simplified as LZ.

2、楼上/下:The person who replies a note before or after you. in a forum can be simplified as LS, LX

3、灌水:水 in net means filled with nonsense or meaningless words, and guan shui is in the meaning of some one posts a message filled with meaningless words.

4、顶(你一下):the verb means that some one post a new message after your topic in forum, in this way your topic may move forward to the first page.

5、MS:just the simplified form of 貌似, which is a most common saying in net.

6、SM:reading in "sa ma",Japanese borrowed word in the meaning of “大人”, and now most in common as the form of “达人” . They are in the total same of meaning.

7、火星:Mars. But in net it refers to the meaning of "nonsense". e.g. 火星贴: The topic filled with meanlingless words. 火星人(or 水军):the persons who post a message full of nonsense.

8、火星文:A new style of Chinese characters only exist in internet which are invented by the teenages after 90. eg in usual Chinese “我爱你甚过爱这个世界。” in 火星文:“莪噯伱甚過噯這嗰迣堺。” All the Chinese readers can understand the latter charaters, which are not the normal Chinese though.

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9、BS:Stands for 鄙视, which means to detest or despise.

10、潜水:The opposite of 灌水, literally means to dive under water, but on the BBS it means lurking (reading, but posting little).

11、沙发:Literally means sofa, usually posted by the first person to reply to a post. I've seen different claims as to its origin.

And if you add number abbreviations (9494) then you've got a million more...

(For all my BBS slang needs, I go to Baidu Zhidao. Because it's not just foreigners who don't understand this stuff the first time they see it.)

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So, if I have understood this correctly:

楼主 - thread starter

楼上/下 - poster above/below

灌水 - spam/nonsense

顶(你一下) - to bump a thread

火星人 - a spammer

火星文 - Chinese equivalent to l33t-sp34k

Is that correct?

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楼主 - thread starter

楼上/下 - poster above/below

灌水 - spam/nonsense

顶(你一下) - to bump a thread

火星人 - a spammer

火星文 - Chinese equivalent to l33t-sp34k

correct except for 火星人 - a spammer. The saying 火星人 refers to those who post a message including the words you disliking or annoying you, but they have actually answered what you say.So 火星人 is used as a ironic word in net. In 胡戈's ironic movie 《鸟笼山剿匪记》, a plot is that a General was replying a post in bbs, writing as: “楼主是火星人,鉴定完毕!”

spammer should be translated as 水军 more better.


12、脑残:Ironic saying. The brain/mind is disabled, which means those who are saying or doing sth, that the normals may not fully understand. 脑残体:see 火星文

13、同志:a used word which formerly meant the call of comrades in 60s and 70s, but this usage is only remaining in governmental materals. Nowadays it alters to call a homosexual: Gay for 男同(志); les for 女同(志)or 拉拉. You may read saying 同志酒吧 which refers to the bar for homosexual only. NEVER USE THIS WORD TO CALL A BOY OR GIRL YOU MEET. Perhaps you may call a Chinese boy you first meet as 帅哥(handsome man) and a girl 美女(beautiful girl)in common.

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SM sometimes means sex abuse..I don't know what "M" stands for

"水" in "灌水" can be used alone.比如这里的帖子就没有那么水。:lol:“水贴”is also an example.

"沙发" refers to the first reply.But what is the second one?"板凳"is it.

"火星人" also refers to someone with few knowledge of the topic.


If you want to emphasize, try "冥王星"...(Though it has been excluded from the nine planet..)

eg: :shock:,冥王星的逆袭!!

( 逆袭=counter attack(borrowed from Japanese):lol::lol: )

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  • 1 month later...


Trying to find somewhere on chinese-forums.com a list of internet expressions in Chinese and I've seen it before but cant find it no matter if i search for any of the following terms:








So please post the link or start a new one if it doesnt exist anymore or cannot be found.

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My favourite is BT which can stand for either 1) bit torrent or 2) 變態 biantai which can express something like 'that sucks', 'that's so annoying' or literally 'that's bizarre'. It can also be used sarcastically as a joke between friends e.g. 你太BT啦 'You're so weird.'

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

No, it's just a net USAGE. it means he or she is the first one reply to the thread or topic. for example, I think i am the first one to reply to your thread, so I can say沙发. means I come earliest and took a good seat. the second one only can take a 板凳. the third guy can only sit down on the 地板. haha

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