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Newspaper Article of the Day


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Q1. What is羅生門?

It's a Japanese short story by 芥川龍之介, perhaps Glenn has read it before?... sounds like it's not very uplifting, lots of stealing from dead people...

Q2. What is 控股?

That is a "holding company", very popular corporate structure in China these days, mainly due to certain tax breaks you can get by consolidation of large businesses.

Q3. What do 二房 and 三太 mean?

二房 is his second family I think, and 三太 is probably his third wife (who is part of his second family?)

I had a very hard time reading that article, I'm not really used to that writing style I guess.

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Re 羅生門.

In this context it refers to Akira Kurosawa's film, in which different people tell the same story in different ways because of their different perspectives / intentions so it is difficult to tell what the truth is and who is / are lying. This is also how this reference is usually used.

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Yes, I have. I'm a fan of 芥川龍之介, actually. By the way,

(skylee probably already knows this), the setting for 羅生門 the movie was taken from 羅生門 the short story, and the story for 羅生門 the movie was taken from 藪の中 (Yabu no Naka/In a Grove), also by 芥川. 藪の中 has actually become a common noun in Japanese to describe a situation where everyone's stories conflict and the truth is hard to discern. Incidentally, I've seen the 黒澤 film and read both short stories. :D

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A real life encounter with Jaws! :o

大白鯊狠撞 漁船險翻覆





1)What is the meaning of『險』in the title of this article?

2)What is meant by 抓癢? Do shark's even need to do this?

3)What is the guess as to why the shark was behaving this way?

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A short article about an event the reporter accidentally witnessed, and a comment on the loss of values nowadays. I was expecting more juice, but it's just a short story about an accidental hero.

78岁老人摔倒一度无人敢扶 小伙扶起路人作证: http://society.people.com.cn/GB/1062/13807757.html






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Good luck for those who go overboard while celebrating the Chinese New Year.

北京大医院春节不停诊 专家出诊比例不输平日: http://society.people.com.cn/GB/13828472.html



三甲医院 = http://baike.baidu.com/view/1694974.htm

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1)What is the meaning of『險』in the title of this article?

Here,『險』has the adverbially means of "almost, nearly" (幾乎、差一點).

2)What is meant by 抓癢? Do shark's even need to do this?

抓癢 means to "to scratch an itch" (手指在發癢的部位使力來回移動,以減輕發癢症狀), so perhaps the shark was just rubbing up against their boat for a little scratchy-scratchy? Do shark's even get itchy?

3)What is the guess as to why the shark was behaving this way?

According to the article 「可能是漁夫們在事發前曾跳進海裡游泳,引發大白鯊不高興」, "Perhaps if the fisherman had jumped in the water for a swim beforehand this might've have incited the shark to be upset". Do shark's get upset? Or, just hungry?

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A large traffic accident in the Ningxia province.

宁夏西吉县重大交通事故 已11人死亡22人受伤: http://society.people.com.cn/GB/41158/13845016.html

 人民网银川1月29日电 (记者周志忠)记者从宁夏西吉有关部门获悉,1月29日14时许,西吉县红耀乡发生一起重大交通事故,当场死亡9人,另有2人送往医院后因伤势过重抢救无效死亡。目前死亡人数为11人,另有22人不同程度受伤。



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Sorry it's been so long! Here's a good story to make up for my absence of posts on this thread:

iPhone丟了 待垃圾堆找2天


賴特(Rob Wright)買了數月的iPhone 4,日前被女友威爾德丟垃圾時一併丟掉。威爾德發現時,垃圾已被工人運走。原來手機儲存了一家人聖誕時所拍的珍貴照片,所以賴特急著想找回手機,馬上致電相關公司攔截垃圾車,並在工人協助下,在七噸垃圾中不斷尋找。



1)Who threw the phone in the trash?

2)Why did Rob want it back so badly?

3)How did Rob finally find his phone?

4)Would you go to these lengths for your phone?

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1)Who threw the phone in the trash?

His girlfriend.

2)Why did Rob want it back so badly?

The phone had family Christmas photos stored in it.

3)How did Rob finally find his phone?

Garbage workers went through loads of trash to look for it. He dialed his phone number many times and finally heard his phone ringing.

4)Would you go to these lengths for your phone?

Yes, I would for my iPhone. And it was very nice of Rob to reward the worker with a hongbao.

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And you thought driving and texting was dangerous~!

糗…走路打简讯 她掉入喷水池






1)Why did she fall in the fountain?

2)Was she okay, did she get hurt? What happened to her?

3)Have you seen this on YouTube yet?

If not, then you must: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mg11glsBW4Y, How embarrasing~! :oops:

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Q4 - How come the video is on youtube?

Because the world is a beautiful place filled with people who do ugly things?

Because people are mean?

There are countless answers...

I'm one to talk though... I posted it here!

Does that make me an ugly person?...

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1)Why did she fall in the fountain?

She was out shopping and texting at the same time.

2)Was she okay, did she get hurt? What happened to her?

She fell into a fountain and climbed out. A cleaning guy asked if she was ok and she said yes, just wet. Security guys viewing the video of her fall thought it was funny fun.

3)Have you seen this on YouTube yet?

No, not yet, at least not me....

Q4 - How come the video is on youtube?

See answer to question 2. The security guys decided to "share" the video on the internet.

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