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Century egg rice porridge 皮蛋瘦肉粥


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I've never come across the phrase 清热 but I'm more familiar with the something being able to 去火, is that what you mean?  Pretty much the only time I ever ate 粥 was when I was sick and it was all my friends would let me eat.  And even then they would insist on the blandest flavour available.

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Somethingfunny -- I use those two two terms interchangeably, but I'm no TCM expert by a long shot. Searched it on Baidu just now, and found a lively discussion. Here is an excerpt:


热 毒 火 是三个概念。热一定是外邪,火除了外邪还有自身的火,这个自身的火是维持人体正常运转的元气。


And here's another short article that teases apart the differences between 清热 and 去火。http://muzhi.baidu.com/question/122033770.html


Imron -- What kinds of zhou did you like best while in China? I read on a large cooking website that the two most popular kinds here, based on the number of readers questions and search "click-throughs", are this one today, 皮蛋瘦肉粥 and an even simpler and blander one with fish slices 鱼片粥。I sometimes make that kind as well. When I do, I generally add a vegetable; last time it was corn; the time before that it was green peas.


I lived part of two seasons in Zhuhai, southern Guangdong. Often had plain zhou in place of steamed rice 米饭 with a meal. That's where I first discovered 小米粥, made from millet, which costs only pennies and is very refreshing to have alongside seafood.

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29 minutes ago, abcdefg said:

What kinds of zhou did you like best while in China?

I can't recall a specific kind, but definitely the savoury ones over the sweet ones (I don't much like sweet 粥), and definitely the ones with extra ingredients rather than just plain 稀饭.  When I lived in Beijing there were plenty of small 粥 restaurants everywhere, which made for a good warm breakfast (or light supper) on a cold day.

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In HK, the pork for this is quite salty and shredded. There must be a different marinade process.


I love eating zhou with some preserved fermented bean curd added in. It is a wonderful compliment.


@abcdefg, your style of zhou is quite thick. Also heavy on the added ingredients.

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Ah, yes, Flickserve. This batch of zhou was definitely too thick. Should have used more water. One of the advantages of doing it stove top is that you can see its consistency as you stir it and make adjustments as you go along. Using the electric rice cooker is easier, but the results are often not quite perfect.


And you are also spot on about the added ingredients. The Cantonese zhou I love so much in Hong Kong has less added stuff. Zhou is something I struggle with; I tend to load it up too much. Seems I have not mastered the true "less-is-more" Zen mindset. I tend to try to turn it into a complete one-dish meal. Maybe I will eventually learn better.


The shredded salt pork like you mentioned is indeed different. Pork cubes are cooked separately in hot salted water and then shredded with fingers or a fork after it cools. But thin slices 肉片 are also sometimes used, and that's what we did here in this version. 




Imron -- When living in Beijing I sometimes had plain zhou, very thin, along with 油条 at breakfast. Used it instead of a bowl of 豆浆。

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Yes, I remember trying it in Shantou 汕头 and being a little disappointed. But in all fairness, it was served with a delicious seafood meal, so the total experience was glorious. Chaozhou 潮州 cuisine is one of my favorites.

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Thanks. Still some lingering stomach symptoms causing a feeling of bloatedness and lack of appetite. 


I had some home made zhou and still spent half the night up feeling uncomfortable. Yesterday, I managed twenty hours on just some water, one cup of apple juice before finally having a small banana.


I think I can manage normal food now but only very small quantities.

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