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Chinese drama with vocab: 我们无处安放的青春


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Ep. 1

场景        chang3jing3        setting, scene
步伐        bu4fa2        step
偏差        pian1cha1        deviation, error?????
神态        shen2tai4        bearing, appearance
带有        dai4you3        to have, possess
馥郁        fu4yu4            sweetly scented
芬芳        fen1fang1        fragrance
决绝        jue2jue2        resolute, determined
果断        guo3duan4        decisive
读不懂        du2bu4dong4        unable to read
量子力学    liang4zi3li4xue2    quantum mechanics
变数        bian4shu4        variable (mathematics)
常数        chang2shu4        constant (mathematics)
粉笔        fen3bi3        chalk
偶然        ou3ran2        an accident, chance
刚好        gang1hao3        by chance, just happen to be
蹭脏        ceng4zang1        become stained after rubbing against something
不光彩        bu4guang1cai3        disgraceful
痛心疾首    tong4xin1ji2shou3    to grieve and lament
应聘        ying4pin4        accept an offer of employment
转正        zhuan3zheng4        complete a probationary period
优先        you1xian1        have priority, take precedence
扛下        kang2xia4        get rid of (a burden)
嚣张        xiao1zhang1        arrogant
散漫        san3man4        undisciplined
不务正业    bu4wu4zheng4ye4    not attend to one's duties
拥抱        yong1bao4        hug, embrace
无声无息    wu2sheng1wu2xi1    without a word
无尽        wu2jin4        limitless
悔恨        hui3hen4        bitter regret
注定        zhu4ding4        be destined, fated
属于        shu3yu2        belong to
华丽        hua2li4        gorgeous
乐章        yue4zhang4        movement (musical)
色彩        se4cai3        character
等待        deng3dai4        wait
如约而至的 8:08 -
一阵        yi1zhen4        a burst of, a fit of
寄        ji4            post, mail
要命        yao4ming4        annoying 要命的是。。。
刘漪        Liu2yi1        girl's name
打岔儿        da3char4        interrupt
惦记        dian4ji4        keep thinking about
旁人        pang2ren2        other people
消失无踪    xiao1shi1wu2zong1    disappear without a trace
相识        xiang1shi2        aquainted with
细腻        xi4ni4            fine and smooth, minute ??? 9:14
悉心        xi1xin1        devote all one's attention
不已        bu4yi3            endlessly
清洗剂        qing1xi3ji4        ??? 09:36
冲淡        chong1dan4        dilute, weaken
遗忘        yi2wang4        to forget
怀念        huai2nian4        cherished memory
在此之前    zai4ci3zhi1qian2    before that...
把x落到y了                to leave something (x) behind somewhere (y) (to forget to take something with you when you leave)
剧场        ju4chang3        theatre
钟楚红        Zhong1Chu3hong2    Hong Kong actress
周润发        Zhou1Run4fa1        Chow Yun-Fat
万人迷                    a person everyone's infatuated with ??? 10:33
骚扰        sao1rao3        harass
著名        zhu4ming2        famous
戴妍        Dai4Yan2        girl's name
一生        yi1sheng1        all one's life
注视        zhu4shi4        gaze at
清澈        qing1che4        clear
明媚        ming2mei4        radiant and enchanting
容得下                    compare to??? 13:03
漂浮        piao1fu2        float
半空        ban4kong1        mid-air
家教        jia1jiao4        tutor
训话        xun4hua4        admonish (a subordinate)
治安        zhi4an1        public security
拙劣        zhuo1lie4        clumsy, inferior
就算x也不y    jiu4suan4 ye3bu4    Granted/Even if/Even supposing that..., yet/still...
毛巾        mao2jin1        towel
傅        fu4            lay on, apply
日记        ri4ji4            diary
一惊一乍    yi1jing1yi1zha4    flustered
逃不过我的眼睛            can't escape my notice
不准        bu4zhun3        forbid          
情场        qing2chang3        arena of love
老手        lao3shou3        veteran
届        jie4            measure word for meetings, events etc.
文艺        wen2yi4        literature and art
汇演        hui4yan3        joint performance
合唱        he2chang4        chorus
喀秋莎        ka1qiu1sha1        kutyusha rocket launcher (name of the chorus group)
舞蹈        wu3dao3        dance
说正经    的    shuo1zheng4jing4    talk seriously
拉扯大        la1che0da4        bring up, raise (children)
别针        bie2zhen1        safety pin, brooch
多亏x,不然y                It's all thanks to x, otherwise y.
露背        lou4bei4        backless garment
献给        xian4gei3        dedicate to
不像样        bu4xiang4yang4    shoddy
春江花月夜    Chun1jiang1hua1yue4ye4    River on a spring night (poem)
祖国        zu3guo2        motherland
鲜艳        xian1yan4        gaily coloured
开颜        kai1yan2        smile, beam
螺号        luo2hao4        conch, shell as horn for signaling
不及格        bu4ji2ge2        to fail (a test at school)
先天        xian1tian1        in-born trait
缺陷        que1xian4        defect
缓解        huan3jie3        alleviate
溜达        liu1da0        stroll, walk
勉强        mian3qiang3        grudgingly, reluctant
魂不守舍    hun2bu4shou3she4    distracted, have one's mind somewhere else
摇滚        yao2gun3        rock and roll
不止那么简单吧            ??? 34:03
民乐        min2yue4        folk music

