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SexyMandarin - the unconventional way to learn Mandarin


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Iffy, but ancient. And effective. And, with all the other things wrong with the world, being bombarded with images of hot chicks trying to sell me stuff is way down on the priority list of things to get upset about.

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"I initially assumed it would be about language for romance and general sexiness. Honest, I thought they were going to teach me love poetry to recite to you, darling. Don't go....believe me, I'm as shocked as you to find those lingerie models cavorting on my screen...wait, let me show you the free set of playing cards...."

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It seems like a lot of guys on this board are very disrespectful towards women.  


To be honest, it's a little disheartening to see.  From my perspective, SexyMandarin celebrates women and empowers them to step out of the metaphorical boxes (or aforementioned "locked rooms") that the diction some of you use could/does put them in.


Maybe some of you are from different countries where you don't value the choice of a woman, but I am from America.  I strive to be accepting of other's decisions, especially women.  SexyMandarin's teachers truly represent women's empowerment to me.  If you search the internet everyone always talk bad about SexyMandarin, but these teachers continue to teach in a fashion that they love despite it.  


I think it's very easy to dismiss something that is different from the norm, but after being a member for almost 2 years I can say there is no better way to learn Chinese.  Except of course having a Chinese girlfriend.  

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Honestly, Seantified, it's not really yours or my place to make that decision for women. http://www.dailydot.com/opinion/men-dont-get-say-feminism/


Personally, this doesn't look anything like female empowerment. It looks like a continuation of the advancement of looks over ability and a continued effort to keep women in their place. Obviously, it's not my place to make such judgements over the ultimate appropriateness of the practice, but this doesn't advance equal rights in any obvious way.


There's also the double standard being applied. Take a look at the page on the employees and the difference between the depiction of the men and the women is striking.




BTW: I don't personally appreciate the concerns I and the other men have about the exploitation of women being written off as anti-woman.

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Wow. With a response as defensive as that, maybe you really are a user of the website rather than a shill, and just aching to convince yourself that you're a champion of women's rights rather than a creepy old man.


...on second thoughts, whilst that's true, you're probably still a shill.


Maybe some of you are from different countries where you don't value the choice of a woman


Choice is great and all, but when the choice is between a shit job or no job, most people will take the job, due to needing to eat. Whilst I wouldn't dream of criticising people who make just such a "choice", I think criticising those who exploit them is fair game. The same would be true here if we were talking about prostitution, or working at McDonalds.


Also, hedwards hit the nail on the head - judging women by their looks and nothing else (in this case, literally nothing else - as I mentioned in my previous post, it was the only thing you mentioned about the teachers - not their qualifications, not their experience, not their teaching styles or philosophies, not their ability to grade language to students, not the way they used teaching materials, not their organisational skills, not their feedback strategies...) is pretty much the exact opposite of empowering.

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Hedwards - 


The article you posted it quite honestly a joke.  That is the feminist viewpoint isn't it?  Seems to be yours too.  If an opinion is different then you try to snuff it out by saying they don't have the right to say it because of XYZ.  


True Feminism does not want to hide women and tell them what they can and can't wear.  It wants to celebrate the beauty of the female form just like what SexyMandarin does.


You talk about looks over ability, without having tested the product.  All of the teachers on SexyMandarin are trained teachers with extensive academic credentials.  It is incredibly sexist and 1 minded of you to judge the girls based on looks.  I know sometimes it is hard to look in the mirror, but I think it's necessary in this case.


OF COURSE, the women are prettier on the team page.  It's called Sexy Mandarin not Sexy MANdarin.


I do find your comments to be very anti-choice and anti-woman.  I think any self respecting woman would think the same too.

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- Demonic Duck


I love how you assume that the girls could not get any other job.  I have gotten to know some of the teachers personally through 1 on 1 lessons.  One in particular is a well respected scientist in her field.  Here you are on a message board saying that it was either SexyMandarin or prostitution.  

I think your hatred for women is pretty obvious.

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Seantified, do you work for SexyMandarin? 


I can't be bothered writing anything more on this topic at the moment. If anyone wants to Paypal me $20 I'll spend 15 minutes on it. Any takers? I'll be keeping my shirt on. Oh wait, nobody can see me. Ok, I'll take it off. 

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I love how you assume that the girls could not get any other job.  I have gotten to know some of the teachers personally through 1 on 1 lessons.  One in particular is a well respected scientist in her field.  Here you are on a message board saying that it was either SexyMandarin or prostitution.  

I think your hatred for women is pretty obvious.




I am not a creepy old man, I'm a champion of women's rights and a true feministTM! You can see that I'm a true feministTM because I'm wearing a purple t-shirt, and purple is clearly a girl's colour, so I obviously have a feminine side, right? Every true feministTM knows that the only right worth caring about is the right to model sexy underwear and cavort about whilst being ogled by sexually frustrated men. Look guys, it's you guys that hate women, not me! Why can't you see that? Guys? GUYS???

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I'm with Icebear here. Whether Sean is a troll or a shill is beside the point, ultimately, he doesn't seem to be contributing anything of value to the topic and I fail to see how any of his posts lead to a more complete understanding of why people should or shouldn't get lessons there.

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The business model is actually quite clever!  I think many people, specifically western men, who take a liking to Chinese women/culture really don't have the motivation to dedicate themselves to learning the whole language.  By learning a couple words and maybe even a sentence or two, it gives them the feeling that they're one step closer to their fantasy and nets the business a god awful amount of money ($39.95-$74.95/month?!).  A great tool for feeling good for five minutes, a bad tool for studying!

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