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The Grand First Episode Project. . .


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Actually, what do we reckon about throwing some other types of TV into the mix? I was flicking through some random magazine the other day which had Phoenix TV's talk show 一虎一席谈 very highly rated, and it occurred that we could maybe include talk shows, documentaries, etc . . .

Any thoughts?

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Here's the youku link for 魔幻手机. Actually I found this show while watching 空镜子 and noticing that this show typically had around 100,000 views compared to 空镜子‘s 2,000-3,000.

I'd probably watch the second episode of this before the second episode of the detective one.

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Actually, what do we reckon about throwing some other types of TV into the mix? I was flicking through some random magazine the other day which had Phoenix TV's talk show 一虎一席谈 very highly rated, and it occurred that we could maybe include talk shows, documentaries, etc . . .

I don't have a problem with it. But, like you said, there seem to be 4 of us watching.

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Four's a good start, we've only been going for two or three weeks. I have no doubt that we'll reach double figures in time for the Olympics. Our first show has now attracted a whopping total of six viewers.

But, all of you out there - why are you out there and not in here. How can we attract you to join happily with us in the Grand First Episode Project? And those of you who seemed to imply you'd participate yet have oddly disappeared, what gives? Self-taught-mba, I'm looking at you. Mikeedward also. Simonliang?

Even if you just post to say 'watched it!' it'll add a certain air of vitality and activity . . .

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Cool. It would be good if you can even just post a quick 'watched it' in the episode threads - that might even encourage others to join in. I should probably also add links to the individual episode discussions to the schedule.

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I managed to watch the first two episodes of 落地请开手机 today and managed to collect some of the interesting vocab... will probably go to see a few more... just to see who gets the girl...

Saw the first episode of 空镜子 a few days ago... not bad... could be interesting... will have to watch again for the vocab...

Also saw one episode of 武林外传... this is great fun... will have to really watch the vocab to catch the jokes... definately something different...

In the past I have often watched 家有儿女... so haven't rushed to check out these episodes yet...

This is a fun idea... lets keep it up...

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Yes, more people will make it more fun. You may want to drop a line into the individual threads, just to keep the momentum going.

I've almost finished 落地请开手机, which is coming up next, and was planning to write up a short summary of what's going on in the first episode, because I know I was a bit confused when I first watched it.

I think it's pretty obvious who gets the girl, but even towards the end of the series, it's not completely clear which side everyone is on, or what their true motivations are.

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But, all of you out there - why are you out there and not in here.
Nothing against your idea roddy, it has the potential of being both useful and fun. The reason I'm not watching is that I've never used those computer programs before, and am rather reluctant to download them or other things (if my computer breaks I don't know how to fix it). That, and laziness I suppose, and the fact that I have over a hundred channels with Chinese on them right here.

But I do wish the project all the best, really.

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If you're having trouble watching:

The shows which are on youtube or youku of tudou or ku6 or mysoju and similar don't need any special software to watch. They are webpages with streaming content and will work in any modern browser with the Flash plugin installed. Just click and watch, no danger. Keep in mind that youku is located in China and that the streaming might be choppy if you're watching from abroad. There are even ways to download these (in .flv format).

The shows which are available through the EDonkey / Emule network require you to install a program to download them. The upside is that you can download the show and watch it at your leasure whenever you want, and the quality is usually much better than on streaming websites. Windows users can install eMule, Mac and Linux users can use aMule. Once you've installed one of these programs, you only need to click on an edk:// link (provided in the relevant thread) and the program should start downloading automatically.

In some cases, there is a torrent linked. You will need a bittorrent client for this, like azureus / Vuze. Once installed, you need to download the torrent file and open it with this program, which will then download the file you're looking for.

Disclaimer: These shows are impossible to find in most places outside of China, legally or otherwise, and are only used for their educational value.

Edited by renzhe
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Great to see a few more people have been putting in an appearance this last week.

Lu, I can understand you being dubious about the software. The online video sites should be fine assuming your browser / os is all up to date, but installing and running software is very different. And the quality on youku and youtube obviously suffers considerably.

Actually, what methods are people using to get hold of these? I basically use verycd+emule, with emule from emule-project.net rather than verycd's version (not sure if there are any differences). Been using emule for years with no problem, just don't go downloading any .exe files and get links from sites you trust rather than random searching. I'll also use youku.com as there's no waiting involved, although as I said quality is frustrating sometimes; and btchina.net + bitcomet if for some reason emule isn't an option, although the btchina.net site is a pain to use.

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To my regret, I didn't quite enjoy watching the Taiwanese TV series I bought recently, although I only watched the beginning 2 episodes:

I bought:

恶作剧之吻 (It started with a kiss).

王子变青蛙 (The Prince Who Turns into a Frog).

The ratings according to http://www.d-addicts.com/forum/ are quite high, especially the 1st one.

The come with Chinese subtitles (SC and TC), must be PRC editions and English subs. The quality of the English subtitles are quite poor.

They are worse compared to the other 2 older 电视连续剧 (TV-series) I partially watched on youtube.com: 战神MARS (Mars) and 流星花园 (Meteor Garden). I actually wanted to buy these 2 instead but I couldn't get them with both Chinese and English subs, only Chinese subs are available, so I thought I'd buy these newer ones.

The only mainland TV-series I've got is 奋斗 (Struggle) in rmvb format with Chinese subs. It's quite good, although I struggle with understanding it, there are no English subs at all but the Chinese one built into the frame.

There are no Chinese subtitles to download for any of the above on www.shooter.cn. Please let me know if you found any!

If anyone started working or is about to start on the subs for any of the 5 TV-series below, I am interested in joining, even if I don't quite enjoy some of them (at the moment). If you have transcripts for any, I will highly appreciate.


恶作剧之吻 (It started with a kiss).

王子变青蛙 (The Prince Who Turns into a Frog).

战神MARS (Mars)

流星花园 (Meteor Garden)

(I don't have the 2 above but I can get them)

Mainland China:

奋斗 (Struggle)

On Saturday I went to Sydney and I talked to some Taiwanese tourists on a cruise boat. I asked them about TV series, none of them like any. Surprisingly, they said that Taiwan TV-series were no good, they preferred the Japanese ones. Oh well, it doesn't matter, although I find that Japanese series are of higher quality, they don't help me learn Mandarin he-he.

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Ok, I've added 康乾盛世秘史 to the schedule, which is now in the first post of this topic, and included links to the discussion pages for each episode.

Atitarev, would you like to recommend any of those shows for inclusion? We already have 奋斗 coming up shortly.

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You may want to drop a line into the individual threads, just to keep the momentum going.

Seconded, and if you were able to post any vocab lists you (or anyone else) are putting together, I'm pretty sure you'd earn undying gratitude from the forums masses.

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