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favourite Chinese musician


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Cantopop used to be more demanding, nowadays anyone who can speak can be a cantopop singer. That's why it's so popular in karaokes.... no talent/skill required.

This singers act, actors sing phenomenon ruined HK's entertainment industry.

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張學友's Cantopop is a jewel that very few can emulate in karaoke bars, although I like his Mandarin songs better. He sings his Mandarin and Cantonese songs with a unique emotional touch that very few can replicate.

I cannot imagine someone else singing 她來聽我的演唱會, 如果不愛你, and 心如刀割 the way he sang it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

can't really stomach the Chinese pop but i do enjoy their rock/metal scene. My new favorite is "Thin Man" and their latest release "Beijing Dream". The front man use to be in the legendary chinese hard rock band "Black Panther"

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Getting slightly sick of canto-pop... but I'd say some of my favourite canto artists are 張學友 (Jacky Cheung), 陳奕迅 (Eason Chan), 李克勤 (Hacken Lee)﹐劉德華 (Andy Lau), 陳慧琳 (Kelly Chen) and 方力申 (Alex Fong) - all simly cos they're pretty easy on the ear.

As for mando artists which have been getting a lot of play on my computer later ... there's 王力宏 (Wang Lee Hom)﹐周杰倫 (Jay Chow)﹐張敬軒 (Hins Cheung)﹐ 杜德偉 (Alex To)﹐ 陶吉吉(David Tao, they just don't have 吉吉 as one character. :roll: )﹐ 蕭亞軒 and S.H.E...

Random question... what do you all think about the canto song 美中不足 by Andy Hui (許志安) and Deanie Yip (葉德嫻)???

As for whether canto pop is more commercialised than mando pop... I'd say it's all about the same, to be honest. Everything that hits the mainstream pretty much gets commercialised these days. Sad, but true.

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陶吉吉(David Tao, they just don't have 吉吉 as one character.

I use pinyin input method and it is simply zhe2. If you use Cangjie, then it is GRGR (土口土口).

Can you see the character here? -> 喆

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uh i like coco lee, im the biggest fan of hers. been liking since i was in 4th grade. she got the most amazing voice and her style its so unique. she was like the first chinese female who really incorpprated rap and soul and pop into one genere. and she dances so well too. muti talented and she writes her own lyrics.

i also like F4 and vanness wu as a solo artists, uh jay chou, edison, and some other chinese singers.

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Right now I'd have to say I'm tied between Amei Chang & Stefanie Sun (Yanzi).

Jolin Tsai is a lingering guilty pleasure.

And I'm probably the oldest Caucasian Jay Chou fan on earth! Even when he's sounding like a boy-band, his stuff is more complex than it appears on the surface.

Eargerly awaiting a new cd from my all-time favorite - Karen Mok :clap

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I like Yufeimen ( 与非门 / 與非門 ) they're a band from Guangdong and sing mostly in Madndarin ,they sound a little like Portishead. A good rock and roll band is Guowei VC (果味VC) but I don't know if they are still around. Hua'r (花儿 / 花兒 ) is a good punk band if you like Greenday kinda style.

Cantonese I like Candy Lo (卢巧音 / 盧巧音)

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