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男人不醉: A new mould-breaking TV drama


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I think I've worked out what NP means. From the conversion they have it seems that P means to have sex, and NP means to have a threesome or orgy (from the way Chinese use "n" to mean a certain number)

"P" stands for "person", hence “三P” = "3-person" = "threesome", I guess “NP” = "n people" = "orgy of unspecificed size".

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Episode 12: 奥特曼的盗墓日记


梅婷 worries about getting her daughter into a good school, while 胡超 gets himself into a spot of bother selling "antiques".





盗墓                 dao4mu4                        rob a tomb

卸                    xie4                                 remove

弥补                mi2bu3                            to remedy, make up for a deficiency

漏洞                lou4dong4                       leak, flaw, loophole

姨                    yi2                                   maternal aunt

继父                ji4fu4                               step-father (like 后爸, but ore formal and polite)

溜达                liu1da0                            stroll, go for a walk

弱智                ruo4zhi4                          retarded

死活                si3huo2                           no matter what, simply

筹                    chou2                             raise funds

热泪盈眶         re4lei4ying2kuang4        one's eyes brimming with tears

瞬间                shun1jian1                      in a flash, in a moment

办妥                ban4tuo3                        to arrange, to settle

买家                mai2jia1                         buyer, client

城隍庙            cheng2huang2miao4     town god's temple

开门红            kai1men2hong2             get off to a good start

爱之深责之切 ai4zhi1shen1ze2zhi1qie4    to be strict with someone because you love them

准时               zhun3shi2                       on time, on schedule

勾搭               gou1da0                         to team up with somebody (to do bad or illegal things)

戏曲               xi4qu3                             Chinese opera

耽搁               dan1ge0                        delay

串通               chuan4tong1                 to collude, gang up with

缩头缩脑        suo1tou2suo1nao3       shrink from responsibility, be timid (maybe more like hiding away or acting suspicious in this context)

耀眼              yao4yan3                       dazzling

岂止              qi3zhi3                           not only....

转悠              zhuan4you0                   to wander around

通情达理       tong1qing2da4li3           reasonable

没收              mo4shou1                     confiscate

吊坠              diao4zhui4                     pedant (jewelry)

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Episode 13: 一碗豆花


安东尼 starts to come over all assertive in the episode and quits his job (although in a rather cowardly manner, without telling his boss/girlfriend Ling). He said he needs more 自由. As well as resigning, could he be preparing to dump Ling too? Meanwhile, her two 闺蜜s are having man problems of their own (Claire's husband has had an affair, while Jennifer can't even get a man to go out with her without having to pay for it), so the three of them decide to head to a bar for a girl's night out.





先斩后奏               xian1zhan3hou4zou4      act first and report to a superior later (lit: first decapitate then report to the emperor)

前功尽弃               qian2gong1hou4qi4         to pour all one's previous efforts and achievements down the drain

闯荡                      chuang3dang4                 to leave home and make oneself in the world

如鲠在喉               ru2geng3zai4hou4           like a fishbone stuck in the throat

AF街演的帅哥                                                I think this refers to the Abercrombie & Fitch models

假扮                      jia3ban4                           act the part of, impersonate

基努里维斯            ji1nu3li3wei2si1               Keanu Reeves 

传教士                   chuan2jiao4shi1              missionary

快人快语               kuai4ren2kuai4yu3          straight talk from a straight person

租赁                      zu1lin4                             rent, lease

素养                      su4yang3                        accomplishment, attainment

新欢                      xin1huan1                       new lover

添堵                      tian1du3                          become sad and gloomy

饲养                      si4yang3                          to raise

轻度                      qing1du4                         mild symptoms

轨道                      gui3dao4                         the proper way of doing things, the right course

情节                      qing2jie2                          plot, circumstances

欲                          yu4                                 longing, wish

梁羽生                  liang2yu3sheng1             wuxia writer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liang_Yusheng

白发魔女               bai2fa2mo2nv3               wuxia novel  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baifa_Mon%C3%BC_Zhuan

练霓裳                  lian4ni2chang2                character in the above novel

正儿八经              zhengr4ba1jing1              serious, earnest

一本 二本 211                                              this seems to refer to the student's of top universities (211工程 is some kind of project to build a series of elite schools, as far as I can tell by skimming an article)

