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Translation Insight for a Lovebird


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Hi, I'm Lee.


I've just begun to learn Chinese, currently on day 2, and have been mostly using Google translate as a reference.  I've met a love interest interest online whom knows Chinese and little English.  I've mostly been able to make out most of her messages online, but there were a few that seemed out of context.  I'll list a few below:




I think it means something relative if I'm willing to go to Shanghai to meet her?




She then introduced herself.  I think she is providing her english name or is it her chinese name?  One one translator site, it was Wei Ling.  But then another it was LAM Ms Audrey EU.  Which one is correct?  Also I don't understand the second part of her sentence completely.  I think she was saying if I would be learning Mandarin?






Lastly, I wrote the above two lines to her and her reponse was the below.  I couldn't make clear of what she meant.  It translated to, "This is ah" or This is the case"


Thank you for reading and please provide feedback.  Greatly appreciated!

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I crafted the below message for her birthday.  Does it make sense?  Just wanted to make sure the translator didn't lose too much context on the translation from english.


嘿魏我们比你想象的更相似。 9月18日,我们参观了这个地方,并会见了同一天。我们有相同的中国十二生肖和出生在蛇年。你的信仰是一样的我。我们是一个爱好和平的人民。我们只有已经27天的年龄差异。






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I agree with liuzhou. If you need an online translator try pereapera for Firefox or Zhongwen for Chrome.


Have you met her in the last 2 days or is this the reason for learning Chinese, I only ask because you need to be aware that things are not always what they seem.


As you are having difficulties communicating i would be very careful what you share and how quickly things progress. It sounds like you have met in the last 2 days and are already planning to go to visit her. I may have got this wrong but this is what I get from your post.


Having said all that I hope it goes well and all works out for you.

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Yeah, she's basically asking about your Chinese level, how much do you speak. She also asked if you would go to Shanghai to meet her and giving you her Chinese name. My own Chinese is not too great to give an exact translation for everything though, sorry. But that is the gist. 

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is more like:  Can you speak Chinese ? Would you be willing to come to shanghai to look after me. Changed after being corrected should be see


I will leave the rest of the Chinese for others to translate

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Thank you everyone for your inputs.  I've downloaded the mozilla ext perapera and will be using it frequently.


I went overboard early in the relationship, but at the very least wanted to make sure we understood each other's intents from the beginning despite the lack of communication.

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The first line made me think she's trying to brush you off. I'd like to know what came before, since she says:


"Here are some easier examples. Can you speak Mandarin? Would you be willing to come to Shanghai to visit me?"


"My name is Wei Lin. How much Mandarin can you speak?"


And then when you "explained" that you ... have three months left til graduation and then afterward you intend to go back to China(?), she said:



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It's tough, for example, her name was translated to unrelated words "魏" and "伟凌" in two different places, instead of "薇", "" or "薇". The first paragraph is especially difficult to understand, but I guess she can figure out most of the rest part. If you post the English version of the first paragraph I may help you straighten out the translation.

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There is one language we all human beings have a sense of and that is love.


Yes, it's a two-edged sword.  It may cause acts of foolishness, such as this.  But, what if it was a potential significant other half that was disregarded just because of lack of communication or cultural differences.  If it's true love, then it's not a waste to learn the other's language and culture.  And if along the road, things seems to be not what it is, there would still be knowledge that was gained from the relationship.

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