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Welcome to the party, abcdefg. I was starting to get a little worried that the show was becoming a little too much like the usual 家庭剧 (of which there are already hundreds), but it returned to politics and intrigue in the last episode. 

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Episode 17


遏制 èzhì to check / to contain / to hold back / to keep within limits / to constrain / to restrain

提拔 tíbá to promote to a higher job / to select for promotion

huàmíng to use an alias / assumed name / pseudonym

投罗 tóuluówǎng to walk right into the trap

bīngguìshén lit. speed is a crucial asset in war (idiom) / fig. swift and resolute (in doing sth)

预案 'àn contingency plan

zhōu careful / thorough / meticulous / dense / impenetrable

风声 zǒufēngshēng to leak information

jīnggàn crack (troops) / special (forces) / highly capable

便 biàn everyday clothes / informal dress / civilian clothes

fèixīn to take a lot of trouble (over sb or sth) / may I trouble you (to do sth)

垫付 diànfù to advance funds to sb for later repayment

cánkuì ashamed

lángtou hammer / large hammer / sledgehammer

bàngchuí wooden club (used to beat clothes in washing)

访 shàngfǎng to seek an audience with higher-ups (esp. government officials) to petition for sth

jiézuò masterpiece

hǎowéizhī to do one's best / to shape up / to behave

nánxiōngnán lit. hard to differentiate between elder and younger brother (idiom) / fig. one is just as bad as the other

东拉西 dōnglāxīchě to talk about this and that (idiom); to ramble incoherently

jiǎzhī artificial limb / prosthetic

to substitute for sb / reserve player

yìngfu to deal with / to cope

jūn all

chū to issue (document, certificate etc) / to provide

面壁 miànbìguò to face the wall and ponder about one's misdeeds / to stand in the corner (punishment) / (fig.) to examine one's conscience

cāochǎng playground / sports field / drill ground / CL: 個|个

chēng press-up (physical exercise) / push-up

huǐgǎi not to repent even facing death (idiom) / unrepentant / very obstinate

tái to lift sth up / to elevate sb / to honor sb (with compliments, gifts, promotions etc) / to show great regard / to speak highly

意气用事 yìqìyòngshì to let emotions affect one's decisions

单刀 dāndāozhí to get straight to the point (idiom)

shān (jocularly) to be under great pressure (a pun on 亞歷山大|亚历山大)

xīnlǐng I appreciate your kindness (conventional reply to turn down an offer)

rapid / sudden

剥削 bōxuē to exploit / exploitation

jīntiáo gold bar

ráoshù to forgive / to pardon / to spare

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Episode 18


政策 Huìnóngzhèngcè A policy for supporting the development of the countryside

财迷 cáimíxīnqiào mad about money (idiom)

黑箱操 hēixiāngcāozuò covert activities (election rigging etc) / under-the-table manipulations / black operations

liánlěi to involve / to implicate sb / to spread to others (harm, trouble, damage etc)

方休 zuìfāngxiū to get thoroughly drunk (idiom) / to get plastered

lǎojiānhuá cunning / crafty / wily old fox

不共戴 bùgòngdàitiān (of enemies) cannot live under the same sky / absolutely irreconcilable

zēngyuán to reinforce

拦截 lánjié to intercept

待命 dàimìng to be on call / to be on standby

to arrest / to seize

guī'àn to bring to justice / arrested and brought to trial

li to acknowledge / to respond / to answer / to pay attention / to heed / to deal with

暗渡 àndù Chéncāng lit. secretly crossing the Wei River 渭河 at Chencang (idiom, refers to a stratagem used by Liu Bang 劉邦|刘邦 in 206 BC against Xiang Yu 項羽|项羽 of Chu) / fig. to feign one thing while doing another / to cheat under cover of a diversion

yǐn to extradite

xiéhu extraordinary / severe / exaggerated / overstated / fantastic / incredible

大义 dàyìlǐnrán devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence (idiom)

xiāoyáo free and unfettered

fēi to criticize

bǎoshuài rook sacrifice to save the king (in Chinese chess); fig. to protect a senior figure by blaming an underling / to pass the buck

jié to swear brotherhood

dàitóu to set an example

zhuānduàn to act arbitrarily / to make decisions without consulting others

目共 yǒumùgòng anyone with eyes can see it (idiom); obvious to all / sth speaks for itself / is there for all to see

chuánhuàn a summons (to the police) / subpoena

不近人情 bùjìnrénqíng not amenable to reason / unreasonable

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Episode 19


常情 rénzhīchángqíng human nature (idiom) / a behavior that is only natural

枉法 xùnwǎngfǎ to bend the law in order to favor one's relatives or associates (idiom)

