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Beijing Foreign Studies University


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Yep.. Fortunately, I can read a bit of Mandarin. So it roughly translates: Students start arriving or reporting on the 1st of September, registration on 5th & 6th and class starts the next following Monday (9th). :)

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Hi guys~ I've just finally received my admission notice but it's quite confusing - as a scholarship student I think I should have received some accommodation reservation form but I haven't... I also thought the form for body examination would be included @.@ How 'bout you guys, what exactly was in your admission notice?

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@nushia My package consisted of the admission notice and a jw-202 form for visa application, though I applied for accommodation via CUCAS (application agent) You can still book your accommodation directly to the university and as for the body examination, you'd have to do one to apply for a China Visa. Check with the Chinese embassy in your country. Hope this helps :)

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So, I finaly founded the academic calendar ! I putted on my dropbox : https://www.dropbox.com/s/ce73dnx4q9cjgoc/BFSU%20-%20Calendrier.pdf

@ wendi : there is an application information with some informations about the dorm : https://www.dropbox.com/s/l1z528b50o6fwub/%E8%8B%B1%E6%96%872010.pdf

Does anyone have more informations ? Like what's on the campus, how do we must registred, etc. I've juste received the JW201 formular and an application notice, but there is not so much informations on it...

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@wendi I emailed the overseas student affairs office to ask about this when they confirmed my residence in building 7, there are no restrictions on this building and it has 24 hour staff duty. Hope this helps.

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@weindi Campus map is available http://en.bfsu.edu.cn/ABOUTBFSU/MapsofBFSU/ It should give you a general idea what's on campus (Though not accurate) and the registration location is at the School of Chinese Language and Literature @ East Campus.

@sarahvbarlow That's a surprise because I applied to other Universities in China and most of their accommodation have strict rules.. They even have a curfew.

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thanks for reply. Im a scholarship student so i heard they give us some room when we register i hope we can at least choose builiding. I heard also that some buidings have curfew and if you don't come back before 11 pm you have to wait till 6 am or just party till morning :twisted: and there are some buildings where coming back at whatever hour is fine.

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I don't know about every university / building in China (obviously), but usually the arrangement is that after a certain time the doors are locked but someone is on duty, often asleep in a room off the lobby, to open the doors when needed. So you don't get locked out all night, you just have to wake someone up. Which sounds horrible, but basically it's their job, so just do it as quickly and politely as possible.

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@wendi i emailed the overseas student office who i've been in contact with regarding confirming my accommodation, and they let me know that for this building that was the situation! It's university...surely they will understand we are all crazy and live to party.....?

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@sarahvbarlow in the first pages of this thread was written that someone had to wait till 6 am coz the door were closed and their building had strict rules. Thats why im asking. When i was in China i visited 3 dorms where my friends were staying. One was really strict, outsiders couldn't get into the dorm and i had to sneak in ^^ i think that was some agricultural university but i dont remember clearly. For sure it was only girls building.

The second one was Peking Univ, this one was awesome- the door are open 24h and no one acctually check anything so i could live there 2 weeks ;)

and one was BFSU the one on the right site from buissnes building but i dont remember anything more.

so im not sure about their understanding that we are students especially when it comes to girls. Once my friend told me that chinese dorms have the rule about the guys/girls visiting each other and the whole responsibility goes always for girls. i dont remember how it goes.

Well i guess we will know once we are there.

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