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骄傲        jiao1ao4        arrogant, proud
摄影        she4yin3        photography
打个比方    bi3fang0        For example...
由于        you2yu2        Since..., As..., Due to...
概率        gai4lv4        probability
总归        zong3gui1        after all, anyhow
何以见得    he2yi3jian4de2    How so?
总得        zong3dei3        must, have to
动真格的    dong4zhen1ge2de    to truly do something (without holding back)
结局        jie2ju2        outcome, ending
瞎掰        xia1bai1        talk nonsense
气质        qi4zhi4        manners, temperament
体面的说法                a nice way of putting something, euphemism
含蓄        han2xu4        implicit
避开        bi4kai1        avoid
烫伤        tang4shang4        a burn, scold
留疤        liu2ba1        leave a scar
摔        shuai1            cause to fall and break
矜持        jin1chi2        reserved, restrained
哑        ya3            hoarse, husky (of voice)
放大        fang4da4        enlarge
愚蠢        yu2chun3        foolish
岳父        yue4fu4        father-in-law
千金        qian1jin1        daughter
活剥        huo2bao1        to skin alive
知难而退    zhi1nan2er2tui4    retreat from a difficult situation
父女        fu4nv3            father and daughter
重申        chong2shen1        reiterate 我再次重申。。。
描眉画眼    miao2mei2hua4yan3    apply eyeliner
天赋        tian1fu4        in-born talent
傻乎乎的    sha3hu1hu1de        simple-minded, foolish
精力        jing1li4        energy, attention
违纪        wei2ji4        break the rules
通告        tong1gao4        public notice
照相        zhao4xiang4        take a photo
挨        ai2            suffer, endure
处分        chu3fen4        take disciplinary action, punish
深刻        shen1ke4        deep, profound
借此        jie4ci3        thereby, using this as a pretext
光荣        guang1rong2        glorious
一个个                    each and every one
连累        lian2lei3        get somebody into trouble
寝室        qin3shi4        doom room
正着        zheng4zhao2        red-handed
知己        zhi1ji3        intimate friend
有异性没人性                重色情有??? 22:47
用心        yong4xin1        intention
凄凉        qi1liang2        dreary, miserable
彩带        cai3dai4        coloured ribbon, streamer
招新        zhao1xin1        recruit new members (eg to uni clubs)
名额        ming2e2        quota of people
破格        po4ge2            make an exception (to a rule)
登山        deng1shan1        mountain climbing
热爱        re4ai4            to love, have affection for
五线谱        wu3xian4pu3        staff (music)
原则        yuan2ze2        principle, rule
节制        jie3zhi4        temperance, abstinence
分寸        fen1cun0        a sense of propriety, proper limits
三思而后行    san1si1er2hou4xing2        think thrice before you act
禁不住        jin1buzhu4        can't refrain from, can't resist
诱惑        you4huo4        temptation
自重        zi4zhong4        dignified, self-possessed
怜香惜玉    lian2xiang1xi1yu4    show pity and kindness to women (here 香 and 玉 represent women)
答复        da2fu4            answer, reply

