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NPCR Books 2+3 - Texts only - Editing Help needed...


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EDIT: And they're back. I've uploaded them to my own website, and they can be found at the bottom of this post. Hope someone finds them useful.

EDIT: Ok folks, I've been asked by the Admins to remove the files from Chinese Forums, which I've done. I will endeavour to get them back up on my own web site or something in the near future (I've been told that I can link *to* them, I just can't host them here).

EDIT: I've just been told that you can't see the attachments at the bottom of this post unless you're logged in. Be aware of that...

EDIT: Dope, I'm not paying attention. Book 4 already had the RC&P in there. Deleting extraneous file...

EDIT: Added Book 4 RC&P which needs fixing. Book 3 RC&P and some of Book 4 still need editing, but that's about it. I'll fix the uploads when everything's done.

EDIT: Many thanks to Skylee for editing up to Chapter 32! :). I've uploaded modified versions incorporating the errors found. Simplified isn't quite in synch with Traditional (there's still a number of 里/真 errors floating around that haven't been converted yet).

EDIT: Ok, Syklee has (very nicely) checked everything for me, so that should (hopefully) be most of errors caught. I'd still like someone else to go through and check, but I suspect that Skylee caught most of them! :) Corrected versions uploaded.

EDIT: Ok, added some more stuff - Book 3 Reading Comprehension and Paraphrasing, along with Book 4 Texts 1, 2, and RC&P. Cool. It's only in traditional at the moment as that's what I need most for editing (and if it's fixed in traditional, it's guaranteed to be fixed in simplified when I convert it). If someone could check over Book 3's RC&P for me, I'll merge that with the rest of Book 3 for a slightly nicer look. Also, Book 4 is pretty huge, about 22 pages in Open Office. With no formatting except tabs and line breaks.

So I've digitized the texts from NPCR 2 and 3 now - 2 includes Text 1, Text 2 and Reading Comprehension and Paraphrasing from each chapter, while I've only included Text 1 and Text 2 for NPCR 3. I'll add the RC&P at some point. Not sure exactly when.

What I'm hoping is that A) Someone will find this useful, and B) There are people out there who can help me check this for errors.

With regards to B, this was originally produced from the Traditional version at the back for Texts 1 & 2 (for both Books 2 and 3), and then converted to simplified via Google's translator. That should work fine. In that regard, I'm looking for cases where the OCR engine got something wrong. My knowledge of traditional characters is really slim, and I know there are people out there who are way faster at reading it than me. It would kinda defeat the point of OCRing it to then go back through and check each character one by one. One thing I can say is that the book says 什麽 rather than 甚麽, so that's not technically an error.

The other problem is that Book 3 is basically above my ability level for now. Which means that I can't just skim it looking for errors, I would have to compare the characters one-by-one, which is not fun.

If there's an error (or you think there's an error) in the Simplified version, then there's probably one in the Traditional version as well. The OCR engine is pretty poor at some tasks, and I'm not sure why. e.g. it will often put 真 as 其, or a couple of others. It also picks 熊 as ”, for some utterly bizzare reason.

With regards to the RC&P, that was originally in simplified, and I used Google to convert it to Traditional, so I'm looking for both conversion errors and OCR errors there, as opposed to merely OCR errors for Texts 1&2.

When reporting errors, it would be nice if you could include chapter + text (i.e. 第二十七課,(一)), or line number (if you use an editor which supports that, and also supports not wrapping text). :). Please do tell me, rather than just fixing them as I need to check them against the book to make sure you and the book are in agreement.

I've attached the texts to this post. I hope that's ok. If I'm doing something iffy (I believe this is all fine and good), then report this post and a passing admin will take care of it.

I'm also planning to do Book 4 as well at some point, probably after I've added the RC&P for Book 3. Also, note that this is not the entire text of the book. It's intended solely for learning purposes for people who already own the books. People who don't are unlikely to get much out of them, except maybe as supplementary reading materials for their own studies. There's no explanation of grammar, no word definitions, nothing really useful apart from the text.