推三 tuīsāntuī to use all sorts of excuses

大腕 dàwàn star / big shot / celebrity / leading actor / authority (slang)

jǐng siren

穴来 kōngxuéláifēng lit. wind from an empty cave (idiom) / fig. unfounded (story) / baseless (claim)

kǒugòng oral confession (as opposed to 筆供|笔供/ statement / deposition

(literary) what place / what time / how

心知 xīnzhīmíng to be well aware

勾肩搭 gōujiāndābèi arms around each other's shoulders (idiom)

ránjìng to feel deep veneration for sb (idiom)

to encourage / to urge / motivation / incentive

chūrèn to take up a post / to start in a new job

岳父 yuèfù wife's father, father-in-law

duān boundary / clue / indication / to obtain clues / to infer

呼之 hūzhīchū lit. ready to appear at the call (idiom) / fig. on the verge of coming out into the open / (of a person's choice etc) on the point of being disclosed / (of an artistic depiction) vividly portrayed

qióngzhuī to pursue relentlessly

举止 jǔzhǐ bearing / manner / mien

tán style of conversation

shíshìqiúshì to seek truth from facts (idiom) / to be practical and realistic

guǒduàn firm / decisive

to be equal to / to be well-matched / rival

mángàn to act rashly / to act precipitously regardless of the consequences / reckless / foolhardy / daredevil

mǎngzhuàng rude and impetuous

huīhuò to squander money / extravagant / prodigal / free and easy / agile

yīnxiǎn treacherous / sinister

zhuàntou profit (colloquial)

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Episode 20


píngzhèng proof / certificate / receipt / voucher

jìngtóu camera lens / camera shot (in a movie etc) / scene

xìnkǒukāi to speak without thinking (idiom) / to blurt sth out

服刑 fúxíng to serve a prison sentence

言无不尽 zhīyán, yánwúbùjìn not hiding anything he knows, not stopping before he has said it through (idiom) / frank / outspoken

寻常 xúncháng usual / common / ordinary

世道 shìdào the ways of the world / the morals of the time

lián women's league / women's association

硬气 yìngqì firm / unyielding / strong-willed

wéiwěn to maintain social stability

chǎng space / site / place / sports pitch

偷鸡成蚀把米 tōujīchéngshíbǎmǐ lit. to try to steal a chicken only to end up losing the rice used to lure it (idiom) / fig. to try to gain an advantage only to end up worse off / to go for wool and come back shorn

hānhou simple and honest / straightforward

huìshěn joint hearing / to review jointly (i.e. with other checkers)

匍匐 púfú to crawl / to creep

dànchū to fade out (cinema) / to withdraw from (politics, acting etc) / to fade from (memory)

坑蒙 kēngmēngguǎipiàn to swindle / to cheat

窿 long hole / pocket / cavity / loophole / debt

jīngqiújīng to perfect sth that is already outstanding (idiom); constantly improving

刺绣 cìxiù to embroider / embroidery

滥用 lànyòng to misuse / to abuse

尤人 yuàntiānyóurén (idiom) to blame the gods and accuse others

fēnwén to give for free

wǎnjiù to save / to remedy / to rescue

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Episode 21


zhù to subsidize / to provide financial aid / subsidy

fēnhóng dividend / to award a bonus

to authorize an arrest

shī to lose one's footing / to slip / to take a wrong step in life

luòshuǐ to fall into water / to sink / overboard / fig. to degenerate / to sink (into depravity) / to go to the dogs

tànqīn to go home to visit one's family

zhèn a diversion / a feint attack to mislead the enemy

qiàokāi to pry open / to lever open

shā'érguī to return in low spirits following a defeat or failure to achieve one's ambitions (idiom)

直觉 zhíjué intuition

jiàn capital construction (project) / infrastructure

bǎnmiàn page of a publication (e.g. newspaper or website) / printing space (reserved for some content) / page layout

sānlìngshēn to order again and again (idiom)

恶不赦 shí'èbùshè wicked beyond redemption (idiom) / heinous

wánzhíshǒu to neglect one's duty / dereliction of duty / malpractice

中天 zhōngtiān wildly successful

收缩 shōusuō to pull back / to shrink / to contract / (physiology) systole

战线 zhànxiàn battle line / battlefront / front

táo naughty / mischievous

xiàng ivory tower

暗算 ànsuàn to plot against

龙王 shuǐchōngle Lóng Wángmiào lit. surging waters flooded the Dragon King temple (idiom) / fig. to fail to recognize a familiar person / a dispute between close people who fail to recognize each other

大快 dàkuàirénxīn to the satisfaction of everyone

chūyángxiàng to make a fool of oneself

lài to refuse to admit (what one has done) / to disavow / to renege

康庄大道 kāngzhuāngdàdào broad and open road (idiom); fig. brilliant future prospects

xiāotíng to calm down / to stop / to pause / calmly / peaceful / restful

越狱 yuèyù to break out of prison / to jailbreak (an iOS device etc)