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省报        sheng3bao4        omit to mention/report
不打自招    bu4da3zi4zhao1    give oneself away, confess without being pressed
转告        zhuan3gao4        pass on (word)
发稿        fa1gao3        dispatch the news
孝敬        xiao4jing4        give presents to one's elders
犹豫        you2yu4        hesitate
分头        fen1tou2        separately
实习        shi2xi2        fieldwork, practise
户籍警        hu4ji2jing3        police officer in charge of household registration
科目        ke1mu4            subject (in a curriculum)
高科技        gao1ke1ji4        hi-tech
侦破        zhen1po4        investigate, uncover
手段        shou3duan4        method
鉴定        jian4ding4        appraisal, determine
人不像人,鬼不像鬼            ?????? 07:45
哭哭啼啼    ku1ku0ti2ti2        cry one's eyes out
评比        ping2bi3        appraise through comparison
抓紧        zhua1jin3        firmly grasp, pay close attention to
组织        zu3zhi1        organisation
理亏        li3kui1        in the wrong
纠缠        jiu1chan2        to pester
到目前为止    dao4mu4qian2wei2zhi3    So far..., Up until now...
采访        cai3fang3        cover (a news story)
有私心        si1xin1        have selfish motives
以我的经验                In my experience...
堤        di1            dyke, embankment
两侧        liang3ce2        two sides
管涌        guan3yong3        a leak in a dam
披上        pi1shang4        drape over one's shoulders
食堂        shitang2        canteen
泥        ni2            mud

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鼹鼠        yan3shu3        mole
耿耿于怀    geng3geng3yu2huai4        to brood on something, always hurting from the same problem
接风        jie1feng1        give a welcome dinner (for a visitor from afar)
通缉        tong1ji1        to order the arrest of someone
大义凛然    da4yi4lin3ran3    devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence
亏心事        kui1xin1shi4        a deed that troubles one's conscience
拜见        bai4jian4        pay a formal visit to pay one's respects
岳父        yue4fu4        father-in-law
有种        you3zhong3        have guts, plucky
火拼        huo3pin1        open fight between factions
体无完肤    ti3wu2wan2fu1        be ripped to shreds (in a fight or contest)
摇摆不定    yao2bai3bu4ding4    indecisive
冷酷心肠    leng3ku4xin1chang2        cold-hearted
拐        guai3            make off with (snatch) 把我拐跑了
主人翁        zhu3ren2weng1        main character in a novel, hero, master
我没吃过猪肉 还没见过猪跑妈?    ????? 09:17
客观事实    ke4guan1shi4shi2    objective fact
展览        zhan3lan3        put on display 我怎么感觉自己像是被展览来了
有人气                    be popular
磨练        mo2lian4        steel oneself, temper (through hardships)
直觉        zhi2jue2        intuition
大的都会打酱油了            ????? 11:26
妾        qie4            concubine
纳        na4            receive, enjoy
消除        xiao1chu2        eliminate
封建        feng1jian4        feudal
余孽        yu2nie4        remaining evil
成心        cheng2xin1        intentionally
即使        ji2shi3        even if..., even though...
打岔        da3cha4        interrupt, cut in
未必        wei4bi4        not necessarily 未必能得到他
布头        bu4tou2        leftover bits of cloth
别是。。。    bie2shi4        Maybe.., Perhaps..., What if... (adverb used to express anxiety that sth. bad may happen) 别是什么紧急任务
眨眼工夫    zha3yan3gong1fu0    in a blink of an eye
享福        xiang3fu2        live a happy and presperous life
相反        xiang1fan3        the contrary, opposite
不堪回首    bu4kan1hui2shou3    unbearable to look back on (event in the past)
晾        liang4            neglect (dry in the sun)
时势        shi2shi4        the current situation
留步        liu2bu4        don't bother to see me out (said by departing guest)
野外        ye3wai4        countryside
自习        zi4xi2            study by oneself
丢三落四    diu1san1la4si4    always forgetting things
歇        xie1            take a break, have a rest
一鼓作气    yi1gu3zuo4qi4        get sth. done in one sustained effort (without stopping)
日落        ri4luo4        sunset
安顿        an1dun4        to settle, arrange
不甘心        bu4gan1xin1        not resigned to, not accept
不到黄河心不死            refuse to give up one's goal until al hope is gone
发卡        fa1ka3            hairclip
痕迹        hen2ji4        mark, vestige, trace (of sth. that has gone)
塌下        ta1xia4        collapse
收场        shou1chang3        to end
当面对质    dang1mian4dui4zhi4        confront somebody face to face
决一死战    jue2yi1si3zhan4    fight to the death
默契        mo4qi4            tacit understanding

