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BLCU Accommodation


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Don't know if this has been posted before, but these are the daily rates for all the dorms at BLCU.


also personnal opinion, but if you can afford to live outside campus, do it. I lived in dorm 8 (same as dorm 7) and even though it's “comfortable”, it's largely overpriced for what it is. They lock the main door after midnight (you can still get in but have to wake up the desk employee), you can have guests only from 4pm to 10pm, and it's even more expensive than a room in wudaokou or somewhere else.


I visited dorm 1 and it seriously looks like a prison. Dorm 17 is ok if you don't mind sharing a room with someone


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Honestly it depends on who you are. If you're comfortable living by guys then I would say dorm 1 is a better option. I had friends that lived in dorm 1 that actually wanted to move into dorm 9 because they were tired of getting hit on by guys from dorm 1. Like if you linger around dorm 1 you even notice it. I think the only thing that bothered me about dorm 1 was that I actually saw roaches in my friends rooms, not too many but it disgusted me, whereas me living in dorm 9 I never saw a roach in my room. They mostly lingered in the kitchen which was on the first floor, or the occasional waterbug in the shower. lol. 


Pros of dorm 1 = bigger room, and closer to where classes are held (like 1-2 minute walk, elevator lol Cons: occasional roach in the room, um men? (lol if thats a problem)

Pros of dorm 9= All girls, closer to beer garden and supermarkets bedrooms have a minifridge inside, tv with cable (actually I cant remember if dorm 1 has it or not) cons: one tiny roach infested kitchen on first floor, no elevator (its okay its only 5 floors, but difficult when you have your suitcase), farther from school 5-10 minute walk.


Oh if you plan to cook, dorm 9 has 2 hot plates that are provided in the kitchen for you to use whereas dorm 1 has none, its just a room they offer. I don't know if things have changed but when I lived in dorm 9 there was one point when we just had 1. 


My info might be outdated because I havent been there in 2 years lol. But i can't imagine things have changed too much. Dorm 9 is a very old building so besides the furniture theres not much else that can be changed. When I stayed there my second semester both dorm 1 & 9 had new furniture and beds installed. 


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  • 6 months later...
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Hello my experienced friends! 


I'm applying this year for Conucius Scholarship for bachelor's degree. As my first choice is but BLCU, I started doing a small research about the accomoddation at this university. Honestly, apart from the 会议中心 and the dorm 17, the situation is rather pessimistic for me :help

I've read in different forums and blogs that government scholarship/confucius scholarship students are usually allocated in dorms 2 and 9. Some people pointed out that it was possible to move into other dorms and even live in a single room, provided that you pay extra. Fortunately, a significant part of accommodation fee is covered by the scholarship itself, so it doesn't seem a big deal at all to pay some more money to have more personal space and privacy. Anyway, is it possible as well in case of 会议中心 and dorm 17? There were some doubts regarding these two alternatives and maybe some of you are up to date.


I sent the same question in chinese to the 住宿中心, but in spite of their prompt answer (which is believed to be extremely uncommon ), it wasn't helpful at all, because the content of their response was... completely unrelated and in English :wall



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  • 4 months later...
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他家好!I obtained the Confucius Institute Scholarship for one-semester. I know that I  probably will stay in dormitory 1 or 9, but I don’t want to stay there! What should I do? I have to wait until I will arrive at blcu or I can ask them now? I want to choose dorm 4! How much do I have to pay as the difference? 


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  • 2 weeks later...
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I contacted the student center via email, and they said the price on the leaflet is outdated and currently, the signle room costs 145-150 while the double-room costs 75-80 per day. They also said there is no longer-stay discount.


It is a direct email from the student center, but is this correct? Anyone staying right now there can corfirm it?

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Lol guys BLCU accommodation is terrible. Dorm 1 and 9 are free with the scholarship, but honestly it looks like a prison more than a dorm. No wallpaper, only (shared) turkish toilets, and some people even said there can be cockroaches at times. it's 1000 yuan per month without the scholarship, which would get you a much nicer room in any other city. 

Single rooms are in dorm 7 and 8 and while theyre ok, they cost 4200+  yuan per month.It's crazy expensive for what it is. For reference this is the price of a master bedroom in say, wudaokou. With the scholarship it's “only” 3000. 

Also all the dorms  except 17 close after 12 am according to the school rules, so youll have to wake up the reception girl everytime you go home late.You also cannot have guests before 3pm and after 9pm. Yes it also applies to single room dorms.


If you're on a scholarship and choose to live outside campus, you will be given a 700 yuan subsidy every month for the rent. That's something to consider.

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  • 5 years later...
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Does anyone know if the dormitories have been renovated at all? I know this might be a lost cause but I'm just finding out that they're in pretty bad condition and I'd rather stay in the dorms if possible to save money with the scholarship but not at the expense of my health ?


my hope is that with covid they had to at least do a massive cleaning of the dorms for health reasons

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Honestly, I don't think it's worth it to live in campus. I did it and the dorms were pretty bad, and the price was even higher than what you would pay for living outside. A small single room was no less than 4000 rmb, and there's a curfew preventing you from going out late at night. 


Dorm 1 and Dorm 9 (the cheapest ones, free for scolarship students) were basically looking like jails.


You'd better rent a place for cheaper in Wudaokou or Liudaokou. 

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