传奇 chuánqí legendary / fantasy saga / romance / short stories of the Tang and Song Dynasty

date / CL: 個|个

mìngmíng to give a name to / to dub / to christen / to designate / named after /naming

qīngchú to clear away / to eliminate / to get rid of

zhāo to provoke / to tease

手可 tuòshǒukě easily obtained / readily available

miǎománg uncertain / remote / distant and indistinct / vague

蓄意 xùyì deliberate / premeditated / malice

就事论事 jiùshìlùnshì to discuss sth on its own merits / to judge the matter as it stands

yuàn to have one's wishes fulfilled

quán to take the big picture into consideration (idiom) / to work for the benefits of all

顾后 zhānqiángùhòu to look forward and back / to consider prudently / overcautious

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Episode 22


to counter narcotics trafficking / drug enforcement

之恩 zhīzhī'ēn lit. the kindness of recognizing sb's worth and employing him (idiom) / patronage / protection

概括 gàikuò to summarize / to generalize / briefly / CL: 個|个

huìshī to collaborate / to join forces / to effect a junction

xián bow string / string of musical instrument / watchspring / chord (segment of curve) / hypotenuse / CL: 

fèijiě to be puzzled / hard to understand / unintelligible / incomprehensible

jiǎng to make peace / to reconcile

fēn'érzhìzhī divide and rule (strategy) / divide and conquer

huì to avoid mentioning / taboo word / name of deceased emperor or superior

木不 mùbùrén numbed / insensitive / apathetic / thick-skinned

yuèpiānshí partial eclipse of the moon

心灰 xīnhuīlěng discouraged / downhearted

hàomiǎo vast / extending into the distance

guòqiěguò satisfied just to get through (idiom); to muddle through / without high ambitions, but getting by

jiézhì to control / to restrict / to moderate / to temper / moderation / sobriety / to administer

liègēnxìng deep-rooted bad habits

xiào to whistle / to scream / to whiz

fēnjiě to resolve / to decompose / to break down

hùnxiáo to obscure / to confuse / to mix up / to blur / to mislead

使 shǐ to urge / to prompt / to spur on / to order sb about

xiǎnguì dignitary / distinguished person / royalty / nobleman / big shot

luòjǐngxiàshí to throw stones at sb who fell down a well (idiom); to hit a person who is down

hòufēi not to be censured too strictly (idiom) / not altogether inexcusable / understandable

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Episode 23


xuǎnxìng selective / selectiveness / selectivity

截图 jiétú screenshot (computing)

shāichá screening (medicine), to sift

Xīn Tài abbr. for Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand

zhì to pawn / to pledge

zhàitáigāozhù lit. build a high desk of debt (idiom); heavily in debt

cháfēng to sequester / to seize (assets) / to seal up / to close down

juànzōng file / folder / dossier

及格 jígé to pass an exam or a test / to meet a minimum standard

倒海 páishāndǎohǎi lit. to topple the mountains and overturn the seas (idiom); earth-shattering / fig. gigantic / of spectacular significance

wǎng to twist / crooked / unjust / in vain

zuì guilt

piáochāng to visit prostitutes / to go whoring

yángniū young foreign girl

顾虑 gùlǜ misgivings / apprehensions

言辞 yáncí words / expression / what one says

尔反尔 chū'ěrfǎn'ěr old: to reap the consequences of one's words (idiom, from Mencius); modern: to go back on one's word / to blow hot and cold / to contradict oneself / inconsistent

无奇 wúqíyǒu nothing is too bizarre / full of extraordinary things

nóngjiā rural tourism / agritourism

乐不 lèbù Shǔ indulge in pleasure and forget home and duty (idiom)

yàozhí key job / important position

shōuliǎn to vanish / to moderate / to exercise restraint / to curb (one's mirth, arrogance etc) / to astringe / (math.) to converge

liánchǐ honor and shame / sense of honor

毕敬 gōngbìjìng reverent and respectful / extremely deferential

fèifǎnyíngtiān raise a rumpus, all is in uproar

chǔfèn to discipline sb / to punish / disciplinary action / to deal with (a matter) / CL: 個|个

tǎn to shield (a miscreant) from punishment, criticism etc / to take sb's side

姑息 gūxī excessively tolerant / to overindulge (sb) / overly conciliatory / to seek appeasement at any price

三番 sānfān over and over again (idiom)

chàngsuǒyán lit. fluently saying all one wants (idiom); to preach freely on one's favorite topic / to hold forth to one's heart's content

caixiàng servile behaviour

可点 quānkědiǎn remarkable (performance, achievement etc) / worthy of praise

低三下四 dīsānxiàsì servile

bānjiégpài to form cliques

非曲 shìfēiqūzhí lit. right and wrong, crooked and straight (idiom); fig. merits and demerits / pros and cons

周知 zhòngsuǒzhōuzhī as everyone knows (idiom)

民营 mínyíng privately run (i.e. by a company, not the state)

sǎohuáng campaign against pornography

huìsuǒ clubhouse / club

màiyín prostitution / to prostitute oneself

迷魂 míhúnzhèn stratagem to trap sb / to bewitch and trap

sānlìngshēn to order again and again (idiom)

suǒdìng to focus attention on / to target

谋而合 móu'érhé to agree without prior consultation / to happen to hold the same view

