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NPCR Books 2+3 - Texts only - Editing Help needed...


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I copied the text file into a word doc and I treid to print but my printer has gone nuts as it keeps saying SERVICE ERROR. When I reboot the printer, it prints one page and again gives the same error message. This is not due to printer error or my error as I had the same problem when I tried to print form my friends printer. Now my friend is mad at me. Please help:help

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if it's fixed in traditional, it's guaranteed to be fixed in simplified when I convert it

I like this observation.

Errors found in Book 4 traditional -

Lesson 39


Line 4 - 我要滿滿的一碗,可能還不

Line 6 - 做得好吃,你做菜的技術一天比一天好。特別是這個炒丁(usually it is chicken, although goose might just be fine),不但好吃,而且樣子也很好看。

Line 14 - 你怎麼一開口就是親愛的"?你是一天比一天話多了。

Line 16 - 中國世界有名,讓多的西方人吃到你做的菜,

Line 17 - 我喜歡做飯菜,可是,離廚師的水平還差得遠廚師必須是專業學校畢業的

Line 19 - 可是我不懂,你究竟為什麼不願意聽這三個字呢?


Para 4 - 他,一個小夥子,去看一個姑娘,她家人會怎麼想?

Para 5 - 小夥子高興得像瘋了一樣,他每天早上、中午、晚上都要在宿舍讀一遍。第二年,姑娘病了,要休息一年。她一個人回到家,誰也沒有告訴。小夥子一封一封的信寄到她學校,但都沒有回信。她為什麼不回信呢?姑娘究竟怎麼了?小夥子一天比一天瘦了。一年以後姑娘的病好了,又回到了學校,小夥子才等到了姑娘的回信。他們在信中談生活、談學習、談世界大事,但是他們沒有說過個“愛”字。在小夥子的心,姑娘是他的理想,是他的夢;他也能從姑娘平平常常的信讀懂她的心。

Para 6 - 小夥子看著這個又高又美的姑娘,心有很多話要說,

Para 7 - 一天,小夥子終於對姑娘說了,他心有一個字,一個最珍貴的字。

Para 8 - 故事的姑娘是她媽媽


Para 4 - 他笑了笑,給了我張名片,沒有再說什麼

Last para - 味道好極了,你要一杯嗎他笑著說:然,這麼香的咖啡,

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Errors found in Book 4 traditional -

Lesson 40


Line 1 - 有人提出婦女結婚以後,特別是有了孩子以後,應該回到家職太太"

Lines 3 and 4 - 婦女經過了多少個世紀的努力,終於從家走出來,得到工作的權利,而且能發揮夭"的作用。0這是社會的進步。

Line 5 - 城市幾乎都是雙職工的家庭

Line 7 - 而是為了好地發揮婦女的作用。

Line 15 - 但是也有的工作婦女比男人做得

Mulitiple lines - please check the name 陸雨, 陸雨千, 陸雨. Looks like all of them are wrong.


Para 4 - 中國人常說婦女是“半邊天”。“半邊”是什麼意思呢?就是婦女幾乎擔負著一半的社會工作。她們跟男人一樣,對社會的進步和國家的發展發揮著重要的作用。在全中國的職工中,女職工百分之四十。0現在中國既有女副總理、女部長、女外交官、女經理,又有女科學家、女教授、女畫家、女詩人……一般地說,男人能做的工作沒有婦女不能做的。有的工作,比如紡織工人、護士,幾乎都是婦女;中小學教師,大學的外語老師,也是女的比男的多。大家都知道,在中國兩千多年的封建社會中,婦女沒有社會地位。她們一輩子要服從自己的父母、丈夫和兒子。0她們沒有受教育的權利,也不能走出家門到外邊去工作;她們只能在家做家務

Para 5 - 第二,中國婦女在家庭的地位。

Para 6 - 一般地說,婦女只有社會地位提高了,在家庭的地位才能提高。她們在外邊有自己的工作和經濟收入,在家就有了平等的地位。過去,家的大事常常由丈夫決定,現在丈夫要跟妻子商量。過去,家務事總是由妻子一個人來做現在丈夫在家也要發揮“半邊天”的作用。很多家庭的家務事都有了分工:常常是丈夫買菜,妻子做飯;丈夫打掃房間,妻子洗衣服;丈夫管孩子的學習,妻子管孩子的吃穿。0有的外國朋友看到中國男人會做菜,覺得很奇怪。

para 8 - 職業婦女在外邊擔負一定的工作;在家又擔負很重的家務。


Para 2 - 1972年,這個村只有四頭老黃牛,三間破草房,·一輛舊馬車,再有就是欠銀行8000元的貸款。那時候,管理村工作的是生產隊長。老隊長確實沒有辦法了,他不想再了。在這位老隊長以前,村的男人幾乎都當過隊長,誰也不願意再擔負這個困難的工作了。在這種情況下,林志華,一個普通的農村婦女,勇敢地站了出來。她很自信地說:“男的不,我們女人幹!為了改變咱們這個窮村,我願意當隊長!”這一年,她帶著大家艱苦努力,終於讓村的人吃上了飽飯。

Para 3 - 林志華把不賺錢的小廠停了,開始搞第三產業,在村發展旅遊業。現在村的賓館、

Para 4 - 林志華常對大家說:“我的理想很明確,就是要讓農民富起來。我農民不但要‘口袋富’,而且還要‘腦袋富’。”林志華特別重視提高民的教育水平。

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Thanks for that. I'll modify the texts and put them up soon. Sadly, I can't really rely on doing a search and replace for all instances of 稟/裹/里 or 其/具, as the vocabulary is getting to the point where they may actually be used in the texts, and I thus shouldn't be going out and replacing all of them as they may actually be correct somewhere...

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  • 2 months later...

Hoo boy... I've been a bit slack.

Thanks for the help so far everyone!

I'll upload some more files with what I've got so far, and hopefully someone can help me continue fixing them.

I think I still need most of Book 4, and Book 3 阅读和复述。

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Ipsi(), thanks again for your ongoing work. :) I am starting a new semester and I will recommend our teachers and classmates to use this thread.

Question: how come you have Reading Comprehension and Paraphrasing (volume 3) in the traditional script? Do you convert from simplified? The book I have only has the simplified.

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Yep, converted to Traditional, as I think it's a bit silly to have one in Traditional lacking the RC&P, while the simplified one has it. It's very easy to convert from S -> T with, say, Google, and if I need editing help anyway, I might as well ask for editing help with the Traditional. That way, everyone wins! :D

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Correct. Which is why I convert to Traditional, then ask for editing help (as opposed to asking for editing help and then converting to Traditional). If someone edits the traditional bit for me, then I can convert it to simplified and know that it'll be correct. Editing the simplified is nice, but yeah.

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BLCUP, I noticed there is a Russian edition on your web-site. You can start advertising on polusharie.com - it is perhaps the biggest Russian community of China lovers (requires registration). I haven't see the quality, though. Hopefully, it's comparable with the English version. It might be a bit too expensive, though.

Here's the main Chinese language related page:


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Wow, thank you very much. Will you please tell me more information about Chinse Book shops or communities overseas?

I've published lots of Chinese learning textbooks, but some foreign students don't know the information about them. My main task is to promote these excellent books to overseas.

Thank you for your help

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Interesting. I'm glad to see that one of those is being published. Can I assume you are in some way associated with the Beijing Language and Culture University Press? If so, any idea when NPCR 6 is coming out? While I'm on Book 3, it'd be nice to have the complete set.

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