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US asks Twitter to hand over personal information about key Wikileaks supporters, including Assange and Jonsdottir. From BBC.

维基解密:力拒美国向推特下传票: http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/china/2011/01/110108_us_twitter_wiki_update.shtml





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Guangdong's first gay marriage, I stumbled upon this one: http://nf.nfdaily.cn/nfdsb/content/2011-01/10/content_19140580.htm

Surprisingly many new words for me.

南都讯 记者邓少军今年元旦,中山市阳光酒店迎来了一场不同寻常的婚礼:32岁的“PACO”和28岁的“水晶”喜结连理,这两位新人都是女人。据悉,这是广东首对公开举行婚礼的同性恋人。


讯 [xùn] dispatch, 南都讯 = according to a 南方都市报 dispatch

不同寻常 [bùtóngxúncháng ] different

中山市 Zhongshan city in Guangdong: http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh/中山市

喜结连理 to get married

同性恋人 same-sex partner

据悉 [jùxī] it is reported...

手臂 [shǒubì] arm

彩带 [cǎidài] coloured ribbon

(玫瑰)花瓣 [huābàn] (rose) petal

当众 [dāngzhòng] publicly

接纳 [jiēnà] accept

不离不弃 [bùlíbúqì] never leave or forsake

嘉宾 [jiābīn] honoured guest

圈内朋友 close friends

伴娘 [bànniáng] bridesmaid

上司 [shàngsi] superior (at work)

异性 [yìxìng] the opposite sex

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Time for me to make a contribution, now with a bit of a challenging article if you dare give it a try :) The article is by economist 叶檀 who's become a bit of a property tax specialist lately. The article is a few weeks old but very current as Shanghai and Chongqing are trialling the property tax over the months ahead before it's introduced on a nationwide basis sometime after March. A lot of people think this will be the death blow to the Beijing, Shanghai, Hainan etc property markets as these are reaching historical highs and are to a large extent investment driven rather than satisfying a housing need.




截止12月19号的一周,67%的城市成交量环比上涨,总体成交量小幅上涨 4.7%,终结了连续两周的下降行情。同一周,深圳一手房成交大幅上升,共成交993套,环比上升31.0%,创下近10以来的成交量新高。

悖反 bei4fan3 = to go against

四起 si4qi3 = everywhere

行情 hang2qing2 = market quotations

同期 = corresponding period

一手房 yi1shou3fang2 = new home as opposed to second hand

此起彼伏 ci3qi3bi3fu2 = to rise and fall in succession

折合 zhe2he2 = convert into

刷心 shua1xin1 = break new (high/record)

逆势 ni4shi4 = opposite momentum

既得 ji4de2 = vested (interest)

节点 jie2dian3 = node

亵渎 xie4du2 = blasphemy

死胡同 si3hu2tong2 = blind alley

莫过于 mo4guo4yu2 = nothing is more than

红利 hong2li4 = dividend, bonus

治堵 zhi4du3 = alleviate traffic congestion

绥靖 sui2jing4 = appeasement

倒卖 dao3mai4 = speculate

瘫痪 tan1huan4 = paralysis

安抚 an1fu3 = appease

昭示 zhao1shi4 = to declare publicly

匪夷所思 fei3 yi2 suo3 si1 = fantastic

一视同仁 yi1shi4tong2ren2 = to treat everyone equally

绑架 bang3jia4 = kidnap

兴风作浪 xing1feng1zuo4lang4 = stir up trouble

阴谋论 yin1mou2lun4 = conspiracy theory

瓮中捉鳖 weng4zhong1zhuo1bie1 = set oneself an easy target


1. Why have the property volumes started to increase again after the taxes have been announced?

A. The government is buying up property

B. Prices have decreased enough to incite interest again

C. Developers have on purpose decreased the supply in anticipation of the tax and the market is now in short supply

D. Only owners of new apartments will have to pay residential property tax

2. How does 叶檀 think the car market bubble is similar to the one in the residential property market?

A. It distorts the market by not applying the regulation consistently

B. Regulations in both markets are both based on a set monthly purchase quota

C. Citizens without 户口 will not be able to purchase cars or property as they please and hence hoard supply while they can

D. It has reached unprecedented proportions

3. Why does 叶檀 think the government is designing the regulations this way?

A. They want to maximise tax revenue

B. Government has vested interests and hence tries to drive up short-term transaction volumes by introducing regulations

C. To crack down on speculators acquiring cars and properties just for investment rather than use

D. To gain goodwill for the new party officials taking over the leadership of the party in 2012

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刷心 shua1xin1 = break new (high/record)

should be 刷新.

匪夷所思 fei3 yi2 suo3 si1 = fantastic

I think it is more like hard to believe.


I think it should be 截至.


Not sure 10 what? Years? Months? Weeks?


This is a new term to me. We don't seem to use it here.

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This is from today’s HK 文匯報 -> 港大飯堂「少飯平1元」 廚餘減近3成




Some systems may be unable to display the word “” properly. And “平" means 便宜.

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Easy but fun article out of Urumqi:

新疆70岁农户种植50株大麻 称不知是违法






1. What was the farmer's defense?

2. What did he claim to have been using the material for?

3. What will the penalty be?

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1. What was the farmer's defense?

From the title: "称不知是违法", he claimed he didn't know it was illegal.... hah! <_<

2. What did he claim to have been using the material for?

The article says that he said "种大麻只是想做麻绳用", so he claimed he was using the marijuana to make hemp textiles and rope (sure buddy, we believe you ;) ).