纠结                     jiu1jie2                             to stress about

软乎乎                 ruan3hu1hu1                   soft

总结归纳             zong3jie2gui1na4             conclude, sum up

逞强                    cheng3qiang2                   flaunt one's superiority

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Some thoughts on episode 13


1. 安东尼 looks absolutely nothing like Keanu Reeves. I think this is a common foreigner experience in China, being compared to celebrities whom you look nothing like at all. When I first moved to China my hair was fairly long (for a man) and had gone a little blonde in the sun. I kept hearing people call me Jack. After a while I realized they meant Leonardo Dicaprio's character from Titanic. Recently in Taiwan I got compared to David Beckham. Unfortunately my resemblance to either is rather small.


2. I think Claire has the clearest 普通话 of all the characters in this series.


3. It's really annoying when Chinese dramas dub a character's voice. 


4. Men for hire. Is this really a common thing in Shanghai? I doubt someone who looks like Jennifer would need to pay a man to keep her company (this is a TV show, so they can't have an ugly actress playing the character), but are there really lots of places where women actually pay men to sit down and drink with them? If there are then maybe there's an opportunity for a Chinese-speaking Leonardo DiCaprio/David Beckham lookalike foreigner to make a little money....   Beats teaching English anyway.

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Episode 14: 有病和有种


An apt English title for this episode would be "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned". 叶军 pays a visit to his estranged wife Claire at her coffee shop, where they begin to argue about Claire's divorce conditions (does 100万RMB to raise their cat sound reasonable to you?). Unfortunately, this coincides with a visit by a local official to decide whether or not to grant the coffee shop the licence it needs to run legally, at which point Claire goes nuclear and all hell breaks loose.





坦白从宽        tan3bai2cong2kuan1         to freely confess, and so receive lenient punishment

瞒天过海        man2tian1guo4hai3           practice deception, achieve one's aims by underhanded means 

透风               tou4feng1                          leak, divulge a secret

消防               xiao1fang2                        fire prevention

硬撑               ying4cheng1                     to keep going on despite pain or difficulties

通牒               tong1die2                          diplomatic note, official dispatch

本质上           ben3zhi4shang4                inherent, intrinsic

临床              lin2chuang2                       clinical

张冠李戴       zhang1guan1li3dai4          confuse one thing with another (lit. put Zhang's hat on Li's head)

虚构              xu1gou4                             fabricate, make up

唤醒              huan4xing3                        awaken

拯救              zheng3jiu4                         rescue

气魄              qi4po4                                boldness, daring

高估              gao1gu1                            overestimate, overate

公粮              gong1liang2                       a tax paid in grain (now used to describe the money a husband pays to his wife for household upkeep)

过家家           guo4jia1jia1                      play house (children's game)

超生              chao1sheng1                    be reincarnated

舅                  jiu4                                    wife's brother

由此可见       you2ci3ke3jian4                Thus it can be seen that..., This show that...

用处              yong4chu0                        use, good

捉奸              zhuo1jian1                        catch adulterers in the act

裸                 luo3                                   naked

勒索              le4suo3                             blackmail

春药              chun1yao4                        aphrodisiac

画廊              hua4lang2                         gallery

斯蒂文          si1di4wen2                        Steven

公然              gong1ran2                        brazenly, openly

邓超              deng4chao1                      actor http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deng_Chao (acted in the film http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Dreams_in_China)

扯蛋              che3dan4                          talk nonsense

拆穿              chai1chuan1                     unmask, expose

转让              zhuan3rang4                    transfer ownership

阳奉阴违       yang2feng4yin1wei2        feign compliance

两面三刀       liang3mian4san1dao1      double-cross

百般              bai3ban1                           by every possible way

到头来           dao4tou2lai2                    finally, in the end

交际花           jiao1ji4hua1                     society woman, social butterfly

周润发           zhou1run4fa1                  Chow Yun-fat (actor)

油头粉面       you2tou2fen3mian4          foppish, dandyish (said of a man)

反动派          fan3dong4pai4                  reactionaries

策划              ce4hua4                            plot, scheme

揭发              jie1fa1                               expose, unmask

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Some thoughts on episode 14:


1. Claire really needs to get rid of her "闺蜜" Jennifer before she literary pounces on her husband.


2. Classic "how to open a business Chinese-style": just go straight ahead, set everything up and start trading -  the little insignificant things such as legality and licences can be sorted out later.


