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Help with identifying hanzis

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Hello everybody!


I'm new here and registred because I'm currently working on a grafical design project.


Part of the project is recreation props used in the 1982 sci-fi classic 'Blade Runner' starring Harrison Ford where Chinese culture and aesthetics play a large part.


The prop I'm working on at the moment is an apartment key card used by the main character. And this is where the challenge begins! The card has Chinese writing on it and in order to recreate the card, I need to 'translate' the writing into a computer font.


I've attached a picture of the writing. Unluckily I don't have a higher resolution picture.


So far I've identified these sign or hanzis if remember correctly - at least I think I have:


Line 1: 中央美?学?   ? 美? 学?

Line 2: 干代工?????   ??

Line 3: 東京???門??    日本?  

Line 4: ?215日(日)

Line 5: 東京都美??∕入?

Line 6: 主催=社団法人    東京

Line 7: 拨=東京都 


There's a great chance that the original designer has chosen the signs for their beauty and appearence and not for their message. What I'm trying to say is that I have no idea what this writing means.


So my pledge to you is this: Could someone help me fill in the blanks of this text, correct me where I'm wrong and perhaps translate the text into english? 


Kind regards,


Anders (from Denmark)


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hi, i could identify all but one character:


中央美術学? 東洋美術学校
千代田工科芸術専門学校 院専
東京写真専門学校 日本デザ
主催=社団法人 東京

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WOW!!! That went really fast.


Thank you very very much. You've been most helpful!


I should have done this a long time ago. The ones I found took me all together 8 hours of searching trough lists of thousands of signs.


If anybody out there has any idea about the last one, please let me know.


Thanks again!

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This is Japanese, not Chinese. (デザ are a good indication: those are kana, not Chinese characters.) The first phrase is 中央美術学園 (Central Academy of Arts).

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Yes that is Japanese. You thought it was Chinese as Japanese is consisted of two (or three, depends on how you define things) parts. One is called "kana", which are symbols unique in Japanese. See #4 re デザ. The other part is called "kanji" which are all the other symbols (except numbers) in the picture. "Kanji" means Chinese characters. They came from China and are close to those used by the Chinese people. The Chinese character for the "kan" in "kanji" is 漢, and it usually refers to things Chinese (although if you ask a Korean you might get a different answer. :P )

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I hope I'm not pushing it - I have one more small text piece I'm trying to figure out. It helped looking a the japanese sign, so I think I might have identified most of it, but there's still a few signs missing.


This is what I have:




I've attached the picture with the original text.


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  • 2 months later...

The project with the cards is comming along very well with help from you guys... I only need help to identify the font on one last card. I've attached the picture here.... Any help to identifying the correct sign is much appreciated!


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I'm sorry that you feel that my project is obscure.


I was not aware that this question had already been answered. As you can see I've been working on this since may, not since yesterday. These cards are props in a very popular sci fi movie, so it's peculiar to think that I'm the only one interested in this text.


But thanks for the link. That was a big help.

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I didn't mean that in a negative way. You have to admit that it's a bit weird that the first time (as far as I can remember) that this particular question has come up, two people ask about the exact same movie prop (from a nearly 30-year old movie) on the exact same day, on a forum about Chinese, when the prop is written in Japanese. I'm not claiming that you are or should be the only person interested in that item, I'm just saying that's a pretty obscure request to show up twice in one day.


No offense intended.

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  • 1 month later...

1) 砂羗= Kaempferia galanga, but Wikipedia has it as 沙姜*。

4) 姬松茸=himematsutake=agaricus subrufescens

5) 磅莊~Sounds like a store which specializes in selling loose products by the pound (just a guess).

齊首乌[sorry, unable to find trad. character on this phone]片~ Polygonum multiflorum is one of the scientific names for 首乌,I don't know what the 齊 here means, but 片 means sliced. Based on a cursory glance at the internet, it would seem polygonum multiflorum might cause liver damage, so maybe you ought to get an expert's opinion on that one.

*沙姜 is simplified, 沙薑 in traditional

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磅莊 齊首烏片

I suspect 磅莊 means a one-pound pack. Here we call that 磅裝(裝 as in 包裝/package).

齊首烏片 = sliced/ cut shouwu (aka heshouwu) (polygonum root) (see item H15A of this document for reference http://www.docstoc.com/docs/87871011/pinyin_v2006-7)

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