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x的本钱                have a special gift for x 我就是有吃的本钱 应为我怎么吃都不胖

大排档        da4pai2dang4        street food
红烧        hong2shao1        braise in soy sauce
你说别人的事你总跟里面掺乎。    ????? 11:03
剁        duo4            ????? chop, cut
令人发指    ling4ren2fa4zhi3    make one's hair bristle with anger
解恨        jie3hen4        have one's hatred slaked
大奖        da4jiang3        a big prize
我就是那个万里挑一的        ????? 12:29
谁知道你关键时候掉不掉链子啊    ????? 12:33
抛弃        pao1qi4        abandon
琢磨        zhuo2mo2        obsess over something over and over
貌美        mao4mei3        pretty
指南针        zhi3nan2zhen1        compass
顶多        ding3duo1        at the most, at best
盏        zhan3            measure word for lamps
周星驰        zhou1xing1chi2    Hong Kong comic actor
城隍庙        cheng2huang2miao4    town god's temple
22:22 - 22:31
高档        gao1dang4        superior quality
香奈儿        xiang1nai4er2        Chanel
盎司        ang4si1        ounce
处置        chu3zhi4        handle, deal with
廉耻        lian2chi3        sense of integrity and honour
严办        yan2ban4        deal with severely
自暴自弃    zi4bao4zi4qi4        abandon oneself to despair
即使        ji2shi3        Even if...
不虚此行    bu4xu1ci3xing2    the journey has not been in vain
毅然下海                ?????? 30:13
劳教        lao2jiao4        re-education through labour
卷宗        juan4zong1        file, dossier
咬定        yao3ding4        to insist, maintain that
救世主        jiu4shi4zhu3        the Saviour
吩咐        fen1fu4        to instruct
溺水        ni4shui3        drowning
稍微        shao1wei1        a little, a bit

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我就是那个万里挑一的  ----I am pretty well a one in a million.

不止那么简单吧----the things is not so simple.


有异性没人性      ----some one puts love or sex above all.

人不像人,鬼不像鬼     ---you are nobody.or you are nothing.


如约而至----come as promised. come conformably to one's promise.

大的都会打酱油了----if this change to 孩子都会打酱油了,that means the children can help his parents to do the little things, such as to buy a bottle of soy sauce,and this 大的都会打酱油了,means he or she has more than one children,and the bigger children can help to do the little things,the age between 2-6. as you know to buy a bottle of soy sauce is such easy.  

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此刻        ci3ke4                  this moment

