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Tsinghua University Accommodation


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  • 1 month later...

Hi guys, for those that know, how much are Tsinghua dorms per semester That is, the single room with private bathroom? Also, does this include your holidays? Eg christmas/summer? If not, do you have to pay an additional fee for your room during the holidays? If so, what is the fee?

Thanks a bunch!

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  • 2 months later...

Hi all

I've been admitted for the fall semester and now waiting for my admission package to arrive. I've not yet decided if I'm going to live on campus in dorms or going to try to rent an appartment off campus. I did hear that the dorms on campus have a curfew. Does anybody know if that is true? That would be a real pain. If so when is the curfew?

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That is untrue. The international dorms do have a curfew for visitors (visitors get kicked out by 11.00PM) , but if you are a resident of the building then you are allowed to walk in and out anytime. They lock the doors after about 1AM or later I guess, but if you walk in late they will open up the doors for you. The receptionists recognises the faces of the people who live in the respective buildings they are in charge of, so no problem.

There is the hot water curfew, that comes in three seperate time slots. You get all three, but it'd be a fuss if you always need to get a shower after every activity. If not, its pretty alright. Just incase anybody asks again, hot water time slot's 7.00-9.00AM, 3.00PM to 5.00PM, and at 8.00PM to 12.00AM.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Sorry if I have missed this information elsewhere on the forum, but does anyone know what kind of dorm room is reserved for graduate students receiving the full CGS? It was suggested, but not confirmed that it will be an AB room.

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Questions on off-campus housing are getting deleted - Tsinghua dorms only. If you're looking for flatmates, find the classifieds section (although you may be better off on thebeijinger.com). You do NOT need to share with other Tsinghua students, there are multiple universities near each other - spread your net a bit.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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hey everybody

im also gonna participate in chinese language program for fall 2013 :)

i was wondering if the online application for oncampus dormitory still runs over www.thutraining.com ?

any infos about that?


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Hey guys, I'm having trouble booking a room through www.thutraining.com.

It says all the rooms are booked out even though I logged in at 8.30am Beijing time (which is when the system opened). Is anyone else experiencing the same problem?

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First of all excuse me for my English as it isn't my native language :P. So after lurking for a while on this forum I finally decided to sign up because of what just happened regarding the Tsinghua dorms. The application for the Tsinghua dorms for the language students opened today at 8:30AM Beijing time. I litteraly got at the booking page at 8:31 and all the AB and single rooms were gone. The double rooms weren't even available for booking. I kept refreshing the page for about an hour but still nothing was available. I also called the Zhijing International Students Dorm and the lady on the phone confirmed that all of the AB and single rooms were booked instantly. She also stated that there don't offer double rooms anymore which explains why they couldn't have been booked. So this basically this means Tsinghua had only a really small amount of rooms available this semester or everyone was super quick this time with booking a room which seems quite unlikely to me! So it's about 12:30AM Beijing time right now. I have been refreshing the page for the pas 4 hours hoping that a room would become available. Sadly enough it seems the rooms are indeed all taken :(.

Well basically I want to inform future students who consider living on campus. You need to be really quick with your reservation! Maybe this time was an exception but I just wanted to share my experience with the dorm application. Well I'm off looking for a room off-campus now!

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Hi guys,

This is my first time posting here. Just want to confirm that today was supposed to be the online reservation for foreign students in tsinghua's dorms, unfortunately there hasn't been an available room since the website was opened this morning. (www.thutraining.com) So is tsinghua's on campus accomodation really very hard to get into?

If so, is there any chance if i go there on the registration date itself, will i get a chance of having a dorm room available there?

Thanks for your responses. Would be a big help to learn from your experiences.


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I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of rooms are ear-marked for exchange or agency students.

Those of you who will be looking for off-campus accommodation - please start here. No off-campus accommodation discussion here please.

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Well it seems quite weird to me that the people who logged in as soon as the website was open weren't able to get a room. The amount of rooms must have been really limited this time :/.


I'm not sure if we could get a room if we go there on the registration date itself. I was told by the Zhijing reception that you have to get yourself one the waiting list if you want to live on-campus. The lady told me to mail gaopei@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn to get on the waiting list.

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Before I left Tsinghua last semester I remember someone telling me they reassigned one or two of the international student dorm buildings to house ... some other group of people. I seem to remember it being local Chinese students but not sure. I was surprised when I heard this as the dorm accomodation was always fully booked really fast. It seemed like they needed more rooms for international students, not less.

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@WetSand - I was also refreshing the page from 8.30am Beijing time and was lucky enough to secure a room that popped up a few hours later (I thought that it was due to them being a bit slow in making the rooms available but judging from what people have said in this post it seems like they had very limited amount of rooms available). Prior to that I had emailed Tsinghua and received a reply today saying that all rooms were booked within 3 minutes of the system opening.

Did anyone else manage to secure a room?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have to book a plane ticket but the only reasonable flights available arrive in Beijing at night. (20:00 - 22:00). The Tsinghua registration guide says that the Foreign Student Dormitories are open 24 hours a day but does anyone know if this the case in real life? I'm probably going to be stressed and overwhelmed after a long flight and arriving in front of locked door is not really ideal.

I'd like to arrive before Monday 26 August as I've already missed the first round of registration and don't want to miss more of the University's orientation week than I absolutely have to.

Also is taking a taxi at that time of night from the airport worth it, or should I just stay in the airport and wait till the next day? Should mention that I probably won't have any RMB with me as I'd have to wait for any Foreign Exchange to open first (my country doesn't carry any RMB). Do local taxi drivers accept US Dollars?


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