3. Interesting final scene. I think 老太婆's story at the end is pretty nasty (because she's jealous of her foppish husband fooling around with other women she grasses him up to the authorities as a 国民党 spy, which gets him taken away and shot). From what I've read, there are always some people who use times of turbulence and revolution to settle personal scores. I wonder how many of those accused of being traitors or counter-revolutionaries actually were. As we know from previous episodes, the 老太婆's grasp of reality isn't exactly strong, so it's possible that her story never took place at all. But it definitely has an effect on Claire, who I guess is now having second thoughts about being so mean to her philandering husband. It's always interesting to me how post-revolutionary history is dealt with in the media here. I guess that once upon a time 老太婆's story would have been presented as an heroic tale of a woman putting the revolution before personal considerations, but I can't help but see the portrayal here as anything other than negative, the story of a vindictive woman betraying her husband and destroying her family out of spite. Maybe I'm reading too much into this  :-?

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Episode 15: 喝多了


小年糕 is a little mystified by 郑家皓's behaviour. Two weeks after having gave her his car he's gone completely AWOL, not responding to any of her attempts to contact him. Her and 小辣椒 hatch a plan to force him into a meeting, but will it work?




奢华                  she1hua2                          luxurious

下单                  xia4dan1                           place an order

午夜                  wu3ye4                             midnight

神似                  shen2si4                           be an excellent likeness

心肌                  xin1ji1                                scheming

瑠球                  liu2qiu2                             Ryukyu islands (Japan)

杯水车薪           bei3shui3che1xin1            an utterly inadequate measure

痔疮                  zhi4chuang1                     haemorrhoids

痊愈                  quan2yu4                         to fully recover from an illness

悬                      xuan2                               usually means to hang, suspend or to worry, but here seems to mean "unlikely"

风流                  feng1liu2                          romantic, amorous and unrestrained in spirit

倜傥                  ti4tang3                            elegant, free and easy

套话                  tao4hua4                          to coax information from someone?

诡计                  gui3ji4                               a cunning scheme

百无禁忌           bai3wu2jin4ji4                   anything goes, uninhibited

虚情假意           xu1qing2jia3yi4                 a false display of friendship

索然无味           suo3ran2wu2wei4             flat and insipid

意境                  yi4jing4                              the mood of a literary work or a work of art

救场                  jiu4chang3                         go on stage as a last minute understudy

休想                  xiu1xiang3                         don't imagine that it's possible

似乎                  si4hu1                                seemingly, as if

当事人              dang1shi4ren2                   the party involved

兵来将挡,水来土掩   bing1lai2jiang4dang3,shui3lai2tu3yan4   take such measure as the situation calls for

过户                  guo4hu4                            transfer ownership

痛哭流涕           tong4ku1liu2ti4                  cry one's eyes out

松弛                  song1chi2                          slack, relaxed

连贯                  lian2guan4                         link up, be coherent

拖住                  tuo1zhu4                           to hold up, to hinder

氛围                  fen1wei2                            atmosphere

暗号                  an4hao4                            secret signal

煽情                  shan1qing2                        to stir emotions

抢镜头              qiang3jing4tou2                  hog the limelight

光辉                  guang1hui1                        radiant, glorious

排练                  pai2lian4                            rehearse

蚝                      hao2                                  oyster

小众                  xiao3zhong4                      a niche audience

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  • 2 weeks later...

Episode 16: 一辈子的温柔


A local friendly 媒婆 (matchmaker) sets up a 相亲 for 梅婷 at (where else!) Claire's coffee shop. 梅婷's 条件 not being the best (orphaned herself, and now sole carer to her orphaned niece and elderly grandmother with alzheimer's), the matchmaker does a bit of 艺术加工 (not to be confused with outright lying) to make her seem more attractive to the other party. Needless to say, things don't go quite as planned.




