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Keats School, Kunming - A Query

Barb in Maryland

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Keats school ? I stayed and studied there about 5 months.... I learned mandarin, little kunming hua (language), english with my friends etc....School and Dormitory? I like it.... The dorm is clean with a bathroom inside, especially no 105 it was my room... School? Very (hen Shufu) Cozy.. with tea everyday!!!

Teachers? they helped me lots about mandarin character, vocab, slank words, food hunting, so on n so forth.....

If u want to know my teacher you can ask Liu zi er or xue laoshi they know who are my teachers...... To know more about Keats school please ask me .... Rocklead09@yahoo.com

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"The price is unbelievable low."

1 week RMB 2465 USD 338

2 weeksRMB 4600USD 631

3 weeksRMB 6845USD 938

4 weeksRMB 8910USD 1220

5 weeksRMB 11095USD 1520

6 weeksRMB 12800USD 1754

7 weeksRMB 14505USD 1987

8 weeksRMB 16570USD 2270

9 weeksRMB 18575USD 2545

10 weeksRMB 20460USD 2810

11 weeksRMB 22255USD 2960

12 weeksRMB 24270USD 3325

16 weeksRMB 32360USD 4424

20 weeksRMB 40450USD 5541

24 weeksRMB 48540USD 6650

48 weeksRMB 97080USD 13300


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"The price is unbelievable low."

1 week RMB 2465 USD 338

2 weeksRMB 4600USD 631

3 weeksRMB 6845USD 938

4 weeksRMB 8910USD 1220

5 weeksRMB 11095USD 1520

6 weeksRMB 12800USD 1754

7 weeksRMB 14505USD 1987

8 weeksRMB 16570USD 2270

9 weeksRMB 18575USD 2545

10 weeksRMB 20460USD 2810

11 weeksRMB 22255USD 2960

12 weeksRMB 24270USD 3325

16 weeksRMB 32360USD 4424

20 weeksRMB 40450USD 5541

24 weeksRMB 48540USD 6650

48 weeksRMB 97080USD 13300


饿滴神啊, do foreigners leave themselves vulnerable to rip off schools?

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So what would a fair price be then? I've seen plenty of people say this or that school is too expensive, but I'm not sure I've seen anyone explain why. Sure, you can say 'a tutor costs X and an apartment costs Y', but not everyone wants to find a tutor and an apartment.

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Yes, they recently increased their fees. Inflation is happening fast in China. Maybe people aren't up-to-date on how much things cost here but China is not dirt-cheap anymore.

As others have pointed out, you definitely can do Kunming for cheaper. However, if you don't speak Chinese, finding an apartment and a tutor on your own without getting ripped off is also difficult, if not impossible!

So, if you are going to go for the package deal rather than trying to arrange it all on your own, Keats is not especially expensive. From what I recall while doing my own research on where to go, Keats is not much more than the universities here, and it is definitely much cheaper than something similar in Shanghai, Beijing, or other big cities.

If you want to learn Chinese as cheaply as possible, it's probably not the right school for you. However, if you want a positive and comfortable experience at a reasonable price then Keats is a great option.

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To whom may read this and ZFS-China,

I attended Keats last year for a month and enjoyed my experience so much I returned for four months to study. After almost four months of study and life here, I cannot find one gripe about Keats school and Kunming in general. I plan on returning again. The teachers are outstanding, the living arrangements are convenient, safe, and social as well. I really couldn't ask for anything more. The school routinely goes above and beyond their call and duty to solve any difficulties I have. The fact that it's a family business is a positive, in my opinion, in that the feeling is more like a home stay than a cold, anonymous university. I suggest if you want to check it out and then make an assessment afterwards and let people know your experience there, then welcome. On the other hand, if you want to banter back and forth about "he said, she said," then read my title.

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For Barb in Maryland....Our family returns to study at Keats for about two months every summer 2005, 2006 and 2007. In fact, we have already made our reservations for Summer 2008. We are sold on their one-on-one teaching style because it works so well for us. We have been very impressed with the professionalism (and the patience!) or our teachers.

In addition to their attention to academics and hotel-style dormitories, they distinguish themselves with hospitality that goes way beyond traditional concierge services. For example, in his free time, my son wanted flute lessons; they found a teacher who came to the school to teach him. My other son wanted martial arts lessons; they found someone to meet us every morning before Mandarin classes started. When I developed a medical problem, the owner of the school, Ms. Xue, personally escorted me through the Chinese medical system until my problems were resolved.

I could give more examples, but you get the idea. College students, gap-year students, diplomats, journalists (and families like ours) share similar experiences at Keats, Even after the teaching experience is over, I have been impressed by how many former students come back just to visit.

If you decide to join us, I hope to meet you sometime at Keats!