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Episode 24


tiěmiàn iron mask (as defensive armor) / fig. upright and selfless person

gāojiàn wise opinion / brilliant idea (honorific)

势必 shìbì to be bound to / undoubtedly will

chǒulòu ugly

yōng to endorse / to support

爱戴 àidài to love and respect / love and respect

zhī to act tactfully / tactful / discreet

折服 zhéfú to convince / to subdue / to be convinced / to be bowled over

miǎn to excuse sb / to exempt / to remove or dismiss from office / to avoid / to avert / to escape / to be prohibited

tóuhuí the first time / for the first time

dǐngfēng to face into the wind / against the wind / fig. against the law

迷藏 zhuōmícáng to play hide-and-seek

léifēngxíng pass like thunder and move like the wind (idiom); swift and decisive reaction

定性 dìngxìng to determine the nature (usually of error or crime) / to determine chemical composition / qualitative / fixed

táigàng to bicker / to argue for the sake of arguing

jǐngzhuī cervical vertebra / the seven cervical vertebrae in the neck of humans and most mammals

tuóniǎo ostrich

忌惮 jìdàn absolutely unrestrained / unbridled / without the slightest scruple

gāogàn high cadre / top party member

豪门 háomén rich and powerful (families) / aristocratic / big shots

zhǐgāoyáng high and mighty (idiom); arrogant

èchóu to hate evil as one hates an enemy (idiom)

chízhīhuò a disaster not of one's own making

止水 xīnzhǐshuǐ to be at peace with oneself

xiūxíng religious practice (Buddhism)

overall situation / the big picture

反掌 fǎnzhǎng easy as a hand's turn (idiom); very easy / no effort at all

shì'érzhǐ to stop before going too far (idiom); to stop while one can / don't overdo it / stop while you're ahead

liàn to be infatuated with / to indulge in

to win (favors, confidence etc)

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Episode 25


不扣 zhébùkòu a hundred percent / to the letter / out-and-out

义务 yìwù volunteer (work etc)

火眼金睛 huǒyǎnjīnjīng piercing eyes / discerning eyes

缝蛋 cāngyingdīngfèngdàn lit. flies do not attack an intact egg (idiom) / fig. no smoke without a fire

hùn to hang out together with (derog.) / to mix with

蓄谋 xùmòu to premeditate / to plot

jiànzhāng lit. with swords drawn and bows bent (idiom); fig. a state of mutual hostility / at daggers drawn

遮天 shǒuzhētiān lit. to hide the sky with one hand / to hide the truth from the masses

wěizào to forge / to fake / to counterfeit

pái to shuffle cards

zuòshōu benefit from others' dispute (idiom)

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Episode 26


jiěfēngqíng unromantic / insensitive

清风 liǎngxiùqīngfēng lit. both sleeves flowing in the breeze (idiom); having clean hands / uncorrupted / unsoiled by corrupt practices

羊毛 yángmáochūzàiyángshēnshàng lit. wool comes from the sheep's back (idiom); One gets the benefit, but the price has been paid. / Nothing comes for free

lìngyǎnxiāngkàn to treat sb favorably

biāozhù to mark out / to tag / to put a sign on sth explaining or calling attention to / to annotate (e.g. a character with its pinyin)

气魄 qìpò spirit / boldness / positive outlook / imposing attitude

眈眈 shìdāndān to glare like a tiger watching his prey (idiom) / to eye covetously

xiāochén depressed / bad mood / low spirit

撒泼 sāpō to make an unreasonable scene

不屑 bùxiè to disdain to do sth / to think sth not worth doing / to feel it beneath one's dignity

何尝 hécháng (rhetorical question) when? / how? / it's not that...

男儿膝下有黄金 part of a longer phrase (男儿膝下有黄金 只跪苍天和娘亲). It basically refers to a mans pride and says that he should only kneel before God and his mother

zhěng to give sb a hard time / to mess with sb

gōu gorge / gulch / ravine / deep ditch

zònghéng lit. warp and weft in weaving; vertically and horizontal / length and breadth / criss-crossed / able to move unhindered / abbr. for 合縱連橫|合纵连横, School of Diplomacy during the Warring States Period (475-221 BC)

gòuxiǎng to conceive / concept

情人 yǒuqíngrénzhōngchéngjuànshǔ love will find a way (idiom)

陈年 chénnián old / stored for many years

qīngxǐng clear-headed / sober / awake

niùbuguò can't persuade / unable to make (sb) change their mind / unable to resist (sb)

信念 xìnniàn faith / belief / conviction

fēndàoyángbiāo lit. to take different roads and urge the horses on (idiom) / fig. to part ways

达则兼济天下,穷则独善其身 normally written the other way around 穷则独善其身,达则兼济天下. It means you should concentrate on looking after and improving your own condition when poor, and help the rest of the world once you are strong and rich

to cross a river / to aid or relieve / to be of help

zhěngjiù to save / to rescue

yīnxiǎoshī to save a little only to lose a lot (idiom)

