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Hello :) I would like to ask the community for some help. It's a difficult question to ask, but I thought I could try it ;) I have been searching for a song I heard over 12 years ago. It was the most beautiful chinese song. It's melody has played over and over in my head for the past 12 or so years. I heard this song on the China.com website in 2001....or to 2002. The song was accompanied by a short animated video. I believe the song was a sad love song because the video depicted a couple either breaking up or they couldn't be together. It only showed one of them missing the other. The song had a beautiful piano playing with a pause of 4 keys playing with repeat toward the center of the song. Hard to explain; im not a pianist. The song was sang by a man, but I think a female might have joined in later into the song not sure. It seems as though they were missing each other. I know this is asking a lot. I appreciate anyone's time and efforts. I'll take any ideas just to put to rest my mind on this beautiful song. I tried to find a way to find out what the song's name was while watching in on china.com, but I couldn't get a translation :( I would love to have the opportunity to listen to it again. I will never give up trying to find it. Thank you SO very, very much :D

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Hello :) I would like to ask the community for some help. It's a difficult question to ask, but I thought I could try it ;) I have been searching for a song I heard over 12 years ago. It was the most beautiful chinese song. It's melody has played over and over in my head for the past 12 or so years. I heard this song on the China.com website in 2001....or to 2002. The song was accompanied by a short animated video. I believe the song was a sad love song because the video depicted a couple either breaking up or they couldn't be together. It only showed one of them missing the other. The song had a beautiful piano playing with a pause of 4 keys playing with repeat toward the center of the song. Hard to explain; im not a pianist. The song was sang by a man, but I think a female might have joined in later into the song not sure. It seems as though they were missing each other. I know this is asking a lot. I appreciate anyone's time and efforts. I'll take any ideas just to put to rest my mind on this beautiful song. I tried to find a way to find out what the song's name was while watching in on china.com, but I couldn't get a translation :( I would love to have the opportunity to listen to it again. I will never give up trying to find it. Thank you SO very, very much :D



Hi, I have tried to find out which song you have been looking for, but when I searched the short Chinese Animation which was produced in 2001 and 2002,  a lot of animations are not avilible any more on the internet, only some personal dairy has shown some words record about them.  It is very strange.  Among them, I think <谁的丈夫离得最远> would be much closer to your describition, but I couldn't confirm that. 


Here is another song which is also appropriate: < 爱就一个字>  -张信哲 ,it was sang by a man and have piano playing within.   this was the theme song of <宝莲灯>  (Lotus Lantern)  which was published in 1999.  The lyric can describe that a man try to look for his lover, but the animation is about a boy how to save his mother from celestial beings :wall :wall,  Any way,  here is the link you can have try, if this is not the one you are looking for, I would like to try figure out more. 



http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nCtEa4M7No  < 爱就一个字>  -张信哲


I hope this would be helpful

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by Wuseng


Hi, i have found the song you are looking for, it was a really hard work as the track in that video is only a little part of that song, actually the start part.  I listened that song and I didn't like the singer's voice, but the begaining is really good.  whatever, here is the song:  冬天的阳光 by 一休 (from 0:24 to 0:53) 

http://www.kuwo.cn/yinyue/3583017/ this is a Chinese website,I can't find this song on YOUTUBE . 


hope you enjoy it


Dear Wuseng, thank you so much for helping me find that song. You're right, the beginning part is really good, but the singer's voice turns out....not like what I've imagined :(

And there is one song that I've been searching for it for over 5 years. It's a background music in the Hongkong Television Series called  封神榜, which was produced by TVB in 2001. The english name of the series is called Gods of Honour.

I cut and converted the music from a scene of episode 10, here is the link: https://app.box.com/s/nsrd0ded6j83nd2ufrtl

And here is the episode 10: http://www.tudou.com/albumplay/zXUNiFnwGyM/yN6o5Axv4wE.html (the music starts at 42:10)

Please help me!!! Thank you!!!!

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Dear Wuseng, thank you so much for helping me find that song. You're right, the beginning part is really good, but the singer's voice turns out....not like what I've imagined :(

And there is one song that I've been searching for it for over 5 years. It's a background music in the Hongkong Television Series called  封神榜, which was produced by TVB in 2001. The english name of the series is called Gods of Honour.

I cut and converted the music from a scene of episode 10, here is the link: https://app.box.com/...ded6j83nd2ufrtl

And here is the episode 10: http://www.tudou.com...N6o5Axv4wE.html (the music starts at 42:10)

Please help me!!! Thank you!!!!

Hi, arino1. I think the BGM you are looking for , was composed by two parts.  Because I have found the back section of the bgm, without the begainning part.  And I can't find the begainning for now but I will keep searching next few days.  


Here is the link:http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/xQkJB3bwEuo/isRenhe=1   the music's name is 嬉戏, was a bgm of a film called <飞狐外传>,  Gods of Honour borrowed some bgm from the film.  Composer is 胡伟立.

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By arino1


Dear Wuseng, thank you so much for helping me find that song. You're right, the beginning part is really good, but the singer's voice turns out....not like what I've imagined :(

And there is one song that I've been searching for it for over 5 years. It's a background music in the Hongkong Television Series called  封神榜, which was produced by TVB in 2001. The english name of the series is called Gods of Honour.

