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Master in China


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Hi there!

I am about to finish my Bachelor of Arts in Asianstudies. During my studies I focused on China and the chinese language. I already spent one year in China to improve my chinese skills (supported by a CSC partial scholarship).

Now I am thinking of doing my Master in China. I already found some universities with different programs I am interested in.

The last time I took the HSK I only got a 3 in the elementary/intermediate level. So before starting my studies in China, I will probably need one or two semesters to improve my chinese once again.

Do you guys have any experience with Master programs in China? Is it possible to do a Master of Science or Master of Law with a Bachelor of Arts? Did anybody apply for the CSC Master's degree program? Are there any other scholarship programs?


Thanks for your help in advance!


Edited by 克里斯托弗
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Thanks for your reply!

I already used the forum search but I only found posts by people who were planning to spend a semester or two for language studies... I am interested in doing my Master in China. And I am looking for a chinese taught master, not an english one...

Do you know any non-chinese who have done this?

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gato: thank you for the links! I think there are some that I didnt find myself! :)

anoymoose: of course I dont want to do a master in mathematics or something like this... I would have no chance to pass something like this.

I heard that there are some kinds of non-consecutive masters available, e.g. a M.Sc. in economics for people without economic background. Does something like this exist in china?

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I heard that there are some kinds of non-consecutive masters available, e.g. a M.Sc. in economics for people without economic background. Does something like this exist in china?

If you mean "economics with no math required", I doubt such things exist, at least in China. If Chinese students are good at anything, it's doing math problems and memorizing large sections of text.

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Hehe damn! Yeah that was exactly what I meant... I suck at mathematics...

So you don't think there are any other non-mathematical Master programms taught in chinese, that are worth applying for?

My intention is to get a Master in another field than culture and language but at the same time improve my command of chinese, to be able to find a job in the future. That's why I was thinking of doing my master in china...

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