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Current popular TV dramas in China


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士兵突击 I watched the first episode of and wasn't overly impressed but I'll likely give it another shot as it wasn't really into its stride. I'd also like to signal my willingness to watch any show that casts 王宝强 as a non-daft character.

Quite enjoying 狼毒花。

狼毒花 was way too short but it was good.

How long should it be? I've got 36 episodes on DVD, but verycd lists 42. Neither of those numbers seem short.

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Sorry I guess I just think of the fact that most dramas in the states drag on for years and years and only end when they literally die. So that is something I am impressed with and also disappointed in in most Chinese shows. They actually know that they can end it and don't have to let it drag out. But with 狼毒花 I just felt there could have been more at the time but now that I reflect on it I think they did a decent job on ending it....

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Oh, a popular one is 雅宝路的女人 (all the peeps in the stores were watching it at 7pm-10pm around here for the last few weeks )

I watched a bit...it was ok I guess. I just don't like dubbed series and this feels very dubbed when you listen to it.



If we were still playing my kevin bacon of chinese soap opera game, then I follow up with my previous entry of 加油金顺with this one, which also has to do with finding a long lost sibling that needs to donate something bodypart wise because of a sudden tragic illness....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone know of any Chinese soaps out there with full transcripts on the internet? I started to make a transcript for 奋斗 but it's a long and slow, almost impossible process.. I've found bits and pieces of the transcripts on the internet that help though.

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  • 1 month later...

Would be great if you guys could recommend some series to watch:

Modern, as far as the language used and topics discussed; would be better if it was even a bit in the realm of 口语.

Not about "Ancient China", "The Army", "Japan/China", "propaganda"

If it's a Sitcom than it should be funny but not something I could easily define... I recently watched a movie which I felt was quite amusing. With the same guy from Lust/Passion; the king's (?) daughter pretends to be a man etc. On the other hand I recently also watched the "husband/wife relationship where the guys buy a video cam and directs a "guide to marriage" movie. Definitely not funny. As you can see I never remember the name. ;)

Thanks for any ideas - I live in China where it's possible to purchase any series that is not running at the moment, as well.

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As I already said I'm aware of the other thread however obviously I'm under the opinion that it's worthwhile to start a new thread with a specific purpose in mind. It's up to the Moderator to decide if these two threads should be merged. Until than I shall be posting here. Thank you for your suggestion to keep looking at the other thread, I believe we discussed this enough by now.

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Saw one that was slightly interesting called 美味的童话

From the one episode that I watched here is what I know...A girl drinks a soup that was exactly like the one her dad always used to have at this restaurant and then in desperation of learning how to make it (i think her dad died or something) she then goes through this "test" and gets a job under the snobbish cook. Probably going to be a romance there (obviously). Was pretty interesting and was a lot about food and making of gourmet dishes....It's a tawain one by the way...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think 新结婚时代 and 长恨歌( semi-modern) can be a choice to watch.

I like TVB production, 剧情节奏明快,很少拖戏。Also,Iam often amaze by their productions, when they have limited human resources (and sometimes geographically limited too)

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slightly interesting called 美味的童话

Don't know why but I started watching more of this and on tudo it's called 美味关系 but is the same show, so not too sure what the difference is.

Anyway, the show is pretty light with a few more serious notes in the story line at times, and sometimes gets pretty cheesy, but all in all it is not one that is too much of a story line and not too involved either. Easy watching and easy to stop watching as well. Taiwanese is used a bit too so if anyone is interested in improving theirs this might be of help. It kind of more centers around food than the characters so that is one reason that it is not too involved of a story line. Like many other Taiwan shows they speak mandarin without the h's in the sh, zh and so on compounds...but readily understandable (especially if you are used to that).

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闯关东 seems to be quite popular these days, at least among the people I've been visiting over the Spring Festival. It's set during the time when large numbers of Shandong people were migrating to Dongbei during the latter parts of the 19th and early 20th centuries.

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  • 4 weeks later...

ok, i dunno how popular it is, but it's entertaining enough, so here is my current...recommendation: the Russian drama 爱情温泉 One actor seriously looks like a young dashan...

I am all for non-chinese dramas in Chinese these days,has anyone on the board tuned into the Indian dramas at all? I was watching one over spring festival 2 years ago, but complete forgot what it was called...oh well

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  • 2 weeks later...
ok, i dunno how popular it is, but it's entertaining enough, so here is my current...recommendation: the Russian drama 爱情温泉 One actor seriously looks like a young dashan...

I am Russian but I couldn't recognise the movie, and after some search I still couldn't find the original name. (well, I live in Australia and I don't know all new Russian movies). It's dubbed in Chinese with subtitles and I enjoyed watching the fragments. Among many other things I heard a recently learned phrase: 你说到哪儿去了? Glad I could recognise it straight away from hearing.


I watched the Japanese drama: Boys Over Flowers (花より男子 - Hana-yori Dango). I saw 4 parts and got addicted! Trying to get more. I saw some of the Chinese (Taiwan?) version of it called 流星花园 (Meteor Garden) - didn't quite enjoy it as much as Japanese because of the acting. I must admit, though the Chinese version of F4 (Flower 4) looks tougher than the Japanese - the Japanese guys, although, handsome actors, don't look like they could terrorise someone, especially outside school.

Anyway, I recommend Hana-yori Dango - the Japanese version - I downloaded with Chinese subtitles but I also got English and Japanese subtitles separately. The plot, the acting, the music are all great!

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