掩盖        yan3gai4          cover, hide

凛冽        lin3lie4          piercingly cold

悔恨        hui3hen4          regret deeply

愧疚        kui4jiu4          consciounce-stricken

挑衅        tiao3xin4         provoke

挑战        tiao3zhan4        to challange to battle

甚至        shen4zhi4         to the extent that

倔强        jue2jiang4        stubborn

退让        tui4rang4         yield, make a concession

抵触        di3chu4           conflict, contradict

情绪        qing2xu4          mood, moodiness

躲闪        duo3shan4         evade

超出        chao1chu1         exceed

传达        chuan2da2         transmit

仇恨        chou2hen4         hostility

爱慕        ai4mu4                  admire

纠缠        jiu1chan2         nag, pester

追逐        zhui1zhu2         persue

粗犷        cu1guang3         rough, boorish

精致        jing1zhi4         fine, exquisite

磕头        ke1tou2           kowtow

荫凉        yin4liang2        shady and cool

即使        ji2shi3           even if, even though

触手可及     chu4shou3ke3ji2   within reach

心窍        xin1qiao4         the mind, capacity to think clearly

汇报        hui4bao4          report, give an account of

衬衣        chen4yi1          shirt

克制        ke4zhi4           exercise restraint

崩溃        beng1kui4         collapse

绝症        jue2zheng4        incurable illness

疲倦        pi2juan4          tired

宵夜        xiao1ye4          late-night snack

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焦头烂额     jiao1tou2lan4e2   in a sorry plight, a sorry fix

但愿        dan4yuan4         if only..., I wish...

够呛        gou4qiang4        unbearable, unlikely

少不了      shao3bu0liao3           cannot do without, unavoidable

挨欺负      ai2qi1fu0         suffer bullying

婚纱        hun1sha1          wedding dress

鱼丸        yu2wan2           fish ball


省委        sheng3wei3        provincial Party committee

书记        shu1ji4           secretary

风传        feng1chuan2       it's rumoured that...

          cheng2                  to dish out food

          tian1             to add

不过你不撞到南墙你也不可能知道        11:17

跟人张嘴     gen1ren2zhang1zui3            ask somebody for a favour

老远        lao3yuan3         very far away

毛豆        mao2dou4          fresh soya bean

茴香        hui2xiang1        aniseed

花椒        hua1jiao1         Chinese prickly ash

专长        zhuan1chang2            special skill

板凳        ban3deng4         a wooden stall

成心        cheng2xin1        intentionally

忠厚        zhong1hou4        honest and loyal

装腔作势     zhuang1qiang1zuo4shi4   be affected or pretentious, strike a pose

既然        ji4ran2           Since..., This being the case...

先进        xian1jin4         advanced

拉拉队      la1la1dui4        cheerleader

抛投露面     pao1tou2lou4mian4 to show your face in public (derog.)

烂摊子      lan4tan1zi        a shambles, a mess

撵出去      nian3             to drive somebody out, to cast ou

偏方        pian1fang1        folk prescription (Chinese medicine)

开导        kai1dao3          make sb. see sense, straighten out sb. muddled thinking

解脱        jie3tuo1          extricate oneself (from a tricky situation)

精诚所至金石为开             with a will you can achieve anything (lit. sincerity splits open metal and stone)

尚且...,何况...                Even..., to say nothing of...

不料        bu4liao4          unexpectedly

铁石心肠     tie3shi2xin1chang2            a heart of stone

局外人      ju2wai4ren2       an outsider

原委        yuan2wei3         the whole story (how a thing happened)

...为止     wei2zhi3          until... 一直等到她出现为止

寝室        qin3shi4          room (in a dorm)

难缠        nan2chan2         unreasonable and hard to deal with (said of a person)

跳进黄河洗不清                 be in deep trouble (in a bad situation)

明知        ming2zhi4         sensible, wise

但愿如此     dan4yuan4ru2ci3   Let's hope so.

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专心        zhuan1xin1        focus on, concentrate on

药物        yao1wu4           medicine, drugs

暂时        zan4shi2          temporary

视觉        shi4jue2          vision (sense)

失明        shi1ming2         go blind

喘不过气来   chuan3buguo4qi4lai2           unable to breathe

连夜        lian2ye4          all through the night

整整齐齐     zheng3zheng3qi2qi2            neat and tidy

满头大汗     man3tou2da4han4   sweating profusly

心甘情愿     xin1gan1qing2yuan4            perfectly happy to (do something)

百里挑一     bai3li3tiao1yi1   exceptional, cream of the crop

自持        zi4chi2           control oneself, restrain oneself

阶段        jie1duan4         stage, phase

中篇小说     zhong1pian1xiao3shuo1   medium-length novel

对付        dui4fu0           deal with, counter, tackle

报社        bao4she4          newspaper office

省得        sheng3de          so as to avoid...