娴熟 xiánshú adept / skilled

三天 sāntiānliǎngtóu lit. twice every three days (idiom); practically every day / frequently

fēngcǎi svelte / elegant manner / graceful bearing

Zhōngwěi Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI), organization within the CCP which investigates corruption and other wrongdoing among Party cadres / abbr. for 中共中央紀律檢查委員會|中共中央纪律检查委员会

yóude to be beyond control of

děngxiánzhībèi (in the negative) (not) to be trifled with

jiàng variant of 強|强, stubborn / obstinate / tenacious / unbending / pig-headed

nièyuán ill-fated relationship

fēngkǒulàngjiān where the wind and the waves are the fiercest / at the heart of the struggle

退 tuìsuō to shrink back / to cower

huò to stir up trouble / to invite disaster

wéisuǒwéi to do whatever one pleases

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Episode 27


知今当初 zǎozhījīndāngchū if I (you, she, he...) had known it would come to this, I (you, she, he...) would not have acted thus (idiom) / to regret vainly one's past behavior

kāituò to break new ground (for agriculture) / to open up (a new seam) / to develop (border regions) / fig. to open up (new horizons)

lián incorruptible / honest / inexpensive / to investigate (old) / side wall of a traditional Chinese house (old)

huò to doubt / to distrust / unconvincing / to puzzle over / misgivings / suspicions

rénzhīguǐjué in absolute secrecy

访 fǎngpínwèn to visit the poor and ask about their suffering (idiom)

shīzikāikǒu to be greedy and demand an exorbitant price

正大 zhèngdàguāngmíng just and honorable

tiānxiàwéirèn to take upon oneself responsibility for the prosperity of the nation

tánxīn to sit side-by-side and have a heart-to-heart talk (idiom)

yǐnjiù to take the blame / to accept responsibility (for a mistake)

chángmìng to pay with one's life

xiàhǎi to go out to sea / to enter the sea (to swim etc) / (fig.) to take the plunge (e.g. leave a secure job, or enter prostitution etc)

善罢甘休 shànbàgānxiū to leave the matter at that / to be prepared to let go / to be willing to take things lying down

临其 shēnlínqíjìng to travel to a place personally (idiom)

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Episode 28


说三道四 shuōsāndàosì to make thoughtless remarks (idiom) / to criticize / gossip

wēixìn prestige / reputation / trust / credit with the people

qīngzhòng degree of seriousness / whether sth is slight or serious

任怨 rènláorènyuàn to undertake a task despite criticism (idiom); to bear the burden of office willingly

qínzhèngliánzhèng honest and industrious government functionaries (idiom)

cháotiān upside down / upturned

mái to engulf / to bury / to overlook / to stifle / to neglect / to fall into oblivion

团结 tuánjié to unite / unity / solidarity / united

hǎi all parts of the country

肆意妄 sìyìwàngwéi to behave unscrupulously

丧钟 sāngzhōng knell

hǎizi oyster

受虐 shòunüèkuáng masochism / masochist

shàngjiāo to hand over to / to give to higher authority

ruò if

鸳鸯 luàndiǎnyuānyāng mismatch (or mistake) a man and woman for a couple

xuèběnguī to lose one's life savings (e.g. after a bankruptcy) / no return for one's hard-earned savings

守所 kānshǒusuǒ detention center

悖论 bèilùn paradox (logic)

huì favor / benefit / to bestow / (literary) benevolence /(honorific)

Bāo Zhěng Bao Zheng (999-1062), Northern Song official renowned for his honesty / modern day metaphor for an honest politician

'ài universal fraternity (or brotherhood) / universal love

róngqià harmonious / friendly relations / on good terms with one another

同床异梦 tóngchuángyìmèng lit. to share the same bed with different dreams (idiom); ostensible partners with different agendas / strange bedfellows / marital dissension

xìng improvisation (in the arts) / impromptu / extemporaneous

无妨 wúfáng no harm (in doing it) / One might as well. / It won't hurt. / no matter / it's no bother

wei hedgehog

chǎngkāi to open wide / unrestrictedly

心扉 xīnfēi inner heart / soul

zhōuxuán to mix with others / to socialize / to deal with / to contend

harsh / severe / demanding

kuìduì ashamed to face

wéiměi aesthetics

shūqíng to express emotion / lyric

见恨 xiāngjiànhènwǎn to regret not having met earlier (idiom); It is nice to meet you finally. / It feels like we have known each other all along.

shǒukào manacles / handcuffs

cǎndàn dark / gloomy / dismal / by painstaking effort

广厦万间,夜眠七尺;良田千顷,日仅三餐    no matter how may rooms your mansion has you can only sleep in one bed a night, no matter how much farmland you have you can only eat 3 meals a day ( i.e. don't be greedy)

qǐng unit of area equal to 100 畝|亩 or 6.67 hectares / a short while / a little while ago / circa. (for approximate dates)

liánmǐn to take pity on / pity / mercy

敬畏 jìngwèi to revere

jiān'éryǒuzhī to have both (at the same time)

