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Mona Lisa was a man, man?

意大利研究人员发现蒙娜丽莎原型是男性 (BBC)













1. Who is 吉安·卡普罗提?

2. What is the signifciance of L and S?

3. Have you been to 卢浮宫?

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This report was on the Ming Pao Daily of 2 February -> 「環保觸覺」要求做義工換訪問





Q1 What is “環保觸覺” in the context of this report?

Q2 What must a student do to set up an interview with the organisation concerned?

Q3 Why is there such a policy?

Q4 Why is the policy being criticised? And by who?

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Shortage of formula milk -> 澳門奶粉因內地客搶購緊缺 當地家長呼籲












Q1 The article contains plenty of typos (typos in traditional script). What should the highlighted characters be written in traditional script?

Q2 What do these terms mean - 水客, 掃貨, 新貨上架, 潑冷水?

Q3 Why do mainlanders like to buy formula milk in Macau?

Q4 Will taxation be viable to help stop the problem? (BTW this is already a big problem in Hong Kong.)

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1. Who is 吉安·卡普罗提?

A young artist and possibly lover who worked 25 years with Davinci.

2. What is the signifciance of L and S?

The letters were placed into the painting (Mona Lisa's eyes) to give later generations a clue to their relationship.

3. Have you been to 卢浮宫?

The Louvre? Ah, non.

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A recent development in a story that has captured the attention of the Chinese community here in the NY/NJ area.

Rather long but an interesting article.

Some background information:

会/标会/协助会 refers to a type of co-operative fund that is common in the Chinese community here. The purpose of the fund is to allow participants or members to borrow from the fund collateral-free when the need arises. Each participant in the fund normally contributes a set amount of money on a regular basis to the fund, which is administered by a trusted individual. Each month, a bidding process called 标会 determines who gets to borrow, and at what effective interest rate.

奥迪兹 is New York State Assemblyman Felix Ortiz.

州众议员 State Assemblyman.

闽籍 A native of Fujian Province.

陈德清 Name of the fund administrator.

8大道青年会 I believe this refers to the Brooklyn Chinese-American Youth Association, which is on 8th Ave, Brooklyn.

大西洋赌城 Atlantic City

百利 Bally's Casino

印度宫 Trump Taj Mahal (Casino)







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Is a State Assembly a body that functions like a congress at the state level? If the Congress is 衆議院, then is a State Assembly 州衆議院, or is it 州議會?

Yes, that is correct. The State Assembly is the state equivalent to the U.S. House of Representatives (Congress), and the State Senate to the U.S. (Federal) Senate. It makes sense to me that it would be 州众议院, but I could be wrong.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm a sucker for these kinds of articles. Interesting enough that I was happy and eager to plow through all the new vocab with dictionary in hand (on phone). As much a glimpse into Chinese manners and customs as it is reading practice. Meet the Fockers meets Jane Austen, Chinese-style.

Longish, but written in a casual conversational style that reads a lot easier than an op-ed. Enjoy!



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Very interesting news (with vivid descriptions) :P , which is related to the article posted at #103.

爭奶粉 5男女互毆

奶粉難求引發街頭混戰。一對持雙程證來港的父子,昨早在灣仔一間連鎖藥房(圖)門外排隊輪購奶粉時,懷疑因為有人「插隊」問題,與另一名內地男子和其兩名姊姊大打出手。警員接報趕至,制止雙方打鬥,5人 同被警員拘捕,並獲送院治理。



Q1. What was the cause of the dispute?

Q2. What did people line up for?

Q3. List the terms used to describe the fight.

Q4. List the surnames of those who took part in the fight.

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Maybe the world would be more peaceful if there were more breastfeeding and less 奶粉.

Q1. What was the cause of the dispute?

Someone jumped into the line.

Q2. What did people line up for?

Milk powder/formula.

Q3. List the terms used to describe the fight.

街頭混戰 = street scuffle

大打出手 = blows/fistfight

Q4. List the surnames of those who took part in the fight.