藕断丝连     ou3duan4si1lian2  lovers apart, but still longing for each other; lit: the lotus root snaps but it's fibres stay joined

拖泥带水     tuo1ni2dai4shui3  messy, sloppy

恶劣        e4lie4                  nasty, horrible, disgusting

于心不忍     yu2xin1bu4ren3    not have the heart to (do something)

稿子        gao3zi                  manuscript

无论如何     wu2lun4ru2he2           whatever happens

郊外        jiao1wai4         countryside, city outskirts

黄昏        huang2hun1        dusk

          wei4              to feed

饶不了      rao2bu4liao3            to show no mercy

妇科        fu4ke1                  (dept. of) gynaecology

症状        zheng4zhuang4           symptom

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          rou2              to rub, knead

獾油        huan1you2         badger fat (for treating burns)

醉翁之意不在酒     zui4weng1zhi1yi4bu4zai4jiu3   have ulterior motives

坚硬        jian1ying4        hard, solid

无懈可击     wu2xie4ke3ji1     invulnerable, unassailable

短暂        duan3zan4         brief, short

何出此言     he2chu1ci3yan2    what makes you say such a thing?

记仇        ji4chou2          bear grudges

胡扯        hu2che3           nonsense

          cheng2            clear, transparent

墨水        mo4shui3          ink

点燃        dian3ran2         kindle, ignite

火焰        huo3yan4          flame

般配        ban1pei4          well matched, well suited

浅薄        qian3bo2          shallow, superficial

          zao3              jujube (Chinese date)

          po1               slope

打滚        da3gun3           roll about

大洋        da3yang4          close for the night (shops etc.)

逃避        tao2bi4           evade

犀利        xi1li4            incisive, sharp

施舍        shi1she3          give to charity

仅仅        jin3jin3          merely

了结        liao3jie2         finish, settle

雀斑        que4ban1          freckle

如胶似漆     ru2jiao1si4qi1    stuck together as by glue (of lovers)

从良        cong2liang2       (of a prostitiute) leave the brothel, get married and start a new life

舍己为人     she3ji3wei4ren2   sacrifice one's own interests for the sake of others

彼此彼此     bi3ci3            no better or worse than each other

下不为例     xia4bu4wei2li4    just this once (not to be repeated)

暴跳如雷     bao4tiao4ru2lei2  fly into a rage

体谅        ti3liang4         show understanding and sympathy for, make allowances for

半斤八两     ban4jin1ba1liang3 two of a kind

          dun4              to stew

          qi3               used to ask a rhetorical question

朝暮        zhao1mu4          from morning to night

守则        shou3ze2          rules and regulations

寸步不离     cun4bu4bu4li2     always stay close to

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清闲        qing1xian2        at leisure

          xiao1             peel

          teng2             vacate, clear out

至于        zhi4yu2           As for...

提前        ti2qian2          shift to an earlier date, earlier than planned

静悄悄      jing4qiao1qiao1   very quiet

赎罪        shu2zui4          redemption, to atone

畜牲        chu4sheng0        dirty swine

轮廓        lun2kuo4          outline, sketch

破烂        po4lan4           junk

纯洁        chun2jie2         pure

珠宝        zhu1bao3          jewelry

挑剔        tiao1ti0          nitpick, picky

何必        he2bi4            there's no need to..., why...

战战兢兢     zhan4zhan4jing1jing1    trembling with fear and trepidation

正经        zheng4jing0       serious 跟你说点正经的

          mei2              measure word for rings

承诺        cheng2nuo4        promise to undertake to do something

围脖        wei2bo2           scarf

信守        xin4shou3         abide by    信守承诺

红薯        hong2shu3         sweet potato

难产        nan2chan3         difficult birth

牛脾气      niu2pi2qi4        stubborn

          mai2              bury (a dead person)

教改        jiao4gai3         educational reform

方案        fang1an4          scheme, plan

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容不得      rong2bude2        unable to bear or tolerate