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Judging from the reviews, Keats sounds like a nice place. But if I have to spend USD 4500 for a 4 month course, I might as well spend some more and go to one of the TLI centres, even in Taiwan, which is a safe place and where I can be assured of achieving results....

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Mummy from Singapore

I have brought my 2 boys to Keats School last Dec and we came home with tons of wonderful memories and positive experiences.

Just to relate some incidents:

1st incident: on our second day in KM, Zi Er brought us to the supermarket to shop for groceries, and when I told her I would like to buy a rice cooker as I was worried the boys may not be used to the food in KM. Immediately she called the Principal of Keats School and asked if she has one to lend to us. Zi Er explained we do not need to buy as we are only there for 4 weeks and they can lend to us.

2nd incident: after our first night, Xue Laoshi (Principal of Keats School) asked if we have slept well and when I told her the room was too cold and not knowing that she does not have a heater, I have requested for one. That evening, she bought a brand new one for us.

Well, I am sharing these incidents as I feel I have to do my part to clear the negative impression about Keats School. They are wonderful people and the teachers are great too, infact recently when my eler son has to write a composition titled "My Teacher" and guess what, he wrote about the Chinese Teacher who has taught him in Keats School.

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Attention all Keats School former and present students

Don't just make one post and then leave, never to be heard from again. Now that you've gone to the trouble of registering, stick around, there's lots of other interesting stuff on the forums too. Plus, by becoming an active member it will lend your posts in this thread more credibility, because future readers will see it hasn't just been made by a one-off poster.

*And for those interested, yes these one-off posts are still all coming from separate IPs, located from multiple countries.

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I studied at Keats for the past 2 months. Here are my impressions of the school...

I found the service I received to be excellent. I was met at the train station and taken care of the whole time i was there. Near the beginning of my stay I actually got ill and was very well looked after by the staff there. The owner kept coming to my door and bringing me medicine and bread which was very nice!

The teaching quality was solid and flexible. I decided that i wanted to concentrate on my speaking by using pinyin rather than reading hanzi. The book I found best didn't have pinyin so my teacher took it home and translated it all into pinyin for me. This was so helpful!

The only problem I had was to keep myself going for the full 4 hours, I think if possible its a good idea to split the lessons into 2 2 hour lessons. This might not be necessary if you don't get distracted by the bars in Kunming!

Price wise in comparison to learning in a group it is more expensive, but I think the practise you get from talking in Chinese for nearly 4 hours 1 on 1 is more valuable. The fee you pay isn't as clear cut as just the lessons and accommodation, the service you get is also very thorough, so i would definitely recommend this place to people coming from outside of China who aren't familiar with getting about etc.

Most of the students I met here enjoyed their time plan back and study more. I certainly intend to.

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I will be returning to Keats to study for 10 weeks near the end of March. I learned a lot there this winter and want to build on that foundation. Several students I met there this winter had been before.

I would think that prospective students would find it of interest that so many Keats "graduates" return for more. I personally can't imagine a better endorsement than repeat business.

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I read several opinions about Keats School in Kunming and I would like to post my own.

I attended Keats School in summer 2006 for one month and in summer 2007 for one month and a half. I’m italian and I must say I’ve been learning different foreign languages for long years because of my job, but I never was so enthusiastic about a language school as in this case.

Ketas School is:

1. cheap (specially if you look at the prices of similar schools in Beijing or Shanghaj)

2. efficient in every non teaching situation (not only you are never left alone when you need help since the pick up at your arrival until your departure, but even in your every day life any kind of problem, as could be your bathroom or the internet connection, is fixed the same day you comunicate the problem)

3. efficient in teaching ( I’ve been a language teacher myself, so I think I know a little bit what’s the matter. Particularly I think that what is exceptional in Keats School is the flexible approach. You have a personal teacher at least for four hours a day and your teacher is ready and able to adapt the method to your needs. More of that, if you are not satisfied with your teacher, you can change with no additional fees. )

4. but, mainly, what is really fantastic in Keats School is the human and friendly approach of Mrs. Xue Feng and her daughter Liu Zi Er. As some of the posters wrote, this is really something that no money can buy. You feel you are in a familiar, safe and friendly environment and you know and see that this is not because of the money you paid. If you eat at Keats School, you never get the same food, unless you ask for it because you liked it. I saw a student cheated out in a shop and when he came back to the school Mrs. Xue accompanied him back to the shop to help him getting back his money. I saw sick students accompanied personally by Mrs. Xue or Liu Zi Er to the hospital. I saw a student searching for chinese books out of print and Mr. Xue and Liu Zi Er helped him searching on chinese used books web pages until they found what he was looking for. I could write about more situation I experienced, but what I think is important is that the kind and human approach you receive at Keats School is not false. And is not for money. I even think that if you should pay for “kindness”, you could not receive a better approach.

