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HSK online test "at home edition" 居家网考 May-June 2020 (COVID special)


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Bumping this as I've now had two positive responses regarding the 28 June exams.


For more info see also earlier post which I'm updating when new info comes in.

  • Nottingham University CI are running HSK 1-6 (although their online store only offers payment for levels 1-5)
  • Hanban UK / Chinese Proficiency Test UK Committee (aka 英国汉语考试委员会) are running HSK 1-6, HSKK, YCT 1-4. 


The deadline for registration is 16 June.

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Any idea how you pay for this? I've registered with Hanban UK and waiting to hear back.


Stupid question :IS it possible to do this at home with your own laptop/internet connection or do you have to go to the test centre?

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7 minutes ago, ∞保罗∞ said:

Any idea how you pay for this? I've registered with Hanban UK and waiting to hear back.


Stupid question :IS it possible to do this at home with your own laptop/internet connection or do you have to go to the test centre?

Follow the link to Nottingham, then pay on there.


So register on chinesetestcn.com


then go to Nottingham site.


pay there.


then email the same photo ID and receipt to the nottingham site.


I'll find the link now


Instructions here:


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10 minutes ago, ∞保罗∞ said:

Stupid question :IS it possible to do this at home with your own laptop/internet connection or do you have to go to the test centre?


Yes, it is possible. That's exactly what this entire thread is about. ?

Test centres are unable to offer the tests on-site due to the Covid situation, so for the first time they are being allowed to run this "at home" version this summer.


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Guy's I paid at nottingham sent in passport and proof of registration, then emailed them,  "I haven't seen your registration on Chinesetest.cn. Did you choose the "Paper exam" at "Nottingham Confucius Institute"? I confirmation that we have received your payment. "


That seems to be my problem - I selected "internet-based test" and then clicked "Chinese proficiency test UK Committee". 


I've just asked if I can cancel that registration and re register at Nottingham and heard back immediately, 


"If you chose to take your exam at "Chinese Proficiency Test UK committee", you should get in touch with them to complete your exam. The Nottingham Confucius Institute doesn't have your information, therefore we won't be able to help. 
If you wish to take the exam at their test centre, we will refund you the exam fee. If you wish to take the exam with us, I guess you need to find a way to cancel your registration, then register again with the Nottingham Confucius Institute, our exam is on the 28th. June. "
The exam will be surpervised on skype so you point your phone at your PC so someone will supervise you that way. I was also told there was a mock exam available on the software until June 26th.


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It looks like there are two routes to registering, and one of them doesn't include all the centres who are running the test.


To find Nottingham (and any others who are running tests), DON'T click on the Test Registration icon at the top of the page, but rather from the home page go to Check Schedule or http://www.chinesetest.cn/goKdInfoOrPlan.do?type=hsk and enter Continent, Country etc, hit the search button, and a list of relevant centres should come up.


Nottingham CI is 英国诺丁汉大学孔子学院


Then click detail to see the centre info and list of test dates, and finally click register now.


I tried a couple of times a few days ago and the "Test Registration" route was only showing the Hanban "Chinese Proficiency Test UK committee", and for some exams Goldsmiths in London.




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1 hour ago, ∞保罗∞ said:

I was also told there was a mock exam available on the software until June 26th.


This is an unexpected bonus... 


When I installed the software ("exam client") the other day it let me test my camera, mic and headphones, but then gave an error about there being no test available.


Running it again just now, it goes on to let you "log in" (just entering name and email address), downloads the mock test and then immediately starts it, with the familiar music and the nice people saying 大家好.


Comparing the presentation with the mock and real tests I've done before, and the ones mentioned earlier in the the thread, they've done some work tidying it up and making text a bit more readable. (Click to enlarge image.)

I didn't try it, but I just noticed there's even an option to modify the font size.


Again there is no exit option at this point so I had to sign out of windows to get control back, which crashes the client. (I didn't want to press the "Submit Paper" button in case it only allows one attempt.)





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4 minutes ago, mungouk said:

This is an unexpected bonus... 


Yes indeed.


I got an email from MsChen earlier showing all this info aswell


(although she's not confirmed my HSK2 test yet)


This looks a lot tidier.


On one the mock tests in Silk road, the A B C answers, are all over the place! haha!


Lots of work for me to do now. I wrote down all 300 words that I didn't know yet, and there are about 100 I've not come across before! yikes!


might have bitten off more than I can chew!

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3 minutes ago, TaxiAsh said:

On one the mock tests in Silk road, the A B C answers, are all over the place!


Yes. You need to change the width of your browser to work out which picture is A, which is B, which is C etc on some of the questions.


4 minutes ago, TaxiAsh said:

Lots of work for me to do now.


Which software are you using to help you learn the vocab?  I've used StickyStudy (phone app) and TOFUlearn (app/website) in the past and like them both. Anki also has a lot of fans here.



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4 minutes ago, mungouk said:

Which software are you using to help you learn the vocab?  I've used StickyStudy (phone app) and TOFUlearn (app/website) in the past and like them both. Anki also has a lot of fans here.

Same as always. You tubes.


For HSKs I've been using Everyday Chinese channel


I'll look both of these up now!



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Just now, mungouk said:

Software using a Spaced Repetition System (SRS) will help you to memorise the vocab in a more efficient and much faster way than watching videos.


My biggest problem are the listening tasks... especially when there is a couple of sentences then a question.


I've more relying on hearing the words in the multiple choice than actually hearing what is being said. I wish the tests would show at the end all of the text!


Reading I'm pretty much ok with

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3 minutes ago, mungouk said:

I think with levels 1 and 2 you can more or less get by with listening for the keywords. 

I hope so!


Especially as I'm doing HSK2 first, don't want to lose all my confidence for the easier afternoon one!


I've looked up stickystudy but it just lists lots of different apps, that one might not exist anymore perhaps

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11 minutes ago, mungouk said:



It has all the HSK vocab lists built-in already.


Same with https://www.tofulearn.com/


Ah yes, I'm downloading tofu now


The sticky one might not be available on android, it's definitely not in the list

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