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He showed that his car was at the top of the mountain at the time the cop was supposed to have caught him, and that the cop couldn't see him with his radar gun and he actually got someone else coming down the mountain.




He didn't have them in Iraq, and now that he does have them he'd like to use them to their full extent

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The saga of the "Tiger Mother" continues...

虎媽:教養子女 中美平衡

以「虎媽的戰歌」(Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother)引發中美教育理念之爭的蔡美兒(Amy Chua)13日接受本報專訪時表示,由於華爾街日報標題驚人,近日來收到成千上萬封威脅信件,許多人指責她「虐待兒童」和「醜化亞裔」,「他們沒有閱讀全書造成誤解,這令我痛苦和難過,而貫串全書的是我如何改變教養方式。」她說,而且許多指責仍出於不理解華裔家庭的文化背景。

蔡美兒說,丈夫魯賓福(Jed Rubenfeld,音譯)對她的嚴苛式教養作風比較支持,他是美國猶太裔,從小成長環境比較寬鬆,「他倒希望父母對他嚴厲一些,逼他學習外語和樂器。」蔡美兒認為自己的成功歸功於父母嚴加教管,「我父母非常嚴厲,相比之下,我管孩子已經很寬鬆了。」









1) What are the two educational concepts that 蔡美兒 is trying to get across in her book? (according to her)

2) What ethnicity is the Tiger Mother's husband?

3) Although 蔡美兒 merely only threatened to「燒掉動物玩具」, what did she actually do for her daughter with regard to a particular 動物玩具?

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What are the two educational concepts that 蔡美兒 is trying to get across in her book? (according to her)

1. Parents need to let children experience unselfish love. 2. Explore Chinese and Western parenting styles and seek a balance.

What ethnicity is the Tiger Mother's husband?


Although 蔡美兒 merely only threatened to「燒掉動物玩具」, what did she actually do for her daughter with regard to a particular 動物玩具?

The girl knew Mom would not really do that. Actually the toy was lost on an out of town excursion and the Mom drove her all the way back to find it.

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If you like seeing perverts get what they deserve, you'll like this story:

警官偷看人洗澡 佯裝路過被識破






1) In what county of Japan did this story occur?





d. it's a pretty name, don't you think?

2) What classic mistake did the suspect make?

3) 加藤 typically has what primary job responsibilities?

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Why would a woman take a shower/bath in a room with an unshaded window facing the street? Or perhaps 隱約 implies that the window was opaque and the man was only watching shadows on the glass? And what evidence was there apart from the neighbour's allegation?

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Incidentally, that's the only one that's actually a Japanese province.


He went back to the scene of the crime and acted as if he knew nothing, asking "what happened?"


He's a bodyguard for foreign leaders when they come to Japan.

Incidentally, despite skylee's reservations about the veracity of this story, this sort of thing happens way too often in Japan (leading to things like 女性専用車輌).

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This one is from the Hong Kong Economic Times -> 大學生也要補習 每小時400元





Q1. What is 補習? What does it have to do with 風?

Q2. What usual methods of learning are expected to be used by undergrads?

Q3. What types of HK qualifications are mentioned?

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@Glenn, Good answers! Actually, I'm embarrassed to say this but I didn't know the names of any other Japanese provinces... :unsure:

@skylee, I was also a little confused about the usage of 隱約, seems like they meant 隱蔽, what do you think?

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It's cool. I doubt you have much reason to know any. But just offhand, here are a few for you: 茨城県, 青森県, 新潟県, 奈良県, 愛知県, 愛媛県, 徳島県, 山形県, 山梨県, 沖縄県. They're kind of all over the place, but anyway... You may Never need to know that, but if you're ever cornered and asked to name a few off the top of your head, there you go (like that'll ever happen...)! By the way (you may already know this), 県 = 縣.

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@skylee, I was also a little confused about the usage of 隱約, seems like they meant 隱蔽, what do you think?

I think it means 隱約, which is used twice in the report. I wonder how 隱約 it was. If there were just shadows, would that be a crime looking at shadows? Or there were curtains at the window and he peeked through them? I find the case unclear and a bit dubious, as I said in my #49.

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Q1. What is 補習? What does it have to do with 風?

補習 is like 補習班 (the infamous "cram schools" that Taiwan is famous for), and 成風 means 形成時尚風氣, so 「補習成風」means that cramming or supplemental study is becoming fashionable

Q2. What usual methods of learning are expected to be used by undergrads?

Let's see we've got 『自學自主,要吸收不少課外知識,完成專題研習報告、小組討論等』so that means roughly "self-study self-management, absorb extracurricular knowledge, complete research and study reports on special topics, have group discussions, etc..."

Q3. What types of HK qualifications are mentioned?

Hmm... I didn't see anything that I thought was HK specific... any room for clarification here? (Maybe I'm just a dummy :cry: )

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Anyway, here's a new article, hope you like rags-to-riches stories:

头奖彩券放口袋 4天不敢脱裤


今日新闻网引述英国太阳报报导,在得知中奖之后,保罗开始寝食难安,总担心这笔横财会不翼而飞 。他表示,「在起初四天里,每天必须从口袋中拿出彩券20到30次,无时无刻确定它的存在」,且为了万无一失,他更是连续穿同一条牛仔裤长达四天,绝不让彩券有离开身体半步的机会。





3)What was in the man's pocket? How many times a day did he feel the need to touch it? And, why was it so important to touch it?

4)On a more personal note, do you envy this man or are you happy for him?

(Don't go thinking dirty thoughts about Q3 before your read the article ;) )

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睡覺和吃飯都不安心。形容憂慮煩亂的樣子。寝 = to lie down (and sleep), 食 = food (to eat), so it's "hard to eat and difficult to sleep", i.e. anxious and uncomfortable


比喻物品無故遺失。不翼 = without wings, so "to fly away without wings", i.e. to disappear without a trace

3)What was in the man's pocket? How many times a day did he feel the need to touch it? And, why was it so important to touch it?

彩券 (a lotto ticket), get your mind out of the gutter! :P He felt the need to touch it 20 to 30 times a day because it was the winning ticket (for $5.4 million!)

4)On a more personal note, do you envy this man or are you happy for him?

Personally, I'm happy for the guy, he was out of job barely scraping by and then he won the lotto, a bit heart-warming if you ask me ^_^

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Here's an uplifting story for those in a downtrodden mood (including myself):

寶寶在肚裡比YA 逗樂媽咪




露 易絲表示,當看到孩子活潑的動作時,「我們就會笑個不停,因為他似乎在告訴我『別擔心,他很好』」。報導指出,自此露易絲也豁然開朗,以愉快的心情面對懷 孕,並順利產下男嬰。露易絲說,孩子長大後,一定會給他看這張特別的超音波圖,並告訴他「他是如何在肚子裡向我們報平安的」。



1)What is the meaning of 『比』in the title?

2)What is the English term for 『囊性卵巢症候群』?


4)「豁然開朗」has a similar meaning to what other 成語 that contains 『然』?

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