掏心掏肺              tao1xin1tao1fei4              be totally devoted to

沉默是金              chen2mo4shi4jin1            silence is golden

刨根问底              pao2gen1wen4di3           get to the root of a matter

孽畜                     nie4chu4                          evil creature

眼睁睁                  yan3zheng1zheng1        look on helplessly

牛郎织女              niu2lang2zhi1nv3            the herd boy and the weaving girl (two famous mythological lovers)

凌迟                     ling2chi2                          death by a thousand cuts

频道                     pin2dao4                         TV frequency/channel

切换                     qie1huan4                        to switchover

不搭界                 bu4da1jie4                       to have nothing to do with, have no relationship to

拖油瓶                 tuo1you2ping2                 step-child

侄女                     zhi2nv3                            niece

炉火纯青              lu2huo3chun2qing1         to have achieved a high level of competency or skill (lit. the stove fire turns green - a taoist reference to makng immortality pills)

鬼斧神工              gui3fu3shen2gong1         superlative craftsmanship

腼腆                     mian3tian3                          shy

吃亏                     chi1kui1                            a disadvantage

自闭(症)           zi4bi4                                autism

编制                     bian1zhi4                         establishment, authorised strength

生理                     sheng1li3                         physiology

嫁妆                     jia4zhuang0                     dowry

天煞孤星              tian1sha1gu1xing1          someone who brings disaster and bad luck those around them (doesn't seem to be a common expression, had to look up on baidu)

吃苦耐劳              chi1ku3nai4lao2              work hard and endure hardships

贿赂                     hui4lu4                            bribe

一针见血              yi1zhen1jian4xie3           hit the nail on the head

量身定做              liang2shen1ding4zuo4    tailor made, suitable

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Some things about episode 16 that you may think are unrealistic, but which are actually true reflections of life in China:


1. The boy's mother's 夸张 reaction to the dog.

You might think that this is just a ploy by the writers to make you hate this character even more than do already, but as someone who once looked after a friend's husky while they were away let me tell you that a good 20% of Chinese people will react like this to any dog that's bigger than a small cat (i.e. as if you are walking down the street with a knife in one hand and a bloody head in the other).


2. Claire's coffee shop never has any paying customers.

I don't know about other cities, but in Harbin at least I never saw more than one or two other customers at those small independent shops. I always wondered whether there was some money laundering business going on, but it seems that they are just small playthings meant to keep the children/spouses of rich people busy (and as a good place to meet their friends).


3. 20-something Chinese people would agree to go on dates set up by their parents (and sometimes even be accompanied by parents on said dates).

I wouldn't have believed this before I moved to China, but it's actually fairly common.

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Episode 17: 上海滩十三太保


It's the morning after the night before and 佳皓 and 胡超 are still bruised and bloodied from a fight at the nightclub. But 佳皓 has more important things to worry about than a hangover and an expensive dry-cleaning bill: 小年糕 has disappeared and his mother pays a surprise visit. Watch as everyone slowly pieces together the events of the day before.




十三太保                  shi2san1tai4bao3       a hero from a 武侠 story http://zuoye.baidu.com/question/8e4920f7dc6566fa7146092add242152.html?fr=iks&word=%CA%AE%C8%FD%CC%AB%B1%A3&ie=gbk

知己                         zhi1ji3                         intimate (friend)

酿造                         niang4zao4                 brew (wine, beer etc)

腊肉                         la4rou4                        cured meat

荷包蛋                      he2bao1dan1             poached eggs

顺序                         shun4xu4                    sequence, order

婊子                         biao3zi0                       whore

棺材                         guan1cai0                   coffin

开花                         kai1hua1                     to split (eg someone's head)

凳子                         deng4zi0                     stool

喝断片儿                  he1duan4pianr4         (东北话)to drink so much that you pass out and remember very little of the night before (such as how the hell you got home etc) 

吹                             chui1                           this seems to mean to drink alcohol really fast (to chug, binge drink)

餐巾纸                      can1jin1zhi3                napkin

心有灵犀(一点通) xin1you3ling2xi1         two hearts beat as one, to know someone so well that you know instinctively what they're thinking and feeling

有来有往                  you3lai2you3wang3    give and take, reciprocal

无牵无挂                  wu2qian1wu2gua4      carefree, to have no worries

捧场                         peng3chang3              to flatter, to sweet talk

虹口区                     hong2kou3qu1             central district in Shanghai

谈心                         tan2xin1                       have a heart-to-heart talk

杜月笙                      du4yue4sheng            Shanghai mob boss https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Du_Yuesheng

阳刚                         yang2gang1                 manly, virile

挨家挨户                  ai1jia1ai1hu4                go from house to house

候急                         hou2ji2                         impatient

祖籍                         zu3ji2                           ancestral home

呼伦贝尔                  hu1lun2bei4er3           city in Inner Mongolia

格局                         ge2ju2                          structure, pattern (here it means body, figure)