Edited by ipsi()
Removing text files per admin request
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Errors found in Book 3 traditional -

Lesson 27


line 5 - 茶館人不少,熱鬧。

line 9 - 在茶館唱戲,比這兒還熱鬧呢。

line 11 - 說實在的,我有點兒不習慣。

line 15 - 我想在這兒聊一會兒


lines 5&6 - 西方人把食物放在自己的盤子,把大塊切成小塊,再把它送到嘴。如果手指上有點兒食物,就手指

line 7 - 把手指上的食物乾淨

line 9 - 吃飯的時候手指不是好習慣。

line 10 - 你們到中國人家吃飯也不一定要手指。

Lesson 28


line 2 - 謝謝你,雨

line 10 - 用了名牌毛筆,你的字定會寫得更好。

line 14 - 小雲,謝謝你!

line 20 - 雨,這是給你的。

(二)[all the lines are merged together]

馬大為: 我們收到禮物,就馬上把它打開,看看是什麼。你們拿到禮物以後,只看看外邊,不打開,好像沒有我們那麼想知道邊是什麼。這是為什麼?

馬大為: 是這樣!說的,那天你們沒有打開,我們還有點兒擔心呢。

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Errors found in Book 3 traditional (cont'd) -

Lessen 29


line 5 - 這些花兒漂亮,都是您種的嗎?

line 7 - 長的綠葉,紅紅的花,好看。

line 9 - 養花有意思。我明天下了課就去買盆花,擺在宿舍。我也有花兒養了。

line 15 - 工作累的時候,我就到外邊去澆花,

line 16 - 張教授,您還是一位園藝師呢!

line 17 - 這只是點兒愛好


line 2 - 如果你每天都認認異異地練

line 8 - 師不必賢弟子

line 15 - 師不必賢弟子

Lesson 30


line 2 - 玩兒得高興

line 10 - 他們手都拿著什麼

line 12 - 手拿的是劍


line 11 - 有意思。

line 16 - 旁邊的舞廳又出來了兩個小夥子

I am tired of all those repeated errors. :evil:

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Lesson 31


line 5 - 你們只要認準備

line 8 - 是世界第三大

line 16 - 世界上最高的山峰叫穆朗碼峰

line 20 - 黃河是中華民族的搖籃,所以中國人叫她“母親


line 7 - 好啊。去爬穆朗瑪峰吧,那是全世界最高的山。

line 12 - 它最美的景色是雲、松樹和山峰。你從山上往下看,雲就像大海一樣

line 13 - 雲海、松樹和奇峰在一起是美極了!

Lesson 32


line 15 - 我說小,你在哪兒工作?

line 23 - 你的收入定不低了?


line 2 - 美麗的黃山是名不虛傳

line 3 - “名不虛傳”用得地道。

line 7 - 比如,問我多大、家有幾口人

line 9 - 這是關心你

line 17 - 你們學得快。

line 18 - 花了。

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Awesome, thanks so much for that! Yeah, repeated errors suck, but that's what I get for using a computer to convert something I can't read...

Anyway, that's a lot of help! Thanks! I'll edit my first post when I get on my laptop.

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Couple of points: The textbook says that, yes, "師不必賢于弟子" is actually correct. Everything else was indeed an error and has been fixed (on a side note, all instances of 其,具 have been replaced by 真, and all of 稟 by 裏, so if you recall any place where those should not have been changed, then let me know, otherwise that should be the three most common errors removed). :)

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Great effort, Ipsi()!

It will definitely be used. If you don't mind, I will send a copy/or link here to my Chinese group classmates.

I digitised some texts from NPCR by typing manually :) I have checked chapter 15 - no errors!

I also spent some time separating dialogues from the rest of recordings - the tracks are just too big.

To contribute, I am planning to add here vocabulary lists with pinyin and translations, which include not only the main words but also some components (perhaps, I shouldn't have added those). Anyway, the extra added could be deleted, if you don't need them.

Thanks a gain, keep it coming! :)

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Go for it. These are intended to be used by people. :). I did Book 1 by typing manually, but 2 and 3 are just not going to happen that way, as the characters are not ones I recognize. Admittedly, I'm a bit sad at cutting up the back of my book, but given how much easier it makes it to scan it's probably worth it.

I've got Pleco-fomatted flashcard lists for books 1 through 3 (and some of four), in the format


Where S is simplified characters, T is traditional, P is Pinyin, and D is definition.

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It turned out that I only completed character lists for volumes 1 and 2. I studies volume 3 without making lists. As I said before, they include some components of the characters used.


Volume 1 is partially translated up to letter R. Volume 2 is just a list.