厌倦        yan4juan4         tired of

疲惫        pi2bei4           exhausted

一走了之     yi1zou3liao3zhi1  avoid a problem by walking away from it

约束        yue1shu4          restrain

误机        wu4ji1                  to miss a plane

拖泥带水     tuo1ni2dai4shui3  sloppy, inefficiently

风筝        feng1zheng0       kite

线头        xian4tou2         end of a thread

彩礼        cai3li3           betrothal gifts

信仰        xin4yang3         faith, conviction

敬畏        jing4wei4         reverence

天葬        tian1zang4        sky burial

仪式        yi2shi4           ceremony

黎明        li2ming2          dawn, daybreak

裹住        guo3zhu4          to bind, wrap

          quan2             curl up, huddle up

姿势        zi1shi4           posture

穿越        chuan1yue4        pass through, cut across

          ying1             eagle, hawk

          diao1             hold in the mouth

魂魄        hun2po4           soul

飞翔        fei1xiang2        to fly

自古        zi4gu3                  since ancient times

庙宇        miao4yu3          temple

虔诚        qian2cheng2       pious, devout

洗涤        xi3di2                  to wash, cleanse

朝拜        chao2bai4         pay religious homage

光滑        guang1hua2        smooth

圆润        yuan2run4         smooth and round

          bang3             list of names posted up

扰乱        rao3luan4         disturb

秩序        zhi4xu4           order

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相思病      xiang1si1bing4    lovesickness

家常菜      jia1chang2cai4    home cooking

恍惚        huang3hu1         absentminded

霎时间      sha4shi2jian1           for a brief moment

仿佛        fang3fu2          seemingly, as if 仿佛自己出门就可以到蒙蒙的楼下

纤细        xian1xi4          very thin

热切        re4qie4           fervent, earnest

我早翻桌了  3:49

转悠        zhuan4you0        to loiter, stroll

一往情深     yi1wang3qing2shen1            be head over heels in love 对你一往情深

诱惑        you4huo4          entice, tempt

深处        shen1chu4         depths, recesses 春到深处就不见了

移动        yi2dong4          move, shift 移动脚步

留神        liu2shen2         be careful, take care 留神点

简陋        jian3lou4         simple and crude

枕头        zhen3tou0         pillow

          nie1              pinch, feel

补偿        bu3chang2         compensate, make up

慌张        huang1zhang1            flurried, flustered

不知所措     bu4zhi1suo3cuo4   be at a loss, at one's wits' end

生疏        sheng1shu1        not as close as before

抓牢        zhua1lao2         grasp tightly

期盼        qi1pan4           await, look forward to

关怀        guan1huai2        show loving care for

哪怕        na3pa4                  even if, even though 哪怕只是背影

执著        zhi2zhuo2         stubborn, persevering

恰如        qia4ru2           just like 恰如这无名小花一样

卑微        bei1wei1          low and petty

与其        yu3qi2                  rather than, better than

退让        tui4rang4         yield

倒不如      dao4bu4ru2        it would be better to 倒不如说是一种步步紧逼

紧逼        jin3bi1           press hard, close in on

主编        zhu3bian1         editor (of a newspaper)

执着        zhi2zhuo2         perseverence

偶然        ou3ran2           accidental, by chance

巧合        qiao3he2          coincidence

以及        yi3ji2                  as well as, along with

闪过        shan3guo4         to dodge (away from pursuers)

吉普        ji2pu3                  Jeep

汇合        hui4he2           converge, join

走神        zou3shen2         absent minded, to wander (pf one's attention)

步骤        bu4zhou4          step, move

清晰        qing1xi1          clear, distinct

空旷        kong1kuang4       open and spacious

偏头痛      pian1tou2tong4    migraine

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激发        ji1fa1                  arouse, stimulate

灵感        ling2gan3         inspiriation (for creative work) 应该可以激发你的灵感

拙于言词     zhuo1yu2yan2ci2   unable to express oneself clearly

手续        shou3xu4          formalities, procedure

间歇性      jian4xie1xing4    intermittently, temporarily

遗址        yi2zhi3           site (where something was, eg an ancient city)