高瞻远瞩 gāozhānyuǎnzhǔ to stand tall and see far (idiom); taking the long and broad view / acute foresight

wáng the law / the law of the land / the law of a state (in former times) / criterion

shǎnshuò flickering / twinkling / evasive / vague (of speech)

chīqǐng to be a guest at a dinner party / to be wined and dined (as a bribe)

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Episode 29


风声鹤唳 fēngshēnghèlì lit. wind sighing and crane calling (idiom) / fig. to panic at the slightest move / to be jittery

说一不二 shuōyī'èr to say one and mean just that (idiom); to keep one's word

fànbushàng not worthwhile

惹火 rěhuǒshàngshēn stir up the fire and you get burnt (idiom); to get one's fingers burnt / fig. to suffer on account of one's own meddling

动静 dòngjìng sound of activity or people talking / news of activity

jiǎgōng official authority used for private interests (idiom); to attain private ends by abusing public position

xīngěng abbr. for 心肌梗塞, myocardial infarction / heart attack

传达 chuándá to pass on / to convey / to relay / to transmit / transmission

shèngzhǐ imperial edict

忌器 tóushǔjìqì lit. to refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases (idiom) / to not act against an evil so as to prevent harm to innocents

biǎozhāng to honor / to commend / to cite (in dispatches)

lǎo veteran

bǎojià escort the Emperor (also used jocularly)

háng a naval escort / to convoy

xíngzhèng administrative / executive (attributive)

tǒnglóuzi to make a mess of sth

牛皮 niúpí cowhide / leather / fig. flexible and tough / boasting / big talk

dàitóu to take the lead / to be the first / to set an example

táohuāng to escape from a famine / to get away from a famine-stricken region

遭殃 zāoyāng to suffer a calamity

mǎitōng to bribe

pāibǎn clapper-board / auctioneer's hammer / to beat time with clappers

后继 qiánhòujì describes a situation where successive holders of a certain position are all eventually fired for corruption

dòngzhōng aloof / indifferent / unconcerned

司空见惯 sīkōngjiànguàn a common occurrence (idiom)

chàngsuǒyán lit. fluently saying all one wants (idiom); to preach freely on one's favorite topic / to hold forth to one's heart's content

宝塔 bǎotǎ pagoda

kàolǒng to draw close to

沉沉 yīnchénchén dark (weather, mood)

shèn to terrify

返点 fǎndiǎn sales bonus / affiliate reward / rebate / commission

shǔshí to turn out to be true / verified / true

jiàngzhí to demote (to a lower rank)

言无不尽 zhīyán, yánwúbùjìn not hiding anything he knows, not stopping before he has said it through (idiom) / frank / outspoken

yánzhězuì, wénzhějiè don't blame the speaker, take note of his warning (idiom); an exhortation to speak one's mind without fear of reprisals, and with the expectation of being taken seriously

gùnzi to bludgeon / to hit with a big stick, criticise unsparingly or unfoundedly

辩证 biànzhèng dialectics / dialectic or Socratic method of debate

有可 qíngyǒukěyuán pardonable (of interruption, misunderstanding etc)

kǎi model / example

guǐbiàn specious arguments / sophistry

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Episode 30


套近 tàojìn to worm one's way into being friends with sb (usually derogatory)

to adhere / to attach oneself to / to append

德才 décáijiānbèi having both integrity and talent (idiom)

慰问 wèiwèn to express sympathy, greetings, consolation etc

liǎng trick / scheme / ploy / tactic / stratagem / gimmick / ruse / trickery / skill / also written 技倆|技俩

zhāshi strong / solid / sturdy / firm / practical

huóyuè active / lively / excited / to enliven / to brighten up

装疯 zhuāngfēngmàishǎ to play the fool (idiom) / to feign madness

触目惊心 chùmùjīngxīn lit. shocks the eye, astonishes the heart (idiom); shocking / horrible to see / a ghastly sight

不露 bùlùshēng not show one's feeling or intentions

执迷不悟 zhímíbùwù to obstinately persist in going about things the wrong way (idiom)

使 jiànfēngshǐduò lit. see the wind and set the helm (idiom); fig. to act pragmatically / to be flexible and take advantage of the situation

前卒 qiánzú lackey / errand boy / lit. runner before a carriage

而为 zhī'érwéizhī to keep going resolutely despite knowing the task is impossible (idiom) - in the show the character actually says 明知不可为而为之, but google keeps redirecting me to 知其不可而为之, so I assume that they are different versions of the same phrase

上钉 bǎnshàngdìngdīng that clinches it / that's final / no two ways about it

一失足成 yīshīzúchéngqiānhèn a single slip may cause everlasting sorrow (idiom)

wénzhí worthless (idiom) / no use whatsoever

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Episode 31


diēyǎnjìng to be taken aback

人唯贤 rènrénwéixián to appoint people according to their merits (idiom); appointment on the basis of ability and integrity

duàn arbitrary / subjective / dogmatic

zhèn / we (imperial use) / subtle

受累 shòulèi to get dragged into / to get involved (on sb else's account

bǎipíng to be fair / to be impartial / to settle (a matter etc)

