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挑战#8:精彩照片 (7句话)



This is another 7句话 word puzzle, only this time the hints are accompanied by photos.


blogentry-38695-0-76628600-1314153780_thumb.jpg 那颗巨大的•••让两个小孩子很开心 (3 characters)

blogentry-38695-0-63508500-1314153791_thumb.jpg 练••是她最喜欢的活动 (2 characters)

blogentry-38695-0-72839200-1314153794_thumb.jpg 坐在床边,一边看镜子一边••• (3 characters)

blogentry-38695-0-46408900-1314153797_thumb.jpg 躲在树后的三位男人都•••• (4 characters)

blogentry-38695-0-66383200-1314153798_thumb.jpg 这艘船是用••做的 (2 characters)

blogentry-38695-0-46258500-1314153800_thumb.jpg 带着••的女人往上瞧 (2 characters)

blogentry-38695-0-33930200-1314153933_thumb.jpg 男孩躺••••上 (4 characters)

Pool of Characters

纸 皂 样 具 克

在 摸 唇 肥 报

泡 嘴 模 面 一

一 坦 瑜 炮 伽

Sources: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Recommended Comments

Oh! I like these a lot.

bubble -- 肥皂泡

exercise -- 瑜伽

make-up -- 摸嘴唇

trees -- 一模一样

boat -- 报纸

mask -- 面具

tank -- 在坦克炮

I learned a couple of new words with this one!

BTW, I think the caption is slightly wrong for the third one. If you look closely, there is an open container of red lip balm (or whatever it's called....) next to her, which is what I think she is doing.

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The trees one stumped me.

I kept trying to figure out a way to write "waving." Doing this in my head, I completely missed that 摸 and 模 were both available.

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The trees one stumped me.

Ditto. I just saved that one for last, and with the remaining characters it was pretty clear what it could be. Then I just put the possibilities into MDBG and looked for the one that was a word.

I've been thinking of ways to make this harder. You could add a couple extra characters that are not used -- and put in a spoiler the ones that aren't used, for people that need a hint. [Or maybe a couple spoilers, so people could remove them one/two at a time....] Or maybe in addition to the 7 words, pick a chengyu (or something), and after you get the 7 words, the remaining 4 characters will form a well-known chengyu. Again, you could put the chengyu in a spoiler for people that want it easier.

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