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Newspaper Article of the Day


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A lawyer claims that the Dubai World is sinking into the ocean: 迪拜人造世界岛正在逐渐下沉 面临被淹风险




迪拜 Dubai

岛屿 dǎo yǔ * islands

图案 tú àn * design / pattern

每日电讯报 Měi rì Diàn xùn bào * Daily Telegraph (newspaper)

渐 jiàn * gradual / gradually

下沉 xià chén * to sink down

富豪 fù háo * a millionaire

游艇 yóu tǐng * barge / yacht

摩托艇 motorboat

淤积 yū jī * silt / sediment / ooze

代理 dài lǐ * acting (temporarily filling a position) / to act for / a surrogate

棕榈岛 palm-tree island

诉讼 sù sòng * lawsuit

并称 bìng chēng * also claimed that

泥沙 ní shā * silt

腐蚀 fǔ shí * corrosion / to corrode (degrade chemically) / to rot

损毁 sǔn huǐ * damage

炫耀 xuàn yào * to show off one's talent

格陵兰岛 Gé líng lán dǎo * Greenland

纠纷 jiū fēn * a dispute / tangled issue (e.g. legal) / to dispute

模糊 mó hu * vague / indistinct / fuzzy

卫星 wèi xīng * (space) satellite

观光塔 observation tower

运输权 transportation rights

英镑 Yīng bàng * pound sterling

昏迷状态 state of unconsciousness

监测 jiān cè * to monitor

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Re #61, 棕櫚島 (palm island) is not motorboat. Also, 並稱 in the context of the article means 也聲稱 (also claimed that...).

Over here, we ususally call Dubai 杜拜.

In my opinion, the 風險 in the title and "的危險" at the end of the first sentence are not necessary. I think 面臨被淹 is quite sufficient.

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Answers from my last post:

1)What is the meaning of 『比』in the title?

Here,『比』has the more unusual meaning of "to gesture (with one's hands)" (用手勢摹擬動作)

2)What is the English term for 『囊性卵巢症候群』?

Poly-cystic Ovary Syndrome, it is also written 多囊卵巢綜合症, see http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/多囊卵巢綜合症


憂愁不安的樣子 = deeply worried and sick at heart

4)「豁然開朗」has a similar meaning to what other 成語 that contains 『然』?

what came to mind for me was 恍然大悟, but there are many answers of course

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Haha, I do agree that the meaning is stretched.

As far as I was aware, there are two meanings for 「豁然開朗」:



(from my favorite dictionary 中華民國教育部的國語辭典)

I think the usage in the article comes closer to Def#2 than Def#1. And, since the listed synonyms for Def#2 were 茅塞頓開 and 恍然大悟, I figured they were close enough.

Thanks for the link about 桃花源記! I knew 桃花源 meant something like "utopia", but I never realized why until now :P

Btw, nice new avatar!

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I think you'll like this one if you are a pet lover like me:

非洲殺手河馬 男子當寵物養

根据“每日邮报”报导,南非一名农场主人马吕斯.艾尔斯(Marius Els),饲养一头6岁大的河马汉弗莱(Humphrey)当“宠物”。河马被认为是非洲陆上最危险的“杀手”之一,农场主人和“杀手”宠物相处融洽,令人称奇。







1)What is considered one of Africa's most dangerous killer animals?

2)What 成語 are similar in meaning to 『情有獨鍾』?

3)Why is Humphrey all alone now?

4)What does Humphrey's owner want to do to help him out?

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Cute article. Thanks, 馬孜.

1)What is considered one of Africa's most dangerous killer animals?

Hungry hungry hippo.

2)What 成語 are similar in meaning to 『情有獨鍾』?

Stumped me here.

3)Why is Humphrey all alone now?

灰太狼 finally got 喜羊羊. :cry:

4)What does Humphrey's owner want to do to help him out?

Hook him up with a lady friend.

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The VeryCD mystery solved: http://www.infzm.com/content/54949



This has to be the most difficult newspaper article I've ever read. I had to literally reread some paragraphs 6-7 times. Several rows of stacked IT, political, and legal jargon without commas FTW.

Does anyone else find this to be a mouthful?