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I just wanted to note that this thread inspired me to read a news article a day, so thanks for the impetus. Before I do anything else online each day, I read the first article on BBC Chinese. I currently have a streak of 60+ days going. Their articles are not that tough and are pretty brief, so whatever the first article is, I just power through it. Previously, I had only been reading an article or two a week and it felt like a chore, but now I find I am reading a few articles throughout the day to actually get the news.

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Gleaves, if you find a good or interesting article, please post a link.

Today's article is based on current events: 国务院:全面检查核电站 不符安全标准立即停建




(三)全面审查在建核电站。要用最先进的标准对所有在建核电站进行安全评估,存 在隐患的要坚决整改,不符合安全标准的要立即停止建设。

(四)严格审批新上核电项目。抓紧编制核安全规划,调整完善核电发展中长期规划,核安全规划批准 前,暂停审批核电项目包括开展前期工作的项目。


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It's been a while, but this article is very much worth it.

Here's a copy of the infamous YouTube video that sparked it all...

洛加大反亞裔視頻 狠批劣跡

洛杉磯加大(UCLA)學生14日在網上貼反亞裔視頻,令學校和學生震驚。這條視頻由白人女生Alexandra Wallace錄製並放到YouTube上,她列舉了亞裔的「種種劣跡」。


有件曾讓我很不舒服,但現在已見怪不怪,所有居住在我公寓周圍的亞洲人,他們的爸媽、兄弟、姊妹、爺爺奶奶、堂兄弟,所有跟著他們從亞洲來的人,周末都會來到公寓(給他們)洗衣服、買日用品、做一周的飯, 絕無例外。你總會在公寓樓附近看見年邁的亞洲人走來走去,這就是亞洲人做的事。他們不教育他們的孩子自立,還有一樣東西他們從來不教,那就是行為舉止。


這段充滿火藥味的視頻立刻引起UCLA校方注意。校長Gene D. Block說,這段視頻讓他震驚(appal ),他強調,當很多人用言論自由當擋箭牌來貶低個人或群體時,他也會退縮。但他確定,這次事絕不代表UCLA觀點。UCLA致力於相互尊重和禮貌,也致力於創造尊重並關心每一社區成員的環境。




校長Block還表示,這種視頻在UCLA絕無立足之處,通過在網上放視頻,用令人羞恥的態度和意見對待別人,是學校的大不幸。相信任何基於種族、性別、宗教或文化而表達的偏見在UCLA絕無市場。讓這事件永遠提醒大家,面對仇恨和無知言論時的責任。讓它來保持UCLA 的尊重和誠實的核心價值觀。


1) What is Alexandra's major?

2) What is she peeved about?

3) What is the most offensive thing she says in her rant?

(I know it's hard, but try to pick just one)

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Just want to say that American Wines are not bad at all so they don' t really need spanish wines (and I think it is unlikely that the grapes came from Spain). :)

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1) What is Alexandra's major?

Political science

2) What is she peeved about?

The behavior of Asian students on her campus - how their relatives do stuff for them and how they use cell phones in the library

3) What is the most offensive thing she says in her rant?

According to a netizen's post reported in this article, it's the way she attacks a particular group whose origins are different from hers in terms of race/ethnicity/country even though things we use and believe in originate from many different countries.

Loving your posts ma3zi1!!!

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China will not be approving new nuclear power plants for the time being.

中国暂停审批核电项目: http://www.ftchinese.com/story/001037547






Some useful words:

迄今 so far

反应堆 reactor

驱动因素 driving factor

核泄漏 nuclear (radiation) leak

温室气 greenhouse gas

化石燃料 fossil fuel

依赖 depend on

铀矿 uranium ore

核辐射 nuclear radiation

碘 iodine

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I'm not good at these, but I'll throw a few together:

- what's turkey's stance on building nuclear power plants?

- how many of the planned reactors in China are second and how many third generation?

- what are the most sought after terms on the unnamed Chinese site?

Bonus question: Which site is it?

- what are the Beijing pharmacies reporting?

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