够呛        gou4qiang4        unlikely 不过古格有点远 来回可能够呛

亲手        qin1shou3         personally, with one's own hands 尝尝我亲手做的方便面

通融        tong1rong2        stretch the rules, make an exception in somebody's favour 你通融一下

稍微        shao1wei1         a little, a bit 你稍微快点吧

逞能        cheng3neng2       show off one's ability 你逞什么能啊

不曾x     bu4ceng2          never (have done x) 我很高兴我不曾阻拦过你

阻拦        zu3lan2           stop, obstruct

梧桐        wu2tong2          Chinese parasol tree

寂寞        ji4mo4                  lonely, silent

心虚        xin1xu1           afraid of being found out, with a guilty conscience 所以你心虚地给我一叠钱

腔调        qiang1diao4       tone of voice (derogatory) 请你不要用这种腔调跟我说话

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养父母      yang3fu4mu3       foster parents

栀子        zhi1zi0           Cape jasmine (flower)

稀罕        xi1han0           uncommon, scarce

宠坏        chong3huai4       to spoil (eg a child)

卧床        wo4chuang2        confined to bed (due to sickness etc)

软语        ruan3yu3          soft words

温存        wen1cun2          attentive and gentle (usu. to opposite sex)

海誓山盟     hai3shi4shan1meng2            (make) a solemn pledge of love 有海誓山盟的爱情吗

生母        sheng1mu3         natural mother

幻想        huan4xiang3       imagine, dream

一了百了     yi1liao3bai3liao3 all troubles end (because of the end of something, such as death after a long illness)

自然而然     zi4ran2er2ran2    naturally 人啊 总是会自然而然地逃避痛苦

迷糊        mi2hu0                  dazed, muddleheaded

傍晚        bang4wan3         towards evening, dusk

          zhen4             town

消炎药      xiao1yan2yao4           antibiotics

鸡心        ji1xin1           heart shaped

形状        xing2zhuang4            shape, appearance

          chao1             make a copy

乐谱        le4pu3                  music score

你不说话 没有人当你是哑巴

蜡烛        la4zhu2           candle

白昼        bai2zhou4         daylight

          bu3               arrest, seize

处死        chu3si3           execute, put to death

          ying4             reflect, shine

惨淡        can3dan4          gloomy

响彻云霄     xiang3che4yun2xiao1           resound across the heavens

云雀        yun2que4          lark (bird?)

朱丽叶      zhu1li4ye4        Juliet

          ya3               hoarse, husky

彩排        cai3pai2          dress rehearsal

死神        si3shen2          Death, Grim Reaper

刺耳        ci4er3                  ear-piercing, jarring

宛转        wan3zhuan3        sweet and agreeable

          yue4              to please and delight

黯然        an4ran2           dejected and downcast

疲倦        pi2juan4          tired

漂泊        piao1bo2          lead a wandering life, drifter 漂泊的生活

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磨磨蹭蹭     mo2mo2ceng4cen4   dillydally, slow 她都是磨磨蹭蹭的 不用等她

荠菜        ji4cai4           sheperd's purse (some king of veg?)

馄饨        hun2tun0          dumpling soup

意味着      yi4wei4zhe0       signify, mean 这就意味着

双喜临门     shuang1xi3lin2men2            double blessing, two lucky things occuring at the same time

给你美的 终于可以当爸爸了

沏茶        qi1cha2           make tea

编辑        bian1ji2          editor

杰作        jie2zuo4          masterpiece

捧场        peng3chang3       sing the praises of

出乎意料     chu1hu1yi4liao4   exceed one's expectations

穿帮        chuan1bang1       fluff one's lines, blooper

导致        dao3zhi4          bring about, lead to

评选        ping2xuan3        choose through public appraisal

热烈        re4lie4           enthusiastically

省心        sheng3xin1        spared worry, cause no trouble 李然可没你那么省心

捣乱        dao3luan4         cause trouble

怒气冲冲     nu4qi4chong1chong1            spitting with rage 这小子怒气冲冲地跑来找你

揽          lan3              take upon oneself 别把什么事情都往自己身上揽

承诺        cheng2nuo4        promise to do something

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