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Well, I guess that's the end of VeryCD. I suppose, the more prescient among us may have seen it coming...

I agree, it is a bit of mouthful. I'll be honest with you and say that I just skimmed it because it looked like they went into a lot more detail than I cared to absorb. Plus, I think it's written for a very technical audience.

Good pick! B)

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I've just noticed that I've been slacking off (had a guest over the weekend, and lots to do since then). To fix this, here's another one, about the the US-China summit and the reactions in Taiwan.

美国对台湾简报奥巴马胡锦涛峰会: http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/china/2011/01/110125_taiwan_obama_hu_report.shtml




Some more political and military jargon here.

美国在台协会 = American Institute in Taiwan: http://www.ait.org.tw/en/about-us.html

领袖 leader

在野 out-of-power, (political) opposition

民进党 DPP, Taiwanese party

简报 presentation

华府 US government in Washington

峰会 summit meeting

总统 president

马英九 Ma Ying-jeou, the current Taiwanese president

战斗机 fighter plane

潜水艇 submarine

^^^ that was just the first sentence :D

胡锦涛 = Hu Jintao, China's leader

华盛顿 Washington DC

惯例 convention

其意 = his purpose, his goal

化解 dissolve

议题 topic (of discussion)

规格 standard

崛起 sudden rise (of a power)

军售 arms sales

奥胡 Obama and Hu Jintao

汰旧换新 replace old with new

指名 point out specifically

发动 mobilise

松口 to give in, soften one's stance

广泛 extensive

一百余 over 100

架 counting word for 飞机

自由贸易协议 free trade agreement

蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen, DPP chairperson

忧虑 to worry

转述 to pass on a story, to relate

欣慰 to be gratified

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Aw, man. That verycd news hurts. I suppose the guy is right when he says "盗版就是盗版。取缔盗版,一点错都没有," but it was a great source of learning material. I hope verycd continues to be a resource for other random Chinese stuff like games, comics, audiobooks, etc.


That seems like wishful thinking a bit. Without the actual content, douban seems like a better alternative.

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Haha, just as interesting was this comment:


To be fair though, a lot of the stuff on VeryCD can be found on legitimate sites anyway - albeit for streaming rather than download, but that can be solved via other means.

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This report is about the arrangements of Stanley Ho’s money (and he is quite alive) –> 二三房盡分產 夜出訪講數 賭王斥搶劫



A bit of the background – Stanley Ho is a Tycoon well known for his casino business (thus the name 賭王) in Macau and his family of four “wives”.

Q1. What is羅生門? (I have chosen this report because it has this word.)

Q2. What is 控股?

Q3. What do二房 and 三太 mean?

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Re the VeryCD news. I have not used it at all as I don't like BT and downloading etc. But I have watched plenty of TV series and movies online on tudou and youku, etc. A couple of months ago when I tried to watch Trueblood online, tudou and youku gave me the error message that the videos were only available in China. I managed to watch the three seasons on 56.com but even this site has stopped providing such videos recently. I wonder if they are still viewable in Mainland China as said in the error messages (well if so I would have to protest about this as HK is part of China, really).

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This one is about the location of HSBC’s CEO office -> 匯控否認CEO回流倫敦

過去多次重申發展重心「西向東移」的匯豐控股(0005),東征決心明顯體現於行政總裁辦公室自2009 年長駐香港之舉,即使去年9月經歷了高層人事震盪,領導班子新舊交替,匯控仍不改以香港作為行政總裁辦公室據點的決定。然而,英國傳媒昨日報道,上任不足1個月的匯控新任行政總裁歐智華,放棄長駐香港,選擇繼續留守倫敦。匯控昨晚表示,有關集團行政總裁辦公室安排有變的報道失實。




Q1. What does (0005) mean?

Q2. 行政總裁 is the term commonly used in HK for CEO. List other Chinese titles commonly used that mean CEO.

Q3. What does 不諱言 mean? What is 遷冊?

Q4. Comment on “英國的時區對於管理全球業務而言是最有效率的”.

Q5. How true is this statement – “行政總裁辦公室的選址,也同時決定賦稅地點”.

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