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Names of Chinese companies "everyone" knows


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Inspired by this thread, I'm wondering what are the top 50-ish Chinese companies "everyone" in China knows about. Not necessarily the biggest companies (I could find that on my own), but the ones people have heard about. So likely heavy on the consumer goods and food.


To keep track of which ones are mentioned, I'll be editing this space to add ones that are mentioned below.

Agricultural Bank of China -- 农业银行 -- one of the four major state-owned banks

Alibaba -- 里巴巴 -- Hangzhou-based private company specializing in B2B, B2C, and C2C on-line commerce

Baidu -- 百度 -- web services

Bank of China (BoC) -- 中国银行 -- one of the four major state-owned banks

BYD -- 比亚迪 -- Rechargeable battery producer, automobile manufacturer, and mobile phone manufacturer

CCTV -- 中国中央电视台 -- media

Changhong -- 长虹 -- TV and electronic appliance manufacturer

China Construction Bank -- 建设银行 -- one of the four major state-owned banks

China Mobile -- 中国移动 -- one of the three major mobile phone service providers

China Telecom-- 中国电信 -- one of the three major mobile phone service providers

China Unicom -- 中国联通 -- one of the three major mobile phone service providers

Dangdang -- 当当网 -- B2C e-commerce website

First Automobile Works (FAW) -- 中国一汽 -- Automobile maker

Foxconn -- 富士康 -- Taiwanese-based contract manufacturer

Gome -- 国美 -- electronics retailer

Haier -- 海尔 -- household appliance manufacturer

Huawei -- 华为技术有限公司 -- networking and telecommunications equipment manufacturer

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China -- 工商银行 -- one of the four major state-owned banks

Jiu Gui Huasheng -- 酒鬼花生 -- peanuts

Kang Shifu -- 康師傅 -- Taiwan-based manufacturer of instant noodles (and other food products)

Kingsoft -- 金山 -- Software developer

Kingway -- 金威 -- Guangdong-government-owned beer maker (Heineken owns 21%)

Maotai -- 茅台酒 -- Type of 白酒 produced by the Guizhou-based state-owned 貴州茅台酒 company

Meng Niu -- 蒙牛 -- Inner-Mongolia-based manufacturer of dairy products

Lenovo -- 联想 -- PC manufacturer (bought IBM's PC division)

Lining -- 李宁 - clothing brand

Qingdao -- 青岛 -- beer

Petrochina -- 中国石油 -- petroleum company (listed arm of state-owned China National Petroleum Corporation)

Quanjude -- 全聚德 -- famous peking duck chain, established 1864

Sina -- 新浪 -- Shanghai-based company that runs Sina.com, the largest Chinese-language infotainment web portal

Sinopec -- 中国石化 -- petroleum

Snow -- 雪花 -- beer maker

Suning Electrical Appliance Stores -- 苏宁 -- retailer

TCL -- TCL -- electronics manufacturer

Tencent -- 腾讯 -- ISP, also creator of QQ

Three Deer -- 三鹿 -- infamous for involvement in the melamine-in-milk scandal

360buy.com -- 京东商城 -- eCommerce website

Vanke -- 万科 -- Shenzhen-based real estate company, China's largest residential real estate developer

Wahaha -- 哇哈哈 -- food and beverage company

Wang Lao Ji -- 王老吉 -- herbal tea

Wuliangye -- 五粮液 -- beverage maker. Company name and primary product is both "五粮液"

ZTE -- 中兴通讯 -- networking and telecom

工行 -- short for 中国工商银行

东航 -- short for 中国东方航空公司

建行 -- short for 中国建设银行

Edited by jbradfor
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a few off the top of my head:




Wang Lao Jie

Kang Shifu

Meng Niu

Snow beer (雪花)

Qingdao beer

Obviously there are certain western brands everyone knows like KFC but I suppose you weren't asking about those

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Thanks! That's exactly the stuff I'm looking for. I haven't heard of most of those companies. For the ones I didn't know (or didn't know the name in characters), I looked up the company names in characters, and added a short blurb on what they do. Hope others may find this useful

Tencent -- 腾讯 -- ISP, also creator of QQ

Liming -- Liming Heavy Industry ??? -- http://www.break-day.com/cn/ ???

Wang Lao Jie -- do you mean Wang Lao Ji? 王老吉??

Kang Shifu -- 康師傅 -- Taiwan-based manufacturer of instant noodles (and other food products)

Meng Niu -- 蒙牛 -- Inner-Mongolia-based manufacturer of dairy products


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苏宁 (both giant retailers)



长虹 (tv and electronic appliance manufacturers)

ZTE (中兴通讯)(networking and telecom stuff)

李宁 - clothing brand



中国电信 - the three major phone networks.

全聚德 - famous peking duck chain

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Suning Electrical Appliance Stores -- 苏宁电器。 I've seen them everywhere in China.

As far as electrical appliances themselves go, Haier is a "household name" through all their TV advertising if nothing else. 海尔家电。

In a different category, beverages, I'd say 王老吉 Wang Lao Ji herbal tea, sold in those distinctive red cans, must be known to most every Chinese person.

And to go with the 王老吉 you have 酒鬼花生,Jiu Gui Huasheng (peanuts.)

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EDIT: I now see that some of these were already mentioned.

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How strict are you with your definition of "everybody"? I bet for most of these companies, there'll be millions (possibly hundreds of millions) of farmers who've never heard of them. If you want to include them, a company like Qingdao would probably fare much better than, say, Tencent (where I wouldn't be surprised if even a lot of the people using QQ didn't realize that was the actual company name...)

Also, here's a list of the most valuable brands, which should be somewhat correlated to brand awareness: http://www.china.org.cn/top10/2011-06/30/content_22895450.htm

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I'm wondering what are the top 50-ish Chinese companies "everyone" in China knows about.

Perhaps not rural farmers living way back "off the grid," but most city dwellers would recognize the names of the major Chinese banks and the names of the major Chinese arilines.

Natives would also recognize their abbreviated forms, as used in daily speech, such as 东航 in place of 中国东方航空公司 and 建行 in place of 中国建设银行。

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Related question - what percentage of Chinese people who see all those "汇丰 HSBC" signs would know that HSBC stands for Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, or at least know the bank was founded in China? Not obvious at all, particularly if you think of 香港 as being Xiang Gang rather than Hong Kong.

I remember reading a while back that at one time, all of the top 5 largest banks in the world by market capitalisation were Chinese, apart from the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation - made me laugh.

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Thanks all! That's exactly what I'm looking for. I updated my OP to include all the information, and if you think of more please post.

How strict are you with your definition of "everybody"?

Yeah, that's a problem, and the reason for my use of "". Basically, if your "typical Chinese-speaking foreigner" would be likely to run into it, I'd like to know about it.

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This evening I spent lot of time to study on this issue, luckily there happened to be a beer festival here so it helped little bit with my studies which was mainly focused on beer brands.

So here is my list of beers “everybody” should know, except maybe the last 3 ones not that famous in china, but I included them anyway as a change for us all to learn something new!

There might be more still, but for some reason I can’t now think of them... B)

雪花 xuehua

金威 kingway

青岛 qingdao

珠江 zhujiang

黄河 huanghe

百威 budweiser

燕京 yanjing

喜力 heineken

嘉士伯 carlsberg

蓝带 blue ribbon

哈啤 harbin

崂泉 laoquan

克罗纳 corona

涅瓦河 newell

皇家伯爵 arcobräu

捷克黑山 černá hora

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