I cut and converted the music from a scene of episode 10, here is the link: https://app.box.com/...ded6j83nd2ufrtl

And here is the episode 10: http://www.tudou.com...N6o5Axv4wE.html (the music starts at 42:10)

Please help me!!! Thank you!!!!

by the way, the song 冬天的阳光 have original version.  I found it several days later . It is 明日赞歌 by  阿兰·达瓦卓玛, she is Tibetan, and her voice is awesome!!  here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRbefCGnQ5E (this is Japanese version 明日ヘの讃歌, I only can find this one on youtube, it does have a Chinese version, if you like you can search by yourself.  these two versions are all sang by 阿兰·达瓦卓玛. Because she moved her career to Japan in 2007 but have returned back to China now. )  This song is very beautiful (and she is also a pretty girl :lol: :lol: ) thank you for share.

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Dear Wuseng,

About the BGM, I'm sorry but I did listen to the song you posted and then listened carefully the song I posted, but I really didn't see any similarities of melody between them ~.~ , neither the beginning part nor the back part. But how do you divide the song into two parts? like how many second is in the first part and how many second is in the second part? Because the song I posted is only 41 seconds.


Maybe the link I posted had problem. Let me post it again:

This is my song: https://app.box.com/s/nsrd0ded6j83nd2ufrtl (after click on the link, you just need to press the triangle to play the music, or you can simply click "Download"  on the upper right corner of the screen")

And here is your song: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/xQkJB3bwEuo/isRenhe=1


To save your time, these are what I've found during 5 years: http://pan.baidu.com/wap/shareview?&shareid=1539286925&uk=3322422144&dir=%2F%E6%88%91%E7%9A%84%E9%9F%B3%E4%B9%90%2F%E8%83%A1%E4%BC%9F%E7%AB%8B%E9%85%8D%E4%B9%90%E5%85%A8%E9%9B%86ost&page=1&num=20&fsid=4014513630&third=0 (This is the link download the file that contains all the BGMs of Gods of Honour, I had downloaded it and listened to theme one by one, but couldn't find my song :wall  )


Based on the name of the series飞狐外传 that you gave me, I also found a download link: http://pan.baidu.com/wap/shareview?&shareid=1539286925&uk=3322422144&dir=%2F%E6%88%91%E7%9A%84%E9%9F%B3%E4%B9%90%2F%E8%83%A1%E4%BC%9F%E7%AB%8B%E9%85%8D%E4%B9%90%E5%85%A8%E9%9B%86ost&page=3&num=20&fsid=700561513&third=0 (I also listened to theme one by one, and again, can't find my song TT___TT)


Oh and about the song 明日ヘの讃歌.....oh my gosh it is just incredibly amazing!!!! and the singer 阿兰·达瓦卓玛, is her stage name Alan? Her voice is just...I don't know what words to say, it's just....so special....Like the fairy voice you usually hear from high mountain.....so pure....so strong.....and so perfectly fit this song!!!! Thank you for your finding!!! I would definitely look for the Chinese version of the song ^^

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By Wuseng

"Hi, I have tried to find out which song you have been looking for, but when I searched the short Chinese Animation which was produced in 2001 and 2002,  a lot of animations are not avilible any more on the internet, only some personal dairy has shown some words record about them.  It is very strange.  Among them, I think would be much closer to your describition, but I couldn't confirm that. 

Here is another song which is also appropriate:   -张信哲 ,it was sang by a man and have piano playing within.   this was the theme song of   (Lotus Lantern)  which was published in 1999.  The lyric can describe that a man try to look for his lover, but the animation is about a boy how to save his mother from celestial beings  ,  Any way,  here is the link you can have try, if this is not the one you are looking for, I would like to try figure out more."

Dear Wuseng,

Thank you so very much for your response :) I am so very appreciative that you took the time to help me. Forgive me; I couldn't figure out how to quote you properly through the posting thread. I checked out all the links you posted. Unfortunately, none of them were the song I have been looking for for so long. The song I saw on china.com in 2001 was not in reference to an animated series....at least I don't think. The video didn't have lasting animated characters in it. It was just the song playing & giving the idea something was missing and very sad. The video starts off showing a home vacant of the people that should have been there. It then leads to the waters edge looking out on the water showing leaves blowing out onto the water. Thats all I can remember of the video. I thought it might have shown a male animated character crouched down in the floor of the home sad in the very beginning, but I just can't exactly remember enough to say that thats the truth.. I do thank you so very much for your help ♥ I may never get to hear that song again, but I will still remember the parts of it that sing in my head as long as my memory will permit me to. Maybe some day I might find it...its just highly unlikely. Thank you ever so much ;)

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I heard this song on a cassette tape but I can't understand mandarin one bit.


One of the few parts in the lyrics that I could figure out were: 我不知道没有您


I assume this song is sort of old or been out for a while. Its sounds a bit dramatic also.

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Hi, i've probably spent days looking for this song and i'm pretty desperate so anything would help.

So my parents used to have this cd and i would listen to it a lot when i was a child (this was back in 2004 or so)

i dont remember too much about the song since im not too good with mandarin, i only remember the tune.

its a female singer, in mandarin. a pretty lively and relaxing tune, sorta like a slow pop music.

the one thing that i clearly remember was that she made a heart sign with her hands at the end.

now i remember there being a fairly old man (30-40 ish) that i think she was singing about. there was also a little girl

playing around him. i dont know whether the song is about her father with the little girl being her or it was about

a crush.


sorry for so little info. but if you know any songs that fit with any of the things mentioned above, it would help tremendously.

thank you

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Maybe it would be possible for you to find this cd? I had similar problem with one Russian song (I don't know Russian), but I remembered the pronunciation of some verses and that helped me finding it in Google. Maybe even one line would help.


Besides, I've heard, only heard though, that there are some communities, which help identifying the song by the tune. You should be able to record and post the tune, write as much as you wrote here, and maybe somebody will recognize it.


I'm sorry, don't know how to help more. Good luck :)

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