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favourite Chinese musician


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I have a Girls in the garage compilation ( garage rock, funnily enough) that exclusively features Chinese artists. It's great fun - if alittle screechy. Unfortunately, there's hardly any info on the singers/bands on the sleeve.

Do you know anything about these 60s acts ( I presume that they are from Hong Kong) ?

Other stuff I like is ( I'm old fashioned like quite a few contributors)

Cui Jian, Dou Wei, He Yong, Hei Bao, Cobra

and there's a ouighur who plays glam rock whose name I've forgotten

I also had a copy of a cassette featuring covers of revolutionary songs in a heavy metal style that was fun if a little rawkus ( especially liked their version/destruction of l'internationale).

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I also had a copy of a cassette featuring covers of revolutionary songs in a heavy metal style that was fun if a little rawkus ( especially liked their version/destruction of l'internationale).

probably the seminal album called 'red rock/hongse yaogun'. i particularly like zhang chu's rendition of 'socialism is good/shehui zhuyi hao' on that album.

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its probably zhang chu's "jiejie". its the first song on the seminal rock records/magic stone compilation album called china fire 1/zhongguo huo 1. i really like zhang chu. i had heard he had returned to his hometown, xi'an. he hasn't released an album for 6 years.

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He Yong

anyone heard what's become of he yong? a couple of years ago, as i recall, i came across a couple articles on sina saying that he started his apartment on fire and was sent to a mental hospital. i haven't heard anything since then.

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Qin Nuli, the first Afanti album is no longer available.

Loulan Beauty, recorded mainly with different musicians, was available from Havana Cafe in April 2002.

Parhat Karesh told me there was a 3rd album with some video content produced in 2002 but I've never seen one.

But I wondered whether there are any Arken CDs. Where does Arken play ?

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Although my Chinese was not (and still is not) good enough to understand the words, I have to confess that while living there, I tended to prefer the cheesy pop stuff. OK, OK, I tend to like cheesy pop music in English too, although Karen Carpenter is way over the top even for me (see my siggy at Thorntree). BUT I never knew artists' names. Songs I remember liking were "Xiao Fang", "Da Zhongguo", and one that starts "Bu yao wen, bu yao shuo", and I used to know all the words! (I could still do Xiao Fang on karaoke if I had to). I also remember cracking up over the fat guy with suspenders and glasses...the one always singing about his "mei mei" ("Mei mei, ni zuo chuan tou, ge ge zai an shang zou, en en, ai ai..."). All of these were back in '93-'96, so if you weren't there then, these songs might be old enough that you haven't heard them, though I'm guessing Xiao Fang and maybe even Da Zhongguo still make it on the airwaves occasionally.

BUT...Chinese pop music aside, I do like some classical too (I'm not a total music geek). I really like an erhu player named Jia Peng Fang. It's not really classical erhu, at least not most of it, but a bit new agey. I also like Yo-yo Ma (does he count?), though I don't own anything of his...YET :)

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since you like erhu, i thought you might like to know that this sunday in champaign (IL) a well known erhu player, yang ying, will perform. in addition to being well known as an erhu player, yang ying was also the founder and original bass guitarist (as well as one of the singers in the band) of cobra, china's first all female rock band. the performance will also be on will-fm 90.9 which is simultaneously webcast on the net. here's more info: http://www.will.uiuc.edu/fm/programs/secondsunday.htm

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Oh, how mean to tempt me when you know I'm so relatively close to Champaign, yet a bit too far (just a few hours drive)! But I've bookmarked the site, so even if I can't listen to it live (in person or on the web), I'll go back later and listen. Thanks!

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Sammi Cheng Sau-Man!!!!

Hey, here too. Since her song 眉飞色舞 (Dont know in English or pinyin) which absolutly rocks!

But my most favorite singer is Kelly Chen (陳慧琳)!!! I abdore her :D. 心口不一 (Xin kou bu yi) is so great!

Jolin Tsai (蔡依林) is also nice but her songs are mostly too western/american orientated. I like it more typical asian.

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