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4 hours ago, Shelley said:

Yes here (UK) they taking them to a designated NHS center for 14 days quarantine. Likely to be the same everywhere.


Maybe symptomatic people? Certainly not everyone. I arrived back a few hours ago and there was certainly no such restriction.

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6 hours ago, anonymoose said:

Maybe symptomatic people? Certainly not everyone.


It is for the people evacuated by the UK government. Although all UK returnees are expected to guarantee themselves volunteer for 14 days.


"quarantined at a centre believed to be Arrowe Park Hospital in the Wirral."


News just in  -  2 Cases have been confirmed in the returnees, and are being treated at a medical centre. 

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12 minutes ago, 889 said:

I see reports just now of two cases, but not among the returnees.

Yes, sorry, misleading headline, full story clarifies it.

I can't just copy the relevant bit but on the right it gives the impression it was among the returnees.


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14 minutes ago, Flickserve said:

meet you for a drink another time. Nothing personal , just the timing is a little suboptimal 


I agree with that assessment and with that plan! 

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How is Hong Kong currently? Any sign of ongoing protests or effects thereof? How much of an impact has the virus outbreak had on Hong Kong, and has this had any effect in overshadowing the protests and their underlying causes?

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Just about everyone in HK is wearing a mask, which is curious since masks are practically unobtainable in the shops. The Government is closely monitoring the situation, though.


Lots of closures: many bank branches, libraries, and other facilities. Postal deliveries will restart Monday, but will be every other day. Big stores are open, many smaller ones still closed from CNY.


Streets aren't deserted -- there are a lot of people in Hong Kong -- but traffic is sparse in comparison with normal. Supermarkets were very crowded earlier last week, but that panic seems to have subsided.


But as said, the big issue is, will the Mainland crossings be closed. Even pro-Government pro-Beijing figures are calling for it. Unless the Government acts and acts now, there's a serious risk Hong Kong will soon be lumped with the Mainland by foreign countries and subject to flight and travel restrictions.

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Oh yes. Masks.


Going around outside, I don’t hear many people coughing behind their masks. in fact, that’s very rare.


Queues for masks stretch around the block and more. I have a whatsapp video of a queue snaking around a whole shopping centre. 

Yesterday, I saw a small group of people around a guy In causeway bay (busy area of HK). Being the sort of curious (and nosy), I went up to have a look. Lo and behold , he was selling boxes of masks. $150 per box. I just arrived at the tail end but saw that each box had only Bahasa printed on them - at least the box itself seems to come from Indonesia. (Malaysian printing would include some English). 

Now, one needs to be really careful about these bootleggers. There are pictures going around social media of people washing masks and selling them. It’s a possibility that this bootlegger had put some new masks on the top and underneath were secondhand masks. There are also various scam websites selling masks - they take your order and money and then cancel later. I heard it happen recently on Amazon. 

I did order on amazon uk about a week ago. I chose two different suppliers in case one supplier failed. Prices had already gone up but not exorbitant. One supplier has shipped, the other is ‘unknown’. Delivery is to the UK to a relative so then my logistic issue is how to get the masks to HK. I must have got lucky and  placed the order just as the global demand shot through the roof. 

Yesterday, there was a gossip going round of a car being broken into and boxes of masks being stolen. Breaking into cars is very rare in HK so it’s a big deal. There is a story in SCMP about 25 000 masks being stolen from a distribution warehouse. There’s advice on  Facebook saying don’t send masks in boxes as they may go ‘missing’ in the delivery process. 


Personally, I have a limited stock at home. Wear them in public for the psychological effect for other people. At work, it’s mandatory. I think people must be rationing them and not throwing them away quickly. 


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36 minutes ago, Flickserve said:

Queues for masks stretch around the block and more. I have a whatsapp video of a queue snaking around a whole shopping centre. 


This is the bit I can't quite understand. Surely, will such high demand, they will limit the number of masks per person, and there might even be people who don't get luckily enough to get one before they run out for the day, yet they are still having to use a mask just to queue. I'd be afraid of wearing a mask to get a mask, but being unable to get one! 

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