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boy oh boy, I don't have access to the internet for a while and this whole thread goes to hell. Ok, I'll stop flattering myself. Here is something that cracked me up the other day b/c I thought someone was pulling my leg when we were talking about gymnastics and vaulting after he started talking about some 跳山羊...

com'n you know the tones already.

So I had to double check to see if this was a) a regional thing that only he would say, 2) he really made this up just to mess with me and get a good laugh, c) this was something everyone on earth except for me knew already)

Anyway, so as expected this was indeed along the lines of a 'horse' rather than a goat:


but as a side note 跳山羊 can also apparently refer to what we call 'leap frog' too...

Good thing I figured all this out before my afternoon vaulting and leap frogging down on the playground.

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Now that the Olympics are over: I have been working assiduously on a translation of an article from the Journal of the Japanese Respiratory Society entitled "A case of eosinophilic pneumonia suspected to be induced by minocycline." Just as I am getting ready to breathe a heavy sigh of relief upon completion, the very last citation of the article has the following in the middle of its already long title:


Now that it is all over, I am no longer frustrated, but I felt indeed challenged by the whole thing. I translated "minor green dragon tea pills" as I found on one web page, included the pinyin and then a translators note to the effect that it was a Chinese medicine. YIKES!

(I suppose as I become used to working on medical translations I will come across quite a few more references to Chinese medicine.)

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Now that it is all over, I am no longer frustrated, but I felt indeed challenged by the whole thing. I translated "minor green dragon tea pills" as I found on one web page, included the pinyin and then a translators note to the effect that it was a Chinese medicine. YIKES!

Hehe. 小青龙汤 is some kind of herbal tea drink, not tea pills. (呵呵,人家宝姐姐吃的“冷香丸”的那个“丸”字,你用“pill”就对了。呵呵。:wink:)


开放分类: 处方

【方名】 小青龙汤

【出处】 《伤寒论》

【分类】 解表剂-辛温解表

【组成】 麻黄(去节,9克) 芍药(9克) 细辛(6克) 干姜(6克) 甘草炙 (6克) 桂枝(去皮,9克) 五味子(6克) 半夏(洗,9克)


【功用】 解表散寒,温肺化饮。

【主治】 外寒里饮证。恶寒发热,头身疼痛,无汗,喘咳,痰涎清稀而量多,胸痞,或干呕,或痰饮喘咳,不得平卧,或身体疼重,头面四肢浮肿,舌苔白滑,脉浮。(本方常用于支气管炎、支气管哮喘、肺炎、百日咳、肺心病、过敏性鼻炎、卡他性眼炎、卡他性中耳炎等属于外寒里饮证者。)[亦可作为处方药减轻花粉症病状]

【用法】 上八味,以水一斗,先煮麻黄,减二升,去上沫,内诸药,煮取三升,去滓,温服一升(现代用法:水煎温服)。

【禁忌】 因本方多温燥之品,故阴虚干咳无痰或痰热证者,不宜使用。



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坎/槛儿 (kan3er)

My colleagues and I talked about someone who is 84 this year and of of my colleagues surprised me with the expression: 他真是个坎儿

When you are either 73 or 84 years old, you have/ or are crossing a threshold and can hence be called a "坎儿”

Apparently a lot of people die right before 73 or 84, but once you've crossed that threshold, you're good for another few years!


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千秋 qian1qiu1 can be used as a respectful way of referring to someone else's birthday.

It can also be a name. A very good name. Take a look at the comics via the link below and the teacher's name was 千秋.

5.12 China - The Last Lesson



And of couse 千秋 is also the name of the main character of the story nodame cantabile.

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槌儿, chui4er, mallet and qing4, an inverted bell used as a Buddhist percussion instrument (and also a chime stone).

黄眉大王, which means Yellow-browed Great King is a character in 西游记 (Monkey Magic) and also a main character in 魔幻手机, a TV series that is part of the First Episode Project. He is a spirit that causes trouble for Monkey and the Tang priest.

However it turns out that, although he is able to make himself look scary and act tough on Earth because he is a spirit, his real name is 黄眉童儿 (Yellow-browed little boy), and his job is to play the 磬 in the palace of an important Buddha. The weapon he uses on Earth is called a 狼牙棒 (wolf tooth club), but really is the 槌儿 he uses to play the 磬 (which is quite powerful because it is a heavenly object). He has used his magic powers to make it look like a scary 狼牙棒. As the Buddha explains: 那条狼牙棒是个敲磬的槌儿.

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ok, from safety training how is

叉车:Cha1che1 forklift


得来速:drivethru (from watching a McDonald's commercial of course...)

for random...even more random if you could actually drive a forklift through a drivethru:wink:

still in the mood for forklift vocab you say, this is fun

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