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I'm Judith, 23 years old. I'm going to start working in Harbin aprox in mid November so I would like to meet some people living there before I go (in search for advice and friends).


I been before living in China, but I was in Nanjing so, I would like to know a little more about Harbin and it's expats! 


Nice to meet you all!♥






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Welcome to the forum, what are you going to do there?


As you have been there before, what level do you think your Chinese is at?


I have not been to china but from what i understand Harbin is a cold city but has the most amazing snow and ice festival.


I have seen some bits about it on TV, It looks amazing, I would try and go and see it if i was in Harbin.


Hope it goes well for you.

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Hi Shelley,


thanks for your reply and for welcoming me to the forum. But I'm looking for people living there in Harbin that can help me and be friends. >__<


I'm going to work in Harbin soon, and I would like to meet some "harbingers" before going. :S


And thanks about the Ice festival info, I think that if I have free time on that dates I will go and see it.

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I'm loving your use of "Harbingers" as a denonym for Harbin.


'Fraid I can't say much about the city as I haven't been yet. I'd second what aone says about wrapping up warm though. I once heard a story about a kid that cuffed another kid around the ear on a cold winter's day in Harbin, and the ear fell straight off because it had frozen solid. I'm pretty sure it was just an urban legend or old wives' tale to remind people to wear lots of layers, though.

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I did research myself. My main question is "is there any foreigner in Harbin that would like to talk with me and be friends?" but that's to much direct. So that's why I started this topic to take a less harsh approach to Harbin community of foreigners.


Thanks for your advice though. ^__^

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Are you going to be teaching ESL? If so, you're likely to have foreign colleagues to lean on once you arrive. Chinese staff will likely also be helpful in helping you get established.


You're about to arrive at a time when the temperature plummets and outside activities cease to take place. Most expats will hunker down in bars and KTVs until May.


There's a great bar called "Underground" near HIT where you can meet a variety of people. From there, I'm sure you'll be able to find out which other areas fit in with your style of socializing.

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Hi Judith, My husband and I relatively new to Harbin and still learning our way around, so probably can't answer many questions.  But we'd be thrilled to meet you when you move up.  We haven't met any other foreigners here. But that's probably due to our living on the edge of the city.  Perhaps we can explore the city together some.

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Hi kdavid, I'm not going to teach ESL. It's not my native language XD Anyways thanks for the advice. I know that in my work place there is no gonna be so many foreigner staff, it will be otherwise, I will have a lot of foreigners customers, so that's why I looked up internet how I can find expats in Harbin.


I hope we can see each other on a bar or better in a KTV! Nice to meet you!!!




Hi Anne K! Nice to meet you too! I'm very happy of hearing of you! I hope we can explore the city together and make good friends! ♥ As I said to kdavid, we can go to KTV together too! I love KTV!

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I'm a 22 Chinese girl in Harbin, currently in university, studying western medicine. I was born and raised in Harbin, I'm sure I can help you to adapt life here in some way. I'm also new in this forum. I don't know if you are looking for a foreigner, or a local Chinese is also someone you are looking for, but I think I can be a good helper when needed. 

A little heads-up, the lowest temperature in Harbin now is already below zero. Please make sure you bring enough clothes when you arrive. 'Cause in November, it could be heavily snowy. But it surely will be the perfect time for Harbin expressing its charm. There will be the spectacular Ice and Snow Festival awaiting you! 

Looking for your arrival! You may ask me anything. I will be very pleased to find you an answer. :)

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Hi woshizhende,


Nice to meet you! Though I was looking for foreigners is always nice to meet some "native". I hope we can became friends. 


I tried to send you a private message but the system didn't let me. So I hope we can talk using something more private! ♥

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