静安区                      jing4an1qu1                 district in central Shanghai

破相                         po4xiang4                     (of facial features) scarred

段子                         duan4zi0                       story

行头                         xing2tou0                      dress, clothing (humorous)

桥段                         qiao2duan4                   scene, chapter

说漏嘴                      shuo1lou4zui3               make a slip of the tongue

泼硫酸                      po1liu2suan1                 lit. to splash sulphuric acid, here it means either to 骂 or hit someone

像样                         xiang4yang4                  decent, presentable

科普                         ke1pu3                           to breastfeed???

辅助                         fu3zhu4                          to assist

回回                         hui2hui2                          time and time again

人财两空                  ren2cai2liang3kong1      to lose both your woman and your money

嫌弃                         xian2qi4                          to cold shoulder someone

总要                         zong3yao4                      nevertheless

缜密                         zhen3mi4                        careful, meticulous

陷害                         xian4hai4                        to make up a false charge, to frame

回味无穷                  hui2wei4wu2qiong2        memorable, leaving a rich aftertaste

线索                         xian4suo3                       a clue

滔滔不绝                  tao1tao1bu4jue2             in a steady flow

连绵                         lian2mian2                       continuous

泛滥                         fan4lan4                          to flood

挡箭牌                      dang3jian4pai2               a shield

伤心欲绝                   shang1xin1yu4jue2        heartbroken

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知己                         zhi1ji3                         intimate (friend)

酿造                         niang4zao4                 brew (wine, beer etc)

腊肉                         la4rou4                        cured meat

荷包蛋                      he2bao1dan1             poached eggs

顺序                         shun4xu4                    sequence, order

婊子                         biao3zi0                       whore

棺材                         guan1cai0                   coffin

开花                         kai1hua1                     to split (eg someone's head)

凳子                         deng4zi0                     stool

喝断片儿                  he1duan4pianr4         (东北话)to drink so much that you pass out and remember very little of the night before (such as how the hell you got home etc) 

吹                             chui1                           this seems to mean to drink alcohol really fast (to chug, binge drink)

餐巾纸                      can1jin1zhi3                napkin

心有灵犀(一点通) xin1you3ling2xi1         two hearts beat as one, to know someone so well that you know instinctively what they're thinking and feeling

有来有往                  you3lai2you3wang3    give and take, reciprocal

无牵无挂                  wu2qian1wu2gua4      carefree, to have no worries

捧场                         peng3chang3              to flatter, to sweet talk

虹口区                     hong2kou3qu1             central district in Shanghai

谈心                         tan2xin1                       have a heart-to-heart talk

杜月笙                      du4yue4sheng            Shanghai mob boss https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Du_Yuesheng

阳刚                         yang2gang1                 manly, virile

挨家挨户                  ai1jia1ai1hu4                go from house to house

候急                         hou2ji2                         impatient

祖籍                         zu3ji2                           ancestral home

呼伦贝尔                  hu1lun2bei4er3           city in Inner Mongolia

格局                         ge2ju2                          structure, pattern (here it means body, figure)

静安区                      jing4an1qu1                 district in central Shanghai

破相                         po4xiang4                     (of facial features) scarred

段子                         duan4zi0                       story

行头                         xing2tou0                      dress, clothing (humorous)

桥段                         qiao2duan4                   scene, chapter

说漏嘴                      shuo1lou4zui3               make a slip of the tongue

泼硫酸                      po1liu2suan1                 lit. to splash sulphuric acid, here it means either to 骂 or hit someone

像样                         xiang4yang4                  decent, presentable

科普                         ke1pu3                           to breastfeed???

辅助                         fu3zhu4                          to assist

回回                         hui2hui2                          time and time again

人财两空                  ren2cai2liang3kong1      to lose both your woman and your money

嫌弃                         xian2qi4                          to cold shoulder someone

总要                         zong3yao4                      nevertheless

缜密                         zhen3mi4                        careful, meticulous

陷害                         xian4hai4                        to make up a false charge, to frame

回味无穷                  hui2wei4wu2qiong2        memorable, leaving a rich aftertaste

线索                         xian4suo3                       a clue

滔滔不绝                  tao1tao1bu4jue2             in a steady flow

连绵                         lian2mian2                       continuous

泛滥                         fan4lan4                          to flood

挡箭牌                      dang3jian4pai2               a shield

伤心欲绝                   shang1xin1yu4jue2        heartbroken

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Episode 18: 再见老板


Ling and 安东尼 go to Claire's coffee shop for the closing-down party. Will the get back together again? Meanwhile, 安东尼's father pays a visit.