When I began writing the few lines you just read I told to myself “english is not your mother tongue, watch out otherwise you’ll look ridiculous!”. Well, unfortunately my english is really very poor and full of mistakes, so I probably really look ridiculous. But I still think it’s a good price to pay, because what I wrote about Keats School is real. The second thing I told to myself is “try to find something negative in Keats School otherwise it will look as a commercial advertising and nobody is going to believe you”. Well, I really tried to find something negative. But, believe it or not, i didn’t succeed.

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Hello, I'm another student who has been asked to post my own opinion about my recent study experience at Keats School in Kunming. It is with very much pleasure that I do so as I feel so gratefull for all the assistance & well organized service I have been given but most of all the fact that I walked in not knowing a single world of Mandarin & left after 3 months able to make simple conversation, write 1.000 carachters & read text book (Beijing University) number 4.

Teachig: one to one classes 4 hours a day means you make progress daily, teachers are flexible & will taylor lessons for your needs if you wish. If for any reason you are not happy with your teacher the school will replace him or her.

The text book is very good.

The School & Rooms: good location, homely feeling, clean, comfortable with pretty much all you need.

The owner & her doughter: in the 3 months I know that they assisted every single student in every single need he had. Health, Visa, teacher, room, any kind of advice.

The owner of the school loves her school & is truly happy about the students improvements. (personal opinion apart from the school I truly admire her as a person).

I felt they cared about us.

I could go on & I'll answer to any one how has more questions.

I have travelled a lot & been to language schools in Germany, Spain & Brasil so I have ways to compare, as I fact I will be back at Keats School no doubt.


daniela menzano

studied at Keats form 06.11.07 to 06.02.08

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  • 2 weeks later...

I studied at the Keats School from 4/19/2006-4/19/2006. My dream for a long time has been to learn chinese. I am so in awe of the hanzi/chinese characters. Back in New York where I'm from, I try to teach myself using audio tapes and books but it just wasn't sinking in. I decided to come to Kunming because of the weather. Being from New York where the weather can often be brutally cold I wanted to come to a place in China where the weather was warm or cool most of the time. I did a search on the internet back when I was in the USA and came up with the Keats School. Let me tell you, it was the best experience of my life. Finally my dream was coming true. My goal was to learn enough to communicate and enjoy the language. My experience at the Keats School with Xue Laoshi and her daughter Liu Zi Er and the people there was Great!! I studied for 1 full year there. It was comfortable,quiet, professional and very,very helpful. I'm a pretty shy guy so for me living in a single dorm was great. I've been in Kunming for almost two years now. Xue laoshi introduced me to a very wonderful woman who later became my girlfriend and who is now my wife. As far as price, you have to decide if it's right for you but if price is not a problem you will NOT regret your experience at the school. I must say that 4 hours is a long time but after it is all over you will have learned so much. Xue Laoshi and Liu Zi Er will bend over backwards to help you I prove of that. Some of the members who posted here I've met and what they said I can attest is true. So come on down!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't been to Keat's School (or even Kunming for that matter) however I'm registeered in Keat's starting in June for 3 months.

The prices for room, board, instruction and meals are far cheaper than Universities. I checked at a University in Shanghai and it would cost me near $10,000 US compared with the $4600 US at Keats. And this is private instruction.

As far as having mostly western students in it, wouldn't most Chinese language courses have mostly western students in it?

I've spoken at length with Zi Er by email about the school and surrounding area. When the school gets filled up, they put you up in a hotel for the same price as staying at the school.

It looks pretty good to me and best of all, it's in a cool location (at 6500' altitude). I think last years high temperature in July was 76 degrees F. That sounds like beatiful weather to me. I live in Florida and hate the heat.

I can't wait.

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I checked at a University in Shanghai and it would cost me near $10,000 US
Did you check with the university itself, or did you check with an agency? Assuming you didn't live extravagantly, US $10,000 would cover one years worth of language tuition, accommodation and food at a university in Beijing, and I imagine the same would be true for Shanghai.
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Imron, Actually I calculated the airfare into the Shanghai price. So you can add another almost $2000 to the Kunming trip.

I did speak with the University in Shanghai directly. Being 58 years old I didn't think it would be comfortable for me to live with 3 other much younger students.

The school felt the same and recommended that I get a studio apartment. The pictures looked very nice but the prices were much higher than sharing an apartment.

I felt the single room and one on one study would probably be best for me. It's been quite a few years since I've been in a classroom environmnet (besides training in my job; I'm retired now (for thirteen years)).

I'm very glad to be able to read all these positive replies about Keat's School. I was concerned with how it would compare to a University and am pleased with the praise Keat's School got. I'm looking forward to June when I start my studies.

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