咬紧 yǎojǐnguān lit. to bite the teeth tightly (idiom); fig. to grit one's teeth and bear the pain / to bite the bullet

hōngzǒu to drive away

shí tactful / discreet

yuǎnfáng distantly related / a distant relative

lúnjiān to gang rape

花闺 huánghuāguī maiden / virgin

yóuyánjìn to not listen to the entreaties of others

不认 liùqīnbùrèn not recognizing one's family (idiom); self-centered and not making any allowances for the needs of one's relatives

纳闷 nàmèn puzzled / bewildered

huǒhuà to cremate / to incinerate

rather than... / 與其|与其 不如 B (rather than A, better to B)

zhào picture of the deceased

jīn compensation payment (for injury) / relief payment

lǒngkǒu unable to conceal one's happiness, amazement, shock etc / grinning from ear to ear / mouth agape / gobsmacked

盯梢 dīngshāo to follow sb / to tail / to shadow

juéhòuhuàn to deal with an issue now to prevent future trouble

bàochóuxuěhèn to take revenge and wipe out a grudge (idiom)

提成 tíchéng to take a percentage

狙击 jūjī to snipe (shoot from hiding)

qiāng rifle / CL: 

今非昔 jīnfēixī things are very different now (idiom) / times have changed

zhāoyáo to act ostentatiously / to brag / to show off

相安 xiāng'ānshì to live together in harmony

jiànjiē indirect

yuānjia enemy / foe / (in opera) sweetheart or destined love

tóu to meet / to get together

不是冤家不聚 bùshìyuānjiābùjùtóu destiny will make enemies meet (idiom) / (often said about lovers who have a disagreement)

殚精 dānjīngjié to exhaust one's thoughts and ingenuity (idiom); to think sth through thoroughly / to rack one's brains / to leave no stone unturned

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Episode 32


zhānqīndài related in some way, have ties of kinship or friendship

huāyàngbǎichū a wide variety

人得升天 réndédào, quǎnshēngtiān lit. when a man achieves the Dao, his poultry and dogs rise to Heaven (idiom) / fig. to ride on sb else's success / Once one man gets a government position, all his cronies get in too / Once sb has cracked the problem, every Tom, Dick and Harry can do it

bǎikǒubiàn unable to defend oneself even if one had 100 mouths (when treated unjustly or wrongly accused)

cháofěng to sneer at / to ridicule / to taunt

痛恨 tònghèn to detest / to loathe / to abhor

捣鬼 dǎoguǐ to play tricks / to cause mischief

xíng routine (task, procedure etc) / as usual

chuánxùn to summon (a witness) / to subpoena

溜之 liūzhī to steal away / to beat it

涉世 shèshì to see the world / to go out into society / to gain experience

诧异 chàyì flabbergasted / astonished

将军 jiāngjūn to check or checkmate / fig. to embarrass / to challenge / to put sb on the spot

kǎozhèng to do textual research / to make textual criticism

shūlòu to slip / to overlook by negligence / careless omission / oversight

dāngxià immediately / at once / at that moment / at the moment

致富 jiāzhìfù to become rich / enrichment

qiǎoháoduó secure (sb.'s belongings, rights, etc.) by force or trickery

guān elegant and tasteful

zǎi to write down / to record / written account

fěibàng to slander / to libel

头颅热血 pāotóulúrèxuè shed one's blood and lay down one's life (for a just cause)

其成 zuòxiǎngqíchéng to reap where one has not sown (idiom)

yōulíng specter / apparition / ghost

jiǎomiè to eliminate (by armed force)

Jiàohuáng Roman Catholic pope / Supreme Pontiff

shāhuáng czar (loanword)

Méiniè Klemens von Metternich (a German diplomat and statesman and one of the most important diplomats of his era, serving as the Austrian Empire's Foreign Minister from 1809 and Chancellor from 1821 until the liberal revolutions of 1848 forced his resignation)

zuǒ a French historian, orator, and statesman. Guizot was a dominant figure in French politics prior to the Revolution of 1848.

jìn radical / extreme / extremist

jiāsuǒ stocks and chain / in fetters

chè to withdraw from / to evacuate

账面 zhàngmiàn an item in accounts / an entry

píng to flatten / to level / to smooth out

duǎn short circuit

liúchàng flowing (of speech, writing) / fluent / smooth and easy

背诵 bèisòng to recite / to repeat from memory

gōng training in the basic skills / knowledge of the fundamentals

to derive benefit

回旋 huíxuán to turn around / maneuvering room / leeway

qiě for the time being / tentatively

dǎngjiànpái shield / (fig.) excuse

chénshù an assertion / to declare / to state

nóng you (Wu dialect) / I, me (classical)

zhìzhī to pay no heed to (idiom) / to ignore / to brush aside

gōng to make a breakthrough / to break through / to breach (military)

xiělóu office building

事必躬亲 shìbìgōngqīn to attend to everything personally

gāng outline / synopsis / notes

宽心 kuānxīn relieved / comforted / to relieve anxieties / at ease / relaxed / reassuring / happy

chāngkuáng savage / furious

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Episode 33


Xiàng Zhuāngjiàn lit. Xiang Zhuang performs the sword dance, but his mind is set on Liu Bang 劉邦|刘邦 (idiom, refers to plot to kill Liu Bang during Feast at Hongmen 鴻門宴|鸿门宴 in 206 BC) / fig. an elaborate deception hiding malicious intent

