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An amazingly nice side of Chinese culture: recovering from a mistake


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I really like when the average man does little things like that. It shows a lot of integrity especially considering these guys are often just getting by in life and have to live on frighteningly poor  money.


Then my cheap ass landlord with 6 or 7 houses within the 3rd road of beijing buys a 2nd hand lowest possible price of a fridge that you wouldn't fit a bag of shopping into , despite paying 8000 a month rent!?



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See, there's the difference.  The little people have nothing but honor to fall back on.  The wealthy long ago disposed with such petty things and freely cheat.  It can't get back to them, so they don't care.  In fact, a great way to become wealthy in the first place is dishonesty.

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46 minutes ago, vellocet said:

See, there's the difference.  The little people have nothing but honor to fall back on.  The wealthy long ago disposed with such petty things and freely cheat.  It can't get back to them, so they don't care.  In fact, a great way to become wealthy in the first place is dishonesty



It's one of the  main reasons I went to China. I worked for the big investment banking for 15 years or so. Always on the front line.  It was a disgrace the way people behave , and yes a heck of a lot of people are racist , sexist, and seriously lacking in morals. The falseness was was appalling. , Only one reason, big bonus. I could fill the forum with stories. One day out of the blue just quit and went straight home, applied for my Chinese visa and never went back.


At some point in ones life we all need to decide what kind of person we want to be in life.  

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This story points to human nature in general.   Some people have integrity, while some do not.


I have known many poor people who are the most dishonest, immoral people in the world.   I have known extremely wealthy people (including investment bankers)  who hold themselves to almost unattainably high moral standards.   There are wealthy people who cheat and there are poor people who cheat.   There are honorable wealthy people and honorable poor people.  Neither has wronged the other.   The rich vs poor narrative is merely a tool wielded by dishonest politicians.



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People don't like to be wrong and like even less to admit when they are wrong.   Easier to justify your failures, bad luck and anti-social behaviour by blaming someone else.   Even easier to convince other people they are victims.   "Victims" then justify to themselves their cheating, lack of sympathy and degeneracy.


People in general justify dishonest treatment of those they do not respect and those they think are from a different ideological, income, ethnic, geographic or cultural tribe.


Human nature is an interesting thing.

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I’ll add that their reaction also gave me more confidence in the quality of their food (in addition to that I could judge by looking at it and eating it). I thought if they are going to be so diligent about not ripping off a customer, they likely are ethical in business too and not buy crappy food. 

I also agree with the comment that there are both ethical and unethical rich and poor people. 

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I find the 饿了么 guys are really good about that if they make a mistake.


I also had a similar experience with a taobao thing I bought. I forgot to update my adress after I moved districts (Shanghai). He called me to confirm, so I told him I'd go out there to pick it up. He said not to worry about it, that he'd come out to me to drop the package the next morning. Sure enough, it was there on time.

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On 10/15/2019 at 5:52 AM, 重大雷雨 said:

People don't like to be wrong and like even less to admit when they are wrong.   Easier to justify your failures, bad luck and anti-social behaviour by blaming someone else.   Even easier to convince other people they are victims.   "Victims" then justify to themselves their cheating, lack of sympathy and degeneracy.


this sounds very much like Hong Kong at the moment!

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