Character list - vol 1.txt

Character list - vol 2.txt

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Errors found in Book 3 traditional (cont'd) -

Lesson 33


line 2 - 還上得去嗎?

line 10 - 學生們在這樣的環境

line 17 - 我現在還看不懂中網上的長文章

Lesson 34


title - 女峰的傳說

line 16 - 你可別出去。風了,外邊有點兒。你應該吃點兒什麼

Lesson 35


line 10 - 你什麼時候掙了錢,什麼時候再買汽車


lines 16-17 - 餘的向銀行貸款

Lesson 36


line 7 - 3月房子的暖氣還沒停

line 8 - 北京天氣都很冷,常常大風,有時候還下雪

line 13 - 秋天是北京最好的季節,天氣很涼快,不


line 8 - 李如果活著,該有一千三百多歲了。

line 15 - 舉頭明月

Lesson 37


line 16 - 好吧,咱們就八入制吧

line 17 - 不行,這次我來,下次再几几

line 18 - 小雲,我請客,你埋

line 23 - 最後大家就會搶著埋


line 2 - 我們班同學跟老師一起去內蒙草原旅遊

line 4 - 包括老師

line 12 - 然後,請老師吃第一塊羊肉

Lesson 38


line 12 - 現在得按新的辦法

line 23 - 我們去飯館請兩個好廚師,在家裏擺十幾桌宴席

line 25 - 這事兒由我們來,一定得熱熱鬧鬧地辦。讓大家也認識認識我們家的外國姑

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Errors found in Book 2 traditional -

Lesson 15


line 4 - 他兒子在上海工作,是國銀行的工作人員。

Lesson 16


line 1 - 他們都起得很五點半就出來散步,鍛煉身體,六點鐘就到了茶樓。

line 5 - 把茶喝了月巴東西吃了,把報也看了,年輕人就去工作了。

Lesson 17


line 4 - 現在北京的商店和商場多極了,大商場的東西比小商店的西貴

line 9 - 我也喜歡白的,的漂亮。


line 4 - 比我多十個!您真了不起(臆0白口曰刊

line 7 - 我也翻譯了一本很的書

line 8 - 少頁?

Lesson 18


line 5 - 請大家往

line 8 - 我們坐錯


line 1 - 一封信的信封(入i@陀@目是大的

line 2 - 爸爸,您把郵票貼就錯了。往西安寄的信是小的,您貼了五塊錢郵票;往加拿大寄的信大的

line 3 - 我不能換郵票,把裡邊的信換了

line 4 - 把這套盤給奶奶,她喜歡聽音樂。

line 5 - 下個月讓我的小孫子到上海玩兒吧,我很想他

Lesson 19


line 11 - 你看這幅徐悲鴻的畫兒:畫家只畫了一匹馬,沒有別的。


lines 1-2 - 跟她一起坐公共汽車到老師

line 4 - 一本足《別管孩子一本《孩子不能不管》

Lesson 20

line 3 - 北京人就愛吃火鍋,主要是%羊肉,天氣熱的時候也吃。北京的%羊肉跟北京烤鴨一樣有名

line 4 - 過新年的時候北京人都吃%羊肉嗎?


line 1 - 一年輕人說:

lines 3-4 - 現在我還有時間,我再給蛇添上

line 6 - 大家都知道蛇沒有

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Lesson 21


Nice gag. :lol:


line 1 - 它們都在中國的南方

line 2 - 州的山水和蘇州的園林。

Lesson 22


line 6 - 你覺得這部小說怎樣?

line 7 - 我覺得小說的愛情故事非常感人。


line 3 - 很早以前京劇沒有女演員

line 11 - 可是我覺得唱越劇太了。


line - 故事裡的女主角是一個非常美的姑娘,叫林玉,

lines 3-4 - 賈寶玉很愛林玉,林玉也特別喜歡賈寶玉。

line 5 - 就在賈寶玉結婚的時候,林玉在自己的臥室裡把她寫給賈寶玉的詩都燒了,

line 7 - 他離了家。

Lesson 23


line 5 - 看,下邊都是山,火車從山開出來了。

Lesson 24


line 2 - 從上海到北京的23次八點四十分到


line 7 - 您的生活水平比城人的還高。

line 8 - 我們村吃的、穿的、住的都不比城差。問題是我們農民的文化水平還比城人的低一些。


line 3 - 將軍喝了很多西

Lesson 25


line 1 - 昨天張大力女兒的生日

Lesson 26

line 3 - 哪,哪


line 4 - 先生,您要的都準備好了

line 8 - 您剛才說該的沒

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Awesome! Thanks again Skylee. Hopefully that's most of the errors... They've all been fixed, and I'm about to upload a new version of each.