落寞                            luo4mo4                          lonely

赴汤蹈火                     fu4tang1dao3huo3          go through fire and water, defy all dangers and difficulties

有福同享,有难同当   you3fu2tong2xiang3,you3nan4tong2dang1     to enjoy blessings and endure misfortune together

血缘关系                     xue4yuan2guan1xi4        blood relation

拆迁                            chai1qian1                       have an old building torn down and its occupants move elsewhere

诺亚方舟                     nuo4ya4fang1zhou1        Noah's Ark

哥斯拉                         ge1si1la1                         Godzilla

卡丁车                        ka3ding1che1                   kart racing

特斯拉                         te4si1la1                          Tesla (a American electric car manufacturer)

实话实说                     shi2hua4shi2shuo1          speak frankly

前提                            qian2ti2                            prerequisite, precondition

绝交                            jue2jiao1                          break off relations

没精打采                     mei2jing1da3cai3             listless, in low spirits

临终遗愿                     lin2zhong1yi2yuan4         final wish (before dying)

正宗                            zheng4zong1                   genuine

思蜜达                        si1mi4da2                          this is Korean and (as far as I understand) a term of respect used when talking to a person older than you

零花                            ling2hua1                         pocket money

有手有脚                     you3shou3you3jiao3        to have the ability to work

抬举                            tai2ju0                              to praise, show favour

T and P                       T means tomboy (in Asia this means a "manly" type of lesbian), and P means the more feminine girlfriend of the tomboy

天造地设                     tian1zao4di4she4             heavenly, ideal

升华                            sheng1hua2                     sublimation, raise things to a higher level

纠缠                            jiu1chan2                          pester, harass

初步                            chu1bu4                            preliminary

凋零                            diao4ling4                         transfer order (being sent to a place by your company)

生效                            sheng1xiao4                     come into effect, become effective

丑八怪                         chou3ba1guai4                ugly person, a wretch

头套                            tou2tao4                           wig

生煎                            sheng1jian1                      a Shanghai speciality (pan-fried bun with meat and juices)

狗眼看人低                  gou3yan3kan4ren2di1     be a snob, look down on people

心得                            xin1de2                             what one has learned from work, study, experience etc

一了百了                     yi1liao3bai3liao3               all troubles end once death comes

说穿                            shuo1chuan1                    to tell something as it really is

爆棚                            bao4peng2                       full to bursting, sensational (eg news)

顺风顺水                     shun4feng1shun4shui3    to have good luck, everything goes smoothly

寒暄                            han2xuan1                       exchange pleasantries

许愿                            xu3yuan4                         make a wish

勾搭                            gou1da0                           get together with someone (become boyfriend and girlfriend)

坎                                kan3                                 ridge, ditch, bank

顿悟                            dun4wu4                           have an enlightening moment, have a realization

情商                            qing2shang1                     E.Q.

咬耳朵                        yao3er3duo0                     whisper

准是                            zhun3shi4                          一定是, definitely is

散伙                            san4huo3                          to break up

了却                            liao3que4                          to settle, to solve

涓涓                            juan1juan1                        trickling

教诲                            jiao4hui4                           teaching, instruction

来电                            lai2dian4                           to have chemistry (with someone), have attraction

风骚                            feng1sao1                         flirtatious, coquettish

煞费苦心                     sha4fei4ku3xin1                cudgel one's brains, take great pains, rack one's brains

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I just dropped in to say thanks for the recommendation. Even with my modest Chinese level I was still able to enjoy watching this show. Also, cheers for the other stuff you have posted, they will be really valuable resources as my Chinese gradually improves.

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I can only reflect what John said above: I'm only a beginner in Chinese but together with your write-up, the subtitles (I know Japanese and thus many of the hanzi) and the IMO relatively easy to grasp plot I very much enjoyed the first ep of this the other day and will keep watching and be it only to get a general feel for the language on a higher level than my normal text-book drills.

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