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The Grand First Episode Project. . .


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Ok, here's a preliminary schedule for the first few weeks. This is basically just stuff that came to mind or I for some reason noted on Baidu's list. I'm also arbitrarily suggesting a two a week, Wednesday + Sunday schedule - obviously you can watch at any time, but if anyone who is planning to join in can aim for those days and maybe we can get a few people posting at the same time.

Edit: Ok, I'm now progressively adding in download / online / subtitle links. In some cases it might not be possible to give direct links, so you may need to click though. Also bear in mind that these sites are often full of ads / spyware, so if you think you might be vulnerable, be careful.

Edit Edit: Schedule moved to first post.

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Very good. Have added a couple of links for the second, 空镜子, but didn't have so much luck - couldn't find a torrent, no subtitles on shooter.cn and nor could I find it on Youtube. Still, we've got one P2P and one online option. If anyone happens to find the missing links, let us know . . .

Incidentally, I will quite happily rearrange the schedule if anyone wants to suggest changes.

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Ok, I'm now progressively adding in download / online / subtitle links
The Youku one works nicely here in China. I just watched the first episode of 士兵突击 then, it streamed the whole episode without needing to pause for buffering.
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Well, one of the things I like about this way of doing it is that there's not really anything need to 'keep up' with - it's one episode every few days, and you can dip in and out as you wish. Obviously you can say to yourself that you are going to watch them all if you want.

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Added a couple of links for show no.5, 神探狄仁杰. Looking forward to this one as I think a 古装 detective show could be quite cool if done well, and if it's a case-a-show then it should be nice and easy to dip in and out of. Also, it's the first of the shows we've looked at that I haven't already watched (I've blacked out 微笑pasta already, so that doesn't count.)

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Suggestions are welcome, and I'd have no problem with moving the schedule around so that they come up sooner than my rather arbitrary choices. The more people who get involved the better. At the moment I'd say I'm more concerned by a lack of viewers than a lack of viewing material though.

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At the moment I'd say I'm more concerned by a lack of viewers than a lack of viewing material though.

I agree. Maybe we should have a show of hands?

As for recommendations, I'd recommend this: http://www.chinese-forums.com/index.php?/topic/2-favourite-chinese-musician2426 . Undercover cop posing as a mobster meets an innocent stewardess while trying to capture some big fish. There's action, there's intrigue, and there's love. The lead actor is supposed to be quite a star nowadays.

I'm watching it now and it's interesting enough.

EDIT: The donkeys for the next few episodes:

我爱我家 emule youku

落地请开手机 emule youku

家有儿女 emule youku

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