One note: line 3 - 哪里,哪里 is what my textbook gives for the traditional version, so I'm going to stick with that for now.

To be honest, I'm surprised there were so few errors with the traditional version of book 2, as I used Google to translate it from the Simplified Version. I guess that means Google is pretty good? Most of errors were OCR errors, rather than translation errors.

Anyway, thanks for that. If someone else could have a look through and see if they can spot any errors, that'd be great. Once someone has looked through and confirmed there's no more errors, I'll format them slightly more nicely (as .doc files or .pdf files).

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One note: line 3 - 哪里,哪里 is what my textbook gives for the traditional version, so I'm going to stick with that for now.

This is so very surprising.

I can understand using 于 instead of 於 in traditional script especially in the context of poems. But using 里 instead of 裏/裡 is strange.

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It's possible it's a typo - they do happen, but since that's what's in the book, I'll just have to leave it for now. Otherwise I'll probably get lots of people telling me I've made an error. I suspect it could be to differentiate it from being used as an interrogative statement? e.g.





Of course, that could just be me making up crap. It's also worth noting that there's not an official traditional version for Book 1, so I can't really compare it, but in the vocab list at the back, it does list it as 哪裏, so I'm inclined to say it's a typo, but on the other hand that same vocab list says 甚麽 instead of 什麽, while the latter is used for the entirety of Book 2 and onwards...

In any event, I'll leave it as what the book says, just because I'm trying to help people using the book, as opposed to fixing what's wrong with the book.

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什麽 is a variant of 甚麽 but 哪里 (as opposed to 哪裏) in traditional script is is only a typo.

My impression is, they only provided the traditional script for reference to people already familiar with it but wishing to learn the simplified, as the traditional characters are not introduced and not explained in the body of the text, used only in the vocab list at the back and in the traditional texts grouped at the back of the book (starting from vol. 2). They haven't put too much effort into the traditional part, IMHO.


Apologies for saying lesson 15 was OK - I only checked the 2 main texts, not the additional one and only simplified. Skylee found an error in the additional text.

I found it too hard to check large volumes but I will start using volume 3 next semester (next year).

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That would make sense. As-is, though, I'll keep it with Typos and all. If someone comes by here they'll see the discussion :).

You're also probably right about the "Know Traditional, Want Simplified" part. On the other hand, having the texts in Electronic format like this should help people wanting to learn Traditional (just chuck the texts + flashcards into Pleco, and away you go :). Stroke order and all).

It's cool. I dislike checking large texts as well - it's just a pain... That's why I 'crowdsourced' it. :). Not that Skylee really counts as a crowd. :).

I'm currently kinda-sorta trying to use Volume three, but there's a number of things I spend each day doing. I really need to make a schedule for myself...

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Good luck with that. I found volume 3 quite interesting and I learned a lot from it. I recommend it :) I bought volume 4 (textbook) as well but haven't started it yet, trying to read some additional intermediate texts to diversify my Chinese studies (Gulliver's travels in Chinese in Hanzi and Pinyin).

We are using NPCR in class, perhaps I shouldn't use it on my own.

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Using NPCR on your own should be fine. It means that it's not so essential to attend the class that way. If you're lazy (like me) this can be a good thing. It's also nice to have questions prepared in advance.

I also have NPCR 4, and I'll put that up at some point as well, but that's just hugely long. I count 17 pages for the 12 Chapters (Texts 1 and 2 only), so that's a lot of reading. Plus RC&P.

Still gotta do the RC&P for Book 3...

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Ok, added some more stuff - Book 3 Reading Comprehension and Paraphrasing, along with Book 4 Texts 1, 2, and RC&P. Cool. It's only in traditional at the moment as that's what I need most for editing (and if it's fixed in traditional, it's guaranteed to be fixed in simplified when I convert it). If someone could check over Book 3's RC&P for me, I'll merge that with the rest of Book 3 for a slightly nicer look.

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