狠手 xīnhěnshǒu vicious and merciless (idiom)

lián Julian, a character in the 19th century French novel The Red and the Black.  It chronicles the attempts of a provincial young man (Julian) to rise socially beyond his modest upbringing through a combination of talent, hard work, deception, and hypocrisy. He ultimately allows his passions to betray him.

wéixīn false / untrue to one's convictions / against one's will / disloyal

wéilǒng to crowd around

神情 shénqíng look / expression

jiě to not understand / to be puzzled by / indissoluble

混沌 hùndùn primal chaos / formless mass before creation in Chinese mythology / muddled / innocent as a baby

深山 shēnshān deep in the mountains

kuàng wilderness

liángjiǔ a good while / a long time

甸甸 chéndiàndiàn heavy

qiǎnjiàn shallow opinion / humble opinion

充当 chōngdāng to serve as / to act as / to play the role of

péngpài to surge

sǒngrán frightened / terrified

红尘 kānhóngchén to see through the world of mortals (idiom, of Buddhist monk) / disillusioned with human society / to reject the world for a monastic life

何尝 hécháng (rhetorical question) when? / how? / it's not that...

注定 zhùdìng to foreordain / to be bound to / to be destined to / to be doomed to / inevitably

zhèng midday / noon / noonday

不济 bùjì not good / of no use

yóuzhōng heartfelt / sincere / unfeigned

to arrive / to reach (a destination)

qiào the body (housing the soul)

头悬梁 tóuxuánliáng, zhuī lit. with his head attached to a beam and stabbing his thigh with an awl (idiom) / fig. to study assiduously and tirelessly

臭味 chòuwèixiāngtóu to share vile habits / partners in notoriety / birds of a feather

失身 shīshēn to lose one's virginity / to lose one's chastity

jiāo to fill sb in (on the details of sth) / to put all one's cards on the table #

栽赃 zāizāng to frame sb (by planting sth on them)

阀门 fámén valve (mechanical)

听天 tīngtiānyóumìng to submit to the will of heaven / to resign oneself to fate / to trust to luck

走险 tǐng'érzǒuxiǎn to take a risk out of desperation (idiom)

pángqiāo to make insinuations / to take an indirect approach (in making inquiries) (idiom)

shùgēnshēn big tree with deep roots (said of an influential person or a huge organisation)

to narrate / to chat

赳赳 xióngjiūjiū valiantly / gallantly

xiù to smell / to sniff / to nose

就事论事 jiùshìlùnshì to discuss sth on its own merits / to judge the matter as it stands

liào to put down / to leave behind / to throw or knock down / to abandon or discard

dāngduànduàn to make a decision when it's time to decide

不复 wànjiébùfù consigned to eternal damnation / with no hope of reprieve

shā murderous spirit / aura of death / to vent one's anger

假虎 jiǎhǔwēi lit. the fox exploits the tiger's might (idiom); fig. to use powerful connections to intimidate people

dǒuxīnyǎn fight a battle of wits

kànsēngmiànkànmiàn Buddha / Buddhism not for the monk's sake , but for the Buddha's – (do something for somebody) out of deference to somebody else

随员 suíyuán attendant

如雷 rúléiguàn'ěr lit. like thunder piercing the ear / a well-known reputation (idiom)

chóng beneficial insect

zéixīn refuse to give up on one's evil designs

to hide (as an undercover agent) / an insider (in a gang of thieves) / a mole

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Episode 34 

jièyán to impose martial law / to impose emergency measures

jie to fawn on / to curry favor with / to make up to

shēnjià social status / price of a slave / price of a person (a sportsman etc) / worth / value (of stocks, valuables etc)

先锋 xiānfēng vanguard / pioneer

jìngbiāo compete for a bid

便 qǐngbiàn Please do as you wish! / You are welcome to do whatever you like! / Please make yourself at home

guǐjué weird / sly / treacherous

suǒzuòsuǒwéi one's conduct and deeds

bāopiào to vouch for / to guarantee

告状 gàozhuàng to tell on sb / to complain (to a teacher, a superior etc) / to bring a lawsuit

tiān filling the entire sky / covering everything (of fog, crime, disaster etc)

qīnxìn trusted aide

奉告 fènggào (idiom) "no comment"

shēnyàozhí hold an important post

huǒpīn fight openly (between factions)

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