3. What will the penalty be?

According to the article "种植其它原植物毒品者可处以10日以上15日以下拘留,可以并处3000元以下罚款", which means that those who plant drug-related crops could be imprisoned for 10-15 days and fined up to 3000 RMB. :o

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This one is a bit scandalous:






1)What is the closest English meaning for 綠腎?

a)a green kidney

b)a moldy kidney

c)a Democratic kidney

d)a fresh new kidney

2)Who did the kidney belong to?





3)What else technically belonged to the kidney donor?





4)若商人早知道情況原來如此, 那他寧可做什麼?





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Oh, and this article is just too good not to share:

中美媽咪戰 中國更優越?


耶魯大學法學教授蔡美兒(Amy Chua)8日為「全球媽咪戰爭」開了第一砲,在「華爾街日報」發表「中國母親何以更優越」一文,表示「中國父母可以命令孩子功課全部拿A,西方父母只能要求孩子盡力」。

這篇文章摘自蔡美兒11日出版的新書「虎媽的戰歌」(Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother)。她在文中試圖說明中國家庭何以能夠教養出這麼多數學、小提琴或鋼琴奇才,順利進入長春藤或其他頂尖名校。









原在美國一家大公司服務的Ping Mong,曾協助從台灣招募人才。這些人大多來自最好的大學,很會讀書做研究,可是要他們從事團隊計畫卻有問題。他說:「他們只會讀書,缺少當眾做報告、談判和人際關係技巧。」







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This article is on today's fruit daily -> 港大女教授 拆解斷腸草抗癌

This story is on several newspapers today. But I like this report because of its opening.

「神農嚐百草,死於斷腸草」。說到毒物,斷腸草三個字可說無人不識,不過草能殺人,亦能救人,除了小說內中了情花毒的神鵰大俠楊過外,斷腸草原來還有抗癌作用。香港大學化學系講座教授楊丹,花近 17年時間研究其中一種斷腸草的分子排列結構,再利用化學物質合成類似的活性物質,近日成功排列出接近沒有毒性又能抗癌的超級成份,十年後料可製成抗癌藥物。回望 17年資源短缺的科研苦路,楊丹坦言,能發現對人類有益的成果,「是石子路上挖到一塊金子」。
楊丹及其研究團隊最初從雷公藤根部提煉出有藥效的活性分子雷公藤甲素,但該分子仍含毒性,且產量稀少,集合全球所有雷公藤也只能煉出 5公斤左右的份量,團隊於是改以新的化學合成手法,利用其他化學物排列出與雷公藤甲素相似的多環結構,再對其進行修飾和改造,終研究出具有單一活性,能避免產生副作用的物質,新手法更可應用於其他藥物合成作用上。

Belated questions -

1) What is 情花毒?

2) What is a 講座教授?

3) If you think you want to read news reports only, do you still think that you can afford not to read Jin Yong? :D

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This one has just popped up on my screen, and I think it is interesting enough.






Q1 - What is 塔议会下院?

Q2 - Do you think 据悉 in paragraph 2 is properly used?

Q3 - Where is the disputed land?

Q4 - List the words used (in the paragraphs above) that mean China.

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Q1 - What is 塔议会下院?

"塔" refers to "塔吉克斯坦" which is Tajikistan (in English), and "议会" is a legislative body, so "塔议会下院" refers to the "Lower House of Tajikistan's Legislative Body"

Q2 - Do you think 据悉 in paragraph 2 is properly used?

It might have been more accurate to say "根据中塔两国的历史", but it seems okay to use "据悉" here as well, as long as it is understood that the news isn't recent

Q3 - Where is the disputed land?

According to the article is says "中塔两国领土争端" and "同意放弃与中国在帕米尔高原拥有主权争议的一块土地", so the land is on the border of China and Tajikistan, and the land conceded to China is on the Pamir Plateau (which is near 新疆 province). I didn't even know China and Tajikistan shared a border... :wacko:

Q4 - List the words used (in the paragraphs above) that mean China.

Let's see, there's 我国 and 中国. Oddly enough, I have never seen 我国 referring to anything except China, even if the writer is not from China! :P

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This is from today’s HK 文匯報 -> 內地生來港考AP勁升兩倍

香港考評局2年前從美國大學理事會引進Advanced Placement(AP)考試,吸引大量內地生來港報考,以取得該國際試成績,以作為赴海外升讀大學的「捷徑」。考評局資料顯示,去年經該局報考AP人數達750人,較09年激增2倍,其中近9成為內地生,但由於國家教育部考試中心去年亦將AP考試引入內地,該局預料,今年來港考AP的內地生將下跌。不過,本地的科技大學及理工大學開始率先承認AP考試成績作學分換算之用,可望吸引更多香港學生報考。

Q1 What is a 捷徑?

Q2 Why did mainland students (i) take the exam (ii) in Hong Kong?

Q3 Why is it expected that there will be fewer mainland students to do so in future?

Q4 What should the AP exam be called in Chinese by 國家教育部考試中心? :P

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Here's a fun one:

开车超速?有请Google Earth作证

澳洲一名被指超速而遭罚款的大学生,利用Google Earth向法庭提出上诉,最后获允许再审。根据资料计算,他开的汽车当时正在山顶,但罚单却指当时汽车正在下山,因此怀疑警方拍到的车,根本不是他所驾驶的那部。

24岁的沙卡吉被指在开车下山时超速驾驶,然而他利用Google Earth计算事发时汽车的位置,证明当时车子正在山顶,警员不可能看到他的车,警方的相机不可能拍到他超速。




1) How did this tech-savvy university student use Google Earth to prove his case?

2) What country did the student's family originally come from?

3) How does the student feel about his rights in his new country?

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