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(Baidu Account)Need help to type in Chinese verification code,Please...?


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We're not experts on baidu registration here; we simply know some Chinese so we can help with the captcha, contact form and such.

You can also log into baidu with a qq or weibo account. Maybe they don't require a Mainland phone number for registration, I don't know, but you can try. There may be different ways to register for these accounts, so search around a bit.


In any event, it might take baidu a while to respond. Keep checking your email.


(When IMQQ asks for your mobile number, look closely: there's an option to switch to a non-Chinese number.)

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This is mail after the 899 suggestion:


关于您在2015-09-18 15:13提到的问题:

尊敬的用户,您好!请您到百度账号安全中心: passport.baidu.com 进行操作(在此处可以进行账号安全设置、密码修改与找回、手机与邮箱绑定、第三方账号绑定与解绑)。 如移动客户端提示“对不起,你现在无法登陆”或云管家提示登录过于频繁,可在此绑定手机,绑定之后可以登录。 或者到百度账号投诉中心进行投诉( http://tousu.baidu.com/passport/add ) 感谢您使用百度产品,希望您继续支持与关注百度!

百度服务,用心倾听您的建议。如果您对我们的回复有新的疑问,请至 http://help.baidu.com/index 获取更多的帮助信息。感谢您使用百度产品!


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oh yeah i actually can switch to a non chinese number like you said, but now there's another problem. when i put my phone number it always said "This number has reached the daily limit of verification code received. Please try a different number" but i've never put my number there even once before. i guess i'll try it again tomorrow and see if it's work . anyway thanks for the help and tips , i'm gonna search for another way if it's still failed.

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They're telling you to go to the 安全中心 Security Center at passport.baidu.com. If you are now getting a message such as "Sorry, you're currently unable to register" or "Too many attempts," then you can tie your mobile to your account there, and you can then complete registration after you've tied the mobile number to your account. If this doesn't work, then you can file a complaint at http://tousu.baidu.com/passport/add .

As often the case with customer service, it looks like a canned answer not particularly responsive to the question.

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@recett i haven't even managed to make an account there, after i put my email,ID,password,date of birth etc and click sign up, i got a message saying "abnormal activities from you IP" and it told me to put my phone number for a verification. but everytime i put my number there it always said "This number has reached the daily limit of verification code received. Please try a different number" but i've never put my number there even once. 

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I tried the other day to set up my own Xiami account.  I used Google Translate for a bit but then it asked me for gov't ID and I figured it had to be a Chinese ID, lol.


It's rough getting through all that stuff on G Translate!  I just had to give up.  Plus it was getting into legalese.

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Hello every one

With the help of Google translate I came as far as to the captcha, how can this be solved? Or what is the question really is?